Does National Socialism have any truth or relevance to it?


Sep 9, 2006
Does National Socialism have any truth or relevance to it? I was wondering what everyone thought, I'm inspired to make this thread because of my PM's discussing NS with a friend who has gone back to his NS ways. Basically he has told me things such as "if the white race died out the world would be a worse place, white people are responsible for 99 % of the world's inventions", "White people need to unite together as multicultural societies never work and always end in a powderkeg waiting to explode, segregation is the answer", and "NS doesn't have to be about hating other races, there were plenty of other NS societies who cooperated fine with NS societies of different races".
I think NS is stupid and outdated but I'm interested in what everyone thinks, the claims my friend made seem a bit outrageous, and I will include excerpts of the PM's between me and him below providing they will all fit.
Excerpt 1
What do you believe about NS anyways? A supreme white race, racism, or just being proud of your heritage?

All of those things, and much more - though it's going to help if I define how I view those terms right off...

White supremacy - all this means is the White race ruling supreme wherever they live and set up societies. Somehow this phrase ended up with a bad connotation and is taken to mean the desire to hate and commit acts of genocide against other races, which can't possibly make sense according to the words used in the phrase itself. All White Supremacy means is that Whites should be the rulers of their own communities and masters over their own destinies, which any race should be. Every group, be it of animals or insects or humans, certainly should decide their own fate - otherwise, if outsiders do the deciding, they can't be expected to do what's in the best interest of the group they rule over.

Racism - all this means is being focused on race, especially on one's own. How this got the connotation of "racial hatred" is nonsensical - just a product of media bullshittery. Sure, plenty of racists out there really do hate other races, but plenty also do not, and they only want what's best for their own people. All racism means is acting in the best interests of one's own race - again, much like different kinds of animals do in the wild. Certainly, Whites have the right to think in such manners, especially if we are expected to be accepting and tolerant of other races doing the same thing.

Of course, pride in my White heritage is self-explanatory. But bear in mind, it doesn't mean false or misplaced pride - no National Socialist would assume that the White race (or any ethnicity therein) is free from error; people make the assumption that we NS think the White race is perfect or incapable of doing wrong. Not so - the very existence of philosophies like National Socialism is meant to help Whites correct errors and stay on a good track, not to puff ourselves up with phony ideas about our people. We don't take credit for the noble accomplishments of our ancestors, even though we realize the collective list of achievements and innovations of our people indicates that each and every White individual today posses the same potential to be at least as great as our forebears, if not more so.

National Socialism itself, today, teaches all these things and more. Nazism is about improvement and progress, both on a racial level for all Whites (not just Germans, as it was in the days of its ascendancy) and on an individual level. It is a unifying ideology, meant to inspire all Whites to unite together as a single race of like-minded individuals, to preserve our genetic purity (since that is the only way to ensure that the things that Whites have done will have the chance of happening again), and to positively motivate ourselves back down the road of progress and away from the mental and physical ruin into which we're slipping as a race.

I could go on further, and will be happy to elaborate on anything you want to know more of, but I'll link you to a website I put up to explain my take on National Socialism; you may have to scroll down a bit (damn Yahoo) but there is a link at the bottom that leads to websites I have found informative and helpful in further clarifying the matter. I do try to update it, and indicate the date I last did at the bottom of each page: My Nazi Page.
Excerpt 2
I'm glad you linked me to the things about NS, it was interesting and cleared some things up but I still don't like the idea of it. I don't like the idea of a certain race being the leaders/in charge

Why not? What's wrong with a single race being "in charge"? Such societies display themselves to be smoother and less prone to racial strife than multi-racial ones. If each race maintains their own living-space, free from the control or oppression of other peoples, then there simply will be no problems with racial issues.

Contrast that to today's climate, where racial tensions are high in multicultural communities. I came from one such community, and melting pot with different peoples who have different natural wants and needs only turns into a powderkeg waiting to explode.

After the past 50 years in American society (to say nothing of historical examples of multi-racial societies), one thing is evident - by and large, the races don't get along and will not get along no matter how much we may want to change that. Like with a married couple who fights all the time no matter what is done to fix the situation, the only rational solution is separation. Keep the parties apart and let them run their lives free of each other's influence - that's the only sane, and humane, solution.

Multiracial societies just don't work.

or the idea of anti-race mixing, there's nothing wrong with dating, marrying, or having kids, with someone who isn't white.

I oppose race-mixing for a very simple reason; as I explained on my web page, Whites have many natural psychological predispositions and are prone to doing things a certain way. Every species of living beings are like this. If White folks mix with non-Whites (ie, humans who have altogether different psychological profiles and different predispositions and behaviors), the resulting offspring will not possess what the White parent did - or even what the non-White parent did. It will be a halfway mix of both, superior to the inferior parent but inferior to the superior one, if you follow me. Capable of more than the inferior parent, overall, but not as capable as the superior parent.

In other words, the resulting mixed-race child can't be expected to do as well on average as the average pure-blooded White, much the same as a half-labrador/half-german shepherd can't be as capable as either of its parents in regards to the specific tasks its parents are suited for. For the White race, such a thing is a loss, because we cannot expect non-Whites to produce the civilizations nor create and innovate on the same scale that Whites have historically shown themselves to do. Consequentially, the potential that the White race has will diminish a little.

On the other hand, if all races maintain racial purity, this (among other factors) will contribute to a better evolution for all races. The White race, for example, didn't become what it was for no good reason - it evolved to accomplish the things it did. One of the factors that affected it was the natural habit of White folks (like all races) to procreate only with fellow Whites - this kept the procreation within the boundaries of Nature, within the race, and hence the White race evolved to become what it is now.

Without maintaining racial purity, we'll never evolve further along, as is natural for us. We will introduce alien genetic elements into our race that will alter how it evolves - and observing the sorts of cultures and societies that most non-Whites create, that's a dangerous thing. Also, no non-White race will evolve to become what it is "destined" to become either if it does not maintain racial purity.

If the White race managed to ascend to the heights of creative and innovative ability over the centuries while at the same time remaining racially pure, it stands to reason that, given enough time, all other races can evolve to become highly-creative culture builders as well. Oriental races, like the Japanese, are fine examples of this; Japan is well known for emphasizing racial loyalty and discouraging race-mixing, even with other Oriental peoples, and look at how capable the Japanese people are. The Japanese know that if they allow themselves to mix with non-Japanese, it will dilute and thin out the Japanese blood and if that goes, that which the Japanese naturally create and maintain as a people will perish with it.

Same goes for us Whites - and everyone else.

I don't like the idea that the white man invented most everything important and that without the white race humanity would slip, people did it, not one race.

Like it or not, it's true. Facts aren't more or less true because we find them hard to accept. I even tried to convince myself of this, time and again, when I ditched my NS - no matter how much social propaganda I listened to, nothing could dethrone that truth from my heart.

Everything we take for granted today we have courtesy of our race. Take our discussion via computer, for example. We use electricity - discovered by Whites. We converse in English - a White-invented and developed language. We type on a plastic keyboard - plastic was developed by Whites. We sit in buildings the architecture of which was developed by Whites, based on older forms of White architecture. We wear clothes that were manufactured with methods developed by Whites (even though they probably come from China, lol). The chairs we sit in, if we're using fancy computer chairs, were developed by Whites - and most forms of chair architecture in use today were White-invented and developed.

Let's go outside; we walk on sidewalks, the concept of which came from Whites. Our cars - more White inventions, powered and furnished with still more White inventions, such as radios or cigarette lighters or so on. We drive on paved roads, which are also a White invention. We use gas and oil in them, both developed by Whites from the crude in the ground. The batteries that provide electrical power were also invented and developed by Whites. The tires the cars ride on - also White inventions. Turn on the radio and hear music - either White-invented (such as classical or country) or owing its invention and development in most part to White-invented and established musical theories and technology. Even rap music wouldn't have been possible without White-invented and developed technology to make it work.

Our jobs are at White-invented and developed companies, in White-invented and developed fields. We use White-invented and developed tools, from microscopes to eyeglasses to medical equipment to construction tools - everything with its roots in one or more naturally innovative White minds.

I could go on, but my fingers would fall off long before I finished. My point is that, without Whites like I said, we would have nothing that we know of and take for granted today. It still boggles my mind to think about it and to consider the legions of things in this world that we owe solely to the naturally creative genius of the White race.

Sure, other races came to many of the same conclusions we Whites did. To different degrees, however, all according to the people in question. On rare occasion, another race even got one up on us, such as the Chinese discovery of gunpowder, which predates the White discovery of it, or the Arabic invention of the Arabic Numeral system. However, these exceptions aside, the White race can be credited with pretty much 99.99% of all the world's known facts and technological advances, all of which we take for granted and none of which are credited to our race as discoveries of our race.

Our own awesome potential is overlooked on a daily basis, and because of this, untold positive inspiration our people so desperately need is lost.

So are you for segregation?

Like I said, absolutely! It's the only way we can live in peace, and the only way the races have a chance at naturally evolving as nature intended, to be all they can be.

But on a global scale, not a local one. We should not have interracial societies, as that just leads to the racial problems we have today. Only through separation will we have peace.

I also don't like the idea of all the race unification of Whites coming together, race should be a very little if any type of factor to the future, it should be about individuals working for a better life, no race or racism involved.

Why are you against Whites being united as a race? Don't listen to the social propaganda that we're all forced to listen to that tells us that Whites are naturally hateful and violent. The only way we Whites will truly motivate ourselves as a community of similar beings is to unite along racial lines.

We see the effects of racial unity amongst various races. Blacks, for example, have groups like the Black Panthers who, despite the clashes we Whites have had with them, also try to do positive things for the black communities in America. They, like NS and other White Nationalists, take a very real and unchangeable thing, race, and show it to their fellows as the catalyst they should use to get together, put quarrels behind them, and unite for a better future. Give me a dozen clean, respectable Black Panthers anyday over a hundred slovenly urban thugs who only live for themselves and their base pleasures - give me a dozen clean, respectable White Nationalists (NS or otherwise, though NS achieves this much faster) over a bunch of pleasure-obsessed wage-slaves who only live to make more money and have nothing of real value in their lives.

Time and again, race proves to be the best personal and community-based motivator for humans. Race is the one thing we can't change; we can change our religion, our political party, our country of residence, but our race is unchangeable. Hence, it is the one thing we must not lose sight of.

But that goes for all races, black people thinking they have a monopoly on the word nigga is racist as is whites having the word cracker attached, basically people should stop getting so upset over words.

Again, these problems would vanish in racially-homogeneous societies. They simply would not exist where only one race populates the area and runs the show. No interracial communities - no interracial strife.

But that's just what I think, I'm pretty much pro-multiculturalism for the most part and also have no problem with illegal Mexican immigrants coming to America.

You would have a huge problem if you understood the crime and problems they bring.

Mexicans should stay in Mexico - running away from their problems down there in order to become problems to the US doesn't solve anything. Especially given the fact that, usually, it's the better Mexicans who stay behind and the baser ones who sneak across the border. I work hard and I don't have tax money to waste on social welfare programs to feed the next family of a dozen Mexicans who come here, needing free health care and job placement, and no White American should be expected to support them. It's wrong and it's not fixing the problems in Mexico or over here.

Having lived in communities where lots of illegal aliens live, I can tell you it's a bad problem. Especially as Mexican youth are more and more imitating black thug culture, it becomes a bigger issue. Instead of coming here and working hard, they leech off the system, destroy the neighborhoods they move into, and increase the crime rates.

But I'm sure we have different opinions on the issue of race, I'm curious to see your reaction, I have no hard feelings toward you about it. smile.gif

That's cool - the same goes to you smile.gif

I do admit, I'm a little dismayed at some of the things I've read, but hopefully future talks will give me a chance to better explain the National Socialist position on these issues, and the disposition of the White Nationalist movement overall.

I look forward to your opinion on my analysis of NS, there's certainly most likely things I have misunderstood in my interpretation of it.

Well, you're new to NS - I don't suppose you've actually had an NS friend, IRL or online, to talk to about it. Believe me, there's a LOT to explain and clarify, and I hardly think I can do it justice with a single PM - or maybe even a dozen. But I'll try nonetheless smile.gif

I encourage you to check out my website and check out the links page also - there are a lot of informative websites out there that address one or more issues I as a National Socialist believe in. I will try to explain and answer as best I can smile.gif
The Final Excerpt, Excerpt 3

Thanks for explaining your thoughts and positions on NSBM. I have a couple racist metal friends I met off forums but I'm not quite sure if they're NS or not, they certainly seem like it though. Some of the NS people who I've seen on forums have been assholes, they dislike anyone who disagrees with them them about their beliefs. I always assumed it was just a stupid racist philosophy that had no relevance on real life, no offense.

National Socialism is very appealing to Whites who begin to think in a pro-White racialist mindset. There's a very good reason for it - National Socialism is a very healthy philosophy that is naturally appealing to folks who care about racial issues or care about even personal improvement from a racialist perspective. Classic National Socialism requires very little updating to be made relevant for today's Whites - or any race.

None taken; I once thought like you, that Nazism was just nonsense that was outdated and had no modern relevance.

My curiosity and my desire to learn and not settle for canned answers, coupled with the racial truths I knew I could not deny about society, caused me to dig deeper and try walking a mile in their shoes (or jackboots? lol). My perspective was never the same since.

But don't dismiss all NS because of a few assholes. Sure, they ought to know better - if they were truly following National Socialism, they'd be constantly mindful of their image and the reflection they cast on the pro-White movement as well as on National Socialism. NS is about constant self-improvement and a noble, strong, natural image (among other things, of course) - the ones who just think it's a bunch of cool racist symbols to use to vent their frustrations and hatreds are missing the boat, entirely.

Nazism covers a broad range of topics and issues that are pertinent to modern people. It's not just about racial loyalty and purity, but it's also about personal health and improvement, about building a strong cultural foundation in society, about identifying all things that threaten both the health and well-being of individuals as well as that of society and phasing out or altogether eliminating those threats. As such, National Socialism is applicable to many areas, not just racial ones - religion, science, environmentalism, civil and constitutional rights and theory, politics in general, mental and physical health, individual happiness and fulfillment. The original National Socialists in Germany accomplished much in a very short time to the benefit of the German people, from employment programs that helped to end the Depression in Germany to environmental programs that brought new awareness to the need to maintain a clean environment. It was no wonder that Nazi Germany was out of the Depression while the United States and Great Britain, for example, still were mired in national unemployment and financial disaster.

If National Socialism were honestly re-adopted, Germany would sky-rocket to the top of the world. The same goes for any country that employs its positive and self-renewing philosophy. Even non-Whites would do very well to adopt either it or a form of it; granted, different races have different psychological predispositions and therefore have ultimately different natural values structures, the basic truths of National Socialism would benefit any people who honestly adopted them. As I've mentioned, the Black Panthers owe much of their basic organizational theory and racial unity approach to that which was already carved in stone by the Nazis, and there is a Japanese NS party that basically advocates the same things that I've already mentioned the Japanese people believe in - Japan for the Japanese, and a motivated and progressive Japanese people.

You ask me not wanting Mexicans, saying they should all stay in Mexico, and isn't that like me saying my Polish ancestors should have never came to America? Good question, but there are many differences. I'll explain...

When the first waves of Polish immigrants came to America, they took a different approach to that of many Mexican immigrants today. Polish immigrants took the time to learn English, to learn and adopt American cultural customs, to not just grab up the first jobs they could, but oftentimes (predominantly so, in most cases) to start their own businesses within their own communities and support themselves. They didn't have it easy, but they did the best they could - and they didn't resort to criminal behavior nor place an undue burden on the American social welfare system (and therefore, the American taxpayers). The Polish immigrants were, as most are today, self-sufficient people.

Then again, as I've said before and will maintain to my grave, it's because the Polish are White. They have the same natural White predispositions as any other White ethnicity, and as such have the same basic desires, values, and culture-building potential. It's to be expected of them that, so long as they motivate themselves properly, they will build strong, safe, pleasant and progressive communities. They contributed mightily to the American nation, and didn't expect the American nation to conform to them, to learn Polish for their benefit, or to kowtow to them in any way.

Mexican immigrants are, sadly, far behind the mark on this. Most Mexican communities in the US are dirty and dangerous, slums full of crime that place heavy burdens on the American social welfare system, the police, and the health care system (after all, someone has to patch them up). The vast majority of them simply do not take care of themselves or the communities they live in. Older Mexicans are more likely to be more peaceable, but even then they are rarely self-sufficient, grabbing up jobs that could go to needy Whites, and then not giving up those jobs to move on to something better. Couple that to the fact they will work longer and for less than Whites will, and greedy businesses (who naturally only think of their wallets) are keen on hiring them, legal or illegal. Younger Mexicans aren't half as motivated as the previous generation, and imitate black thug culture, massing together in gangs and fighting stupid street wars for the hell of it, running drugs, or living off the ill gains of petty crime. Why else do you think Mexican communities (or all Hispanic ones, for that matter) are such unsafe and dangerous places?

Hint: it's not evil Whitey keeping them down. Whitey's afraid to go into the barrios. Whitey's laws are ignored by Mestizo thugs. It's not Whitey's fault at all.

There are a lot of people who are concerned with the illegal alien threat, not just us Nazi nutjobs:

Federation for American Immigration Reform
US Border Control blog

As you can see, it's a hot-button issue. Illegal immigration causes far more problems than it solves, and as such we Americans have a duty to oppose it. Only a sick society allows parasites to feed off it.

America may be doomed anyway, but I for one would rather go down fighting than meekly submit to it.

About segregation - segregation is the most natural, and humane, solution to warring parties. Like the matter of divorce; if a couple can't get along and fight like all hell despite all the efforts made to resolve the marriage, the only rational solution is to let them separate and stay apart. Or in regards to crime; no one would claim that murderers and rapists should not be kept away from society, since they don't want to get along with the peaceable people that otherwise populate it. The only sane solution is to keep the parties separate.

Why people find this so hypocritical and "wrong" when applied to racial matters is just insane. But I think I understand at least part of the reason; more on that later...

I think blacks and Mexicans get stereotyped too badly over what some of them do, the hood people, niggas if you will, it's not to say they're mostly worthless people, blacks tend to be better athletes than whites, Asians tend to do better in school than everyone, most of it seems to be stereotyping but maybe I'm probably being biased myself because I really don't want to believe the white race is responsible for most everything.

Funny thing about stereotypes - they usually have some factual basic. The group being stereotyped generally exhibits behavior that warrants a stereotype to begin with. Even if there are some exceptions to the rule, the exceptions only help to reinforce that the general rule applies to the majority of cases.

For example, we assume that Italians love wine. The reason is because wine-making is a long-cherished and staple part of Italian culture. Italians, since pre-Roman times, have enjoyed making and drinking wine of various kinds. Hence, they as a people are generally big into wine. It's a stereotype - but it's accurate.

Or the White trash types who hang Rebel flags for curtains in their beaten-up trailers - they are stereotyped as being generally ignorant and crude. Well, just take a trip to any trailer park to observe for yourself why that stereotype exists. It wasn't just made up out of thin air.

The same is true for the problem of violence in black and Hispanic communities. They have the reputation of violent behavior because that is what their communities are like. They're generally unsafe and dangerous, oftentimes even for the police. Black and Hispanic youth music glorifies thug behavior - murder, theft, drug use, even rape are all sung highly of in "gangsta" rap music, which is highly popular with both young black and hispanic kids.

Or if the numbers are more convincing to you than my mere words, have a look for yourself. They don't lie.

National Socialism won't ever be a wholly carved-in-stone truth, as it will need to adapt and evolve to cover new issues or disregard obsolete ones. However, it remains the most powerful philosophy of racial and personal improvement that exists, both from the aesthetics and the trimmings to the meat-and-potatoes of its basic ideology. Don't be so quick to give up on it wink.gif

Besides, everyone has propaganda, from Nazis to religions to bands to soap companies. All that matters is whose propaganda is right.

Nokturnal Mortum did used to have something along the lines of "100 or so reasons why black people are bad", but since it appears that their old website is down, I can't check into it.

But I do know the list you speak of - it's called "Whites and Blacks - 100 Facts (and One Lie)" - Nokturnal Mortum only copied it from another source. The facts are all accurate and I encourage you to check them out. Don't just take my word for it - the facts about race and society will bear out with enough examination.

I don't like the idea of a single race coming together because it brings about too much emphasis on race rather than emphasis ont he individual's work, not to mention when most people think of White Pride they think of racism.

The thing is, races are the womb of individuals. It's easy to look at a great achiever and dismiss his race, but the facts are, without his or her race and without the millions of years of evolution that helped to produce individuals with certain talents and skills that can be naturally attributed to race, there would be no individuals to speak of. Race creates individuals, not the other way around - race is not a social construct but a biological fact.

Pomeranians are better mousers than German Shepherds, who are better guard dogs than Welsh Corgis, who are better herding dogs than either. They are all dogs, of the same general species of life-forms, but all very different and unique, with their own natural talents and predispositions. However, if they were all bred into one generic mutt, that mutt would not be as good a mouser as a Pomeranian, nor as good a protector as a German Shepherd, nor as good a herder as a Welsh Corgi. At best, it would be mediocre at all three skills (with a few exceptions, of course) and especially apt at none. It may be a nice dog, and doubtless would make a good pet, but that's all that could be expected of it - and if you talk to dog breeders, they will verify this. Mixed breeds are not as capable as their parents and simply cannot be.

That is true for people as well, and a crime against reason to claim that people shouldn't be as mindful of human racial truths as they are of canine racial truths. We're truly an insane people if we care more about the breed of our dogs and our horses than of our children.

See what I mean?

Black Pride, White Pride, Asian Pride, whatever it is, should stop, all races are guilty of doing it, and the issue of race should really go on the backburner in society.

Again, why? As I said, race is the cauldron of individuals, and the one thing we cannot change. We can change religions, nationalities, favorite bands, and so on - but race is set on stone, carved in our DNA as it were, and an unalterable fact of existence. It therefore remains the easiest and best way to get a people to motivate themselves and achieve good things as a society.

More non-Whites should think along these lines, not less - so should more Whites. We will never get humanity in order if we don't get its individual branches in order, nor if we interbreed all of them willy-nilly to create one generic mutt race that is ok at being human but not good for anything unique or special or lasting or truly beneficial.

I'm not saying people shouldn't have the right to say what they want concerning Ns and everything, to me everyone has the right to say they want no matter how idiotic their beliefs are, and no I'm not taking a jab at you then, it's just what I think. smile.gif

I understand - I didn't assume you to be kindly predisposed to NS right off the bat. Most folks aren't; it's like the heretic brand of the 21st century.

But heretics have been rehabilitated - so can Nazis and Nazism. Hopefully, I can help do that, at least between us smile.gif

All societies have problems, and of course a multicultural society will have problems, but maybe it's because people in the societies are being too prejudice, too racist, to really accept their neighbors.

And for interracial relationships, still the maintainment of the white race is a very racist idea and most people who attempted to have a relationship with a person from a different race and wasn't accepted by their family would be very offended, it seems inhumane to do that and should be a thing of the past. But once again, I admit I'm biased over this for 2 reasons, and probbaly more.
1. My best friend is a black man, he is a great person, no different than I in terms of superiority or anything like that, he also prefers to date white girls, I see no problem with it, it would be a shame if he found a girl he really liked and the family wouldn't accept him for who he was, that would be downright inhumane all int he name of keeping racial purity, it's not worth it when you end up hurting people in the end.
2. I myself prefer non-white girls over whites, especially Asians, but also darker-skinned women like Indians, Hispanics, and Blacks. I can't be sure why I do, I just feel more attracted to them than what I refer to as just "plain white girls" but I see my biases and I may in fact be racist on that matter. Do you think this is a result of my culture or heredity as well? And of course I would hate for a family to not accept me for being white, I'd be very upset if my family wouldn't accept someone I was. Of course my exotic tastes in women may be one of the reasons I don't have a girlfriend now nor have I ever. lol

But what if one race of neighbors insists on behavior that is unacceptable to the other neighbors?

That's the crux of the current multiracial problem in the world. As you saw in my link above to racial crime statistics, different races commit more crimes than others. When you have one group of people making trouble for another group, you can't expect the victimized group to like it or to ignore it or to want to get along with the troublemakers. They most certainly have no obligation to.

As for racial hatred, there's plenty of it in society - just aimed at Whites. Any non-White comedian, for example, can crack all the jokes he or she likes at the expense of Whites, but you and I both know that the moment a White comic wants to make the same joke, that person is as good as a pariah. Non-Whites, usually blacks, can bash Whites in their music all they like, but Whites can't even say anything positive about their race and culture without being demonized as hate-mongers. It's a double-standard, and the only fault Whites have in the matter is that we've let it go on as long as we have.

I mentioned I think I understand a key problem behind White reluctance to talk about racial matters or accept racial truths these days, and I think it's simply because we're a naturally nice people - and racism is taught to be a mean thing. We're taught that Whites have done all sorts of bad things to non-Whites over the course of history (conveniently leaving out anti-White racism, naturally) and that to think in a pro-White racist fashion means you are being hateful towards other humans for the sake of their racial differences. We're taught to believe that racism is mean, rude, unkind, and unacceptable. Whites, who have a history of glorifying the concept of generosity and hospitality from Pagan times right on through the Xian era to modern times, are naturally put off by things that seem rude or uncivilized, hence we are successfully brainwashed to be color-blind, to oppose any racial thought, and to even feel guilt for being White (despite all the wonders we've introduced into the world).

Our natural predisposition towards kindliness and nice behavior is being used against us. You and I and most all White folks naturally respect kindness and decry rudeness, hence when racism is depicted as this mean and nasty concept we Whites naturally feel as if it's wrong. The matter is certainly muddled if we have non-White friends, because again we're taught to think that racism or any pro-White thought means you hate other races, which is simply not true. I myself have non-White friends back home, and I firmly believe that Whites can interact with other races (provided those other races behave in a respectable manners worthy of our interaction) - the Japanese are again a fine example. And even Nazi Germany has track record of interracial cooperation that may surprise you, as this website can tell.

But closing our eyes to racial matters has only succeeded in getting us into the mess we're in right now, so clearly it's not racism that's wrong, but anti-racism. Yet one more piece of social propaganda that we Whites ignore at our peril.

I hope I didn't upset or offend you in my views, I just find NS to be a stupid out of date philosophy that still seems to have no relevance in the real world, but that's just my take on it.

You didn't offend me, but I am dismayed at what I read. Nonetheless, I hope I can at least explain myself coherently and clear up how "wicked racists" like me think smile.gif

About LaVeyan Satanism, yes those mods on these messageboards are elitists, so quick to ban people not associated with the CoS, maybe it's best I just have some views associated with it and am not blindly belieivng in it.

That is best - the CoS can be the biggest bunch of assholes this side of a ghetto, and in truth, 39 years of Satanism hasn't done diddly squat to improve society, even in its heyday. That is telling enough.

I think I'm getting into Taake and Trelldom, I like what I heard from both those bands, what would you recommend?

Taake is very traditional, and minimalist if I recall rightly. Hence, very good. I've heard of Trelldom, but not heard them, so I can't comment.

If I upset you with my opinions I apologize for it, I hope you dont take some of the things I say the wrong way and to heart. smile.gif
But I've explained my biases and admit I may be wrong and am interested in learning more about your views.

No apology necessary - I've been told worse things by worse people wink.gif

Sure, I disagree passionately, but I like to think I have a good message to convey here, and I want to do my best to convey it.

Well, don't be shy with those questions - ask away and I'll be glad to try and explain smile.gif

Do I think most Whites, and most people, are inherently racist? To some degree, yes - but going by my definition of "racism", that is, thinking along racial lines and having a basic desire to remain loyal to one's own race, not having a natural desire to hate other races. For the most part, all people are naturally like this. Virtually every society recorded in history, White or otherwise, has displayed racism of that sort after contact with alien races. Just like most breeds of animals naturally want to stick with their own kind, at least for reproductive purposes, most humans are just the same. It's all a part of being part of nature. It's just all the more important for humans, since animals generally have no culture, and the best human cultures are those with strong mono-racial roots and development, preferably of an exclusive nature.

I hope I've done a fair enough job of explaining some of my views. Again, if I can clarify anything else for you, just let me know. And don't just take my word for it - there's a lot here to explore and verify for yourself, so don't just take my word on anything. Truth will win out under the worst scrutiny, and the Swastika isn't still flying today for no good reason
Your friend sounds fucking stupid. Race is an arbitrary concept, so focusing on race is inherently nonsensical for anything more than shits and giggles.
Am I supposed to be able to tell which of the above is bluewizard's own writing and which isn't?
The white race has had much more opportunities than any other race to make achievements like what he is talking about. If there was scientific evidence to back this up, I might be willing to consider it, although I probably wouldn't agree with it still... racism is despicable to me. But the fact is there is none.
There are loose biological and genetic differences between races prevalent enough for a distinction to be relevant, but it doesn't justify bullshit like this by any means.
National Socialism/white supremacy has no truth in it whatsoever. Race is a socially constructed way to segment society. It's true there are some biological difference but they are so slight as to be irrelevant. There is no scientific evidence to support belief in any races being superior to others. If someone thinks otherwise they are stupid.

I also think the "white people invented stuff" argument is laughable. First of all, the reason much of what we use was invented by white people is because in our culture the majority of people are white. Also, even now, but more so in the past, white people (Europeans and now Europeans/North Americans) have the most wealth, much of it built upon exploitation of other areas of the world. Possession of this wealth allows creativity. Another logical conclusion from this argument is that men are better than women because men but we know that is not true.
Wow. I don't feel like reading all that. I don't think there is anything wrong with being proud of your heritage, but I don't believe in separation of races, or the superiority of one race over the other. However, I am against immigration into European countries (there are too many Pakis in the UK and too many Turks, Croatians, and Italians in Germany, for instance).
I don't see anything wrong of being proud of your own heritage at all. However, as a Malaysian, I don't see anything wrong with inter racial mixing. Every culture and race can contribute equally to a country's development and progression.

Racial separation will only bring war and intolerance amongst other cultures. We need to stick together and share our ideas, technology and culture to be tolerant. If we do no unite, and walk our separate ways, we might end up with a war.

The race that thinks that are "superior" might try to annihilate other races and take over their land. Exploitation will start to rise again. i don't want to see one race exploiting another race just like how the Spanish exploited the South Americans. Such a thing is horrible and in my terms, intolerable.

To quote Anthony Bourdain, a famous celebrity chef who grew up in the New York(and he is white), "It's Hollywood that gave blacks their bad image." I believe the "thug" and gangsta culture that brought a lot violence is probably hyped by the media. Juvenile minds might get influenced and it sticked. Maybe the whole thing are started by blacks but it may have started by only a few people who felt they were oppressed by the whites. In the first place, who brought them as slaves and treated them badly? Who made them rebel in the first place or what? Was it apartheid? Think about that.

About the blacks being violent, every race has the tendency to become violent. The mafia is a great example of whites being violent. MS-13, a gang started by Hispanics in LA during the 1970s, also recruit white people. This also shows that white people can also be violent. Most serial murderers in the US are also white people. That is a fact and it's undeniable. BTK,Zodiac Killer,Boston Strangler, Ted Bundy and many more. you can look up in wikipedia.

Concerning inventions, I have to admit, a lot of inventions are invented by white people but there are many things that invented by non-whites. The wheel was invented by Sumerians, printing machine by the Chinese and many more. The only reason why your friend think that white people created most inventions because he tend to under estimate other races.

Hence as a conclusion, all races are equal and should mix and get along. Another thing, English may have been created by white men but it no longer belongs to the white anymore. it's an international language.

PS/I read the both of the opening post.