I was told this is the reason I must listen to metal( aforementioned thread title)- by one of my master's school classmates this weekend. She told me, that people that listen to metal( we were mostly arguing over Led Zeppelin- as this is one of the few heavy bands she has heard- and it was playing in the background ) , have problems with aggression, violence, and emotion. She further stated that such music does not send the right message- and thus she finds no value in it.
I am familiar with such idealistic types, but I was even more shocked when almost everyone else at the party agreed with her- and thought the metal was somehow related to some aggression I have. My argument to her, was that metal is very diverse, and was full of musical innovation;this argument fell onto deaf ears- as she prefers simple happy music with a positive message( see, Black Eyed Peas, The Jayhwaks, the fucking GIn Blossoms, Beatles etc- these are the bands she listens to) Anyway, I do find I somewhat agree with her, I do listen to metal when I am angry, and when I lift weights. Yet, I am surprised by this idealistic position of hers- and others. Does anyone else have similar experiences- and know people like this?
I am familiar with such idealistic types, but I was even more shocked when almost everyone else at the party agreed with her- and thought the metal was somehow related to some aggression I have. My argument to her, was that metal is very diverse, and was full of musical innovation;this argument fell onto deaf ears- as she prefers simple happy music with a positive message( see, Black Eyed Peas, The Jayhwaks, the fucking GIn Blossoms, Beatles etc- these are the bands she listens to) Anyway, I do find I somewhat agree with her, I do listen to metal when I am angry, and when I lift weights. Yet, I am surprised by this idealistic position of hers- and others. Does anyone else have similar experiences- and know people like this?