Do you consider Slipknot to be Metal?

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Anyone here read Choosing Death? Some guys in old death metal bands (Morbid Angel and another I believe) were saying that Slipknot are "totally a death metal band." And one of the guys in Slipknot (the guitarist, I think) has an Immolation tatoo on his shoulder. There was even a picture of the tatoo in the book. But just because the Slipknot guitarist likes Immolation doesn't make Slipknot death metal.
Anyone here read Choosing Death? Some guys in old death metal bands (Morbid Angel and another I believe) were saying that Slipknot are "totally a death metal band." And one of the guys in Slipknot (the guitarist, I think) has an Immolation tatoo on his shoulder. There was even a picture of the tatoo in the book. But just because the Slipknot guitarist likes Immolation doesn't make Slipknot death metal.

Yeah one of them has the Dawn of Possession cover inked on him. This is one of those tendencies among some bands that seems to cloud peoples' perceptions of them: professing their love for a certain band or style of music that isn't necessarily reflected very strongly in their music. Even though it's probably sincere, it often comes across as more of a desperate plea for credibility and respect from certain people, kind of like when Trivium was saying "we're the real deal". It works the other way too. Isis has always been (at least loosely) associated with metal and probably will continue to be more or less, but they don't want to be linked with "that scene", which is partially why they chose to sign with Ipecac (They were offered a deal with a more "metal" label that I can't recall by name right now. Relapse maybe?). It's all about the discrepancy between a band's desired perception versus their actual perception by the public.
i dont get why they have so many members, it must work like a circus where the more freaks there are the more people come to see them, most fans just babble on about how cool they look and its like when britany spears first came out i know a lot of the customers were little kids just starting puberty and they just liked the thought of how hot she was. hence why they are popular

*im in an altered state of mind sorry if this post sucks

i have to admit they dont sound too bad when ur stoned
Slipknot being metal or non-metal has nothing to do with their songs being good or bad. You seem to be offended that people are saying Slipknot isn't metal - why is this? We're not saying their songs are bad, just they don't fit with our definitions. You're clear in stating that they are metal but you've said nothing about what makes them metal. On the other hand, thisisformicable and I have given solid reasons why they are not, which to my mind have yet to be refuted.

Did I stated that slipknot is metal because they are good? I can't really remember implying that? :u-huh:
I'm not really offended by it, I just think it's bizarre that ppl think they are not metal just because a bunch of 13 year olds listen to them.
Check my second paragraph again. I didn't really feel like saying anything else cuz it's already been said by others. there are conservative and liberal metalheads...

I wonder if there was a core minority of hippies in the '60s who didn't believe Hendrix was rock n roll...
Thats the stupidest classification I ever read.

I was joking,

Anyone here read Choosing Death? Some guys in old death metal bands (Morbid Angel and another I believe) were saying that Slipknot are "totally a death metal band." And one of the guys in Slipknot (the guitarist, I think) has an Immolation tatoo on his shoulder. There was even a picture of the tatoo in the book. But just because the Slipknot guitarist likes Immolation doesn't make Slipknot death metal.

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