disrespect towards metal

i hope for your sake youre no older than 14... maybe people disrespect you because youre an overreacting, tedious, immature brat rather than because of the music you listen to
i hope for your sake youre no older than 14... maybe people disrespect you because youre an overreacting, tedious, immature brat rather than because of the music you listen to

really? i was just saying how metal gets shit on more than any genre (except possibly emo) and that im getting annoyed by how often people are saying shit about it. overreacting? i think ur the one overreacting by calling me a tedious, immature brat for asking if other people get as much shit as i do dumped on me for my music tastes.
While it's definitely the case that most people are unaware of the artistic heights metal is capable of scaling, I can't entirely fault their judgments, as 99% of metal is, and thus most metal listeners are, worthy of such derision. Given the lack of maturity evident in your reaction to such assaults on the quality of your taste, I'd imagine you're one of them.
If people give me shit about my musical tastes I won't go on a rant saying all their music is crap as thats just hypocritical and a waste of my breath. Their views are'nt going to affect me so why should I bother getting irritated at them. They're perfectly welcome to their opinion and if they feel they need to voice them then thats their choice and I find it quite funny and just walk on.
Personally I've gotten almost no flak at all for my musical interests, not from parents, not from friends, or anyone. I guess living in the Northeast helps that.
Luckily my parents aren't religious, so they never gave me shit about that aspect of metal when I was growing up. What I hate is when people say "metal is just screaming and noise" or "metal takes no talent." Anyone who claims this is an idiot. It doesn't bother me that much, because I am 100% certain I am far smarter than ANYONE who claims this.
lol yea my friends allways talk trash about the music i like, theyre like "anybody can scream" and they like all that emo shit.
i dont really get offended by it cus we usually trash each others music.
as for my parents there really nice about it, theyll joke around about it a lot
like my dad will walk in my room and jus start sceamin
i cant stand how everyone thinks that metal is garbage and untalented shit, despite having some of the most talented musicians. Sure i know that growls take a while to get used to and like, but christ. Speaking of christ, i was playing panzerchrist when my mom wasnt home (or so i thought) so i had the door open, and it went

"Let me give you a little inside information about God. God likes to watch. He's a prankster. Think about it. He gives man instincts. He gives you this extraordinary gift, and then what does He do, I swear for His own amusement, his own private, cosmic gag reel, He sets the rules in opposition. It's the goof of all time. Look but don't touch. Touch, but don't taste. Taste, don't swallow. Ahaha. And while you're jumpin' from one foot to the next, what is he doing? He's laughin' His sick, fuckin' ass off. He's a tight-ass. He's a sadist. He's an absentee landlord. Worship that? Never."

she fucking started yelling and scared the shit out of me and kept saying how i am becoming satanic. Just to get on her good side i said i would let her burn the cd, so i gave her a blank cd and she burned it. I keep telling my parents im atheist, but they think i just am trying to piss them off, even though the numerous fights we got into they bring up how i should pray to god and apologize for disrespecting the commandments, and i have said fuck god plenty of times...

Back to the disrespect though, people that know i like metal keep saying to never EVER let a girl know that, and im thinking if she judges me by the music i listen to she can go suck my dick (if shes hot). Everyone just judges me as being an angry person due to me liking metal. I have met three people that like "metal" one just likes CoF and CoB and didnt look any further, the other two like gorgoroth and stuff like that but dont go very deep into the genre (both are outspoken CoF fans) i'll admit i like some CoF but dani's balls need to drop. One of them is the only one who likes what i listen to. Everyone else starts bitching despite it being my car. Does metal make me angry? no, but disrespect to me and the genre does.

im just wondering if any of you guys (and girls) have the same problem and how you deal with it.
You reminf me a lot of me and my situation, except it's not my Mom who gets defeensive about my lack of belief but my Dad, and yeah I get in arguments every once in a while too. I haven't met anyone here into death/black metal yet but maybe I will though itll be har sto find them most likely.
People disrespect Metal just because of the way metal fans are, and just because what some bands says in their lyrics
(though, many other kind music has horrible lyrics as well).
They dont need to be Christians to notice that. I dont know why the attacks goes to Christians and God and Jesus... any moral person can notice this.

And by the way, certainly kind of metal IS totally satanic.
So they are right anyway.

I, myself, as a huge fan of metal, consider what some-people here writes:: a total shit. Some metal fans are totally a shame for everybody.
And you can be angry, but to be angry doesnt mean you *have* to be that way XD

I wonder why metal fan has to be so offensive and obscene. For sure you will attack saying "That´s the way a a metal fan is, you fucking bloody bastard. Eat your bloody skin asshole".!!!!!!!That the way a metal fan is indeed.

For sure metal will be ever disrespected! XD Forever and ever.
I must say so, unfortunately.

I know, I am risking my neck, because I am pretty sure I´ll be attacked, offended, and killed, cutting my head off, for saying this, but::::*you are asking WHY::: this is the answer

It´s the truth and someone has to says it.
I like metal for the musical content, I don't care much for lyrical content unless i'm listening to Funeral, Celtic Frost, Agalloch, Anathema...stuff that's deep and atmospheric (or a concept album). If the music busts my gut and kicks my ass all the way to kingdom come, then I don't care if the music is satanic and talks about slitting God's throat. Besides, i'm very much comfortable in my beliefs, so I don't let satanic-based metal get to me, unlike Blue Jay here.

And, on one final note...

people that know i like metal keep saying to never EVER let a girl know that, and im thinking if she judges me by the music i listen to she can go suck my dick (if shes hot).

Thats just how it is. Most girls dont like metal.

Granted, I wear metal shirts most days, but I also wear nice clothes.

I had the same attitude as you at one point. I thought "If she's going to judge me for my clothes and music, she's not worth it." I had a lot to learn.:lol: