DT forum members picture page needs new host

:eek: it sounds like the raid of spammers from the robin threads, don't bring such a curse upon us! :lol:
@mousewings: *deep voice, intense look in the eyes* we be not afraid of spammers. we can take whatever cometh our way.
and well, you might at least link us to there. are you calling these guys cute too? ;)

Yep, I am back and send me the new pic and I put it up, when I update the pages later today.

The new look will be coming shortly as well, I got some time to think about it during my holiday, now I just have to code it, which will take a few days.
Ok, I will change it in about an 2 hours or so.

My holiday was shit, only one bright spot during the whole thing, tuesday was the day I went to Turku, met a lovely girl :)
Ok, I changed Of Silence Embraced's picture (didn't resize it, so it could be a bit of a pain), changed "Pain Bringer" to the proper name of poet. And added the cute hyena to the pages. Soon I will tell you what I need from you for the new pages.
Hmmm i'm thinking of getting a true pic in my holidays, maybe that's something i could consider putting up >:[
Originally posted by Of Silence Embraced
YEAH!!!!!!jiiiaaahhhh..gaaaaahhh..ooaaaaaaahhh..oooaaahhhhh...iiiiiiiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh.......:yell: .......oaahhhooouuuuoaaahhhhoouuuoahouohauououuuoohhhh(freaking out with a growl) :rock: :rock: :rock:

sure.........growl.........:err: :lol: