Expensive clothes

I totally buy girls skinny jeans from Primark for £8 per pair. I've previously had almost identical (but mens) ones that I paid £60-£80 for, but the cheap girls ones seem to last me longer and fit more comfortably.

The only item of clothing that I ever feel comfortable paying over the odds for is a jacket or coat.
Once I got to college and decided I wanted to get laid more often, I started dressing differently. It sort-of worked. :lol:
You fucking sold your soul :Smokedev:
I feel like - at least here - with the whole emo wave swapping over, it suddenly was cool to dress in black.. and I was like :o
Good thing most emo guys now dress in ridiculous drop-dead-ugly-and-gaily-(HAH!)coloured shirts.
I _HATE_ being mistaken for a trendy emoboy.
I'll admit it, I sold out. I wore cargo shorts and metal T's all throughout high school. Half of my senior pictures were taken in camo cargo shorts, a Gojira shirt, and with my old ESP M-1.

Once I got to college and decided I wanted to get laid more often, I started dressing differently. It sort-of worked. :lol:
I'm pretty sure ones style isn't going to determine the amount of sex one can get.
I wear shirts that I buy at concerts and military-surplus BDUs (the pockets fit two decently-sized books each... whee!)... my current 'shoes' started life as a $2 pair of flip-flops from a corner store, and when they started falling apart I made new straps out of duct tape. I'm not going to look pretty anyway, so I might as well put the money I've saved towards my expensive book habit.

I honestly think it'd be everywhere - the man does certainly make the clothes to an extent, but how you dress says a TON about your personality. If you think I'm wrong, post a picture and I'll prove otherwise.
Have to say the only time I've really worn a metal band t shirt in public that I can remember was Monday while at the gym, because I don't give a shit if I sweat in a Ride the Lightning shirt I found on the nature strip early in 2009 and took home and washed to use (yes, seriously).
Ohh, and when I go to a metal gig too I guess. But otherwise, I don't dress like a metalhead at all anymore. At heart I'm still kinda a metalhead, but half the stuff I listen to it isn't metal (sorry to break some hearts, but I DO like Godspeed You! Black Emperor and various other post rock bands :lol:).
It's honestly just fucking annoying having people come up to me "OH MAN, YOU LIKE METAL TOO? FUCKING SLAYERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!". I like metal, but goddamn, almost every single metalhead I bump into in the street that has talked to me was a complete fucking dipshit.
I tend to just find it easier to just dress "normal", and not wear anything that screams a particular subculture.

I kinda dig shirts like this :


Or in a t shirt form :


Shirts like this can be found at any discount chain department store and IMHO, I think they look good in any casual occasion. I noticed ever since wearing those kinda shirts in public instead of metal shirts I don't get weird and disgusted looks anymore from people. I just look like any normal guy to them now.
Just allows me to blend into the setting without screaming "I don't give a shit about how I dress" or "I'm a materialistic jerkoff".
As far as jeans, I do wear slightly baggy jeans, but to be fair my legs are always growing because I lift weights, and this year I've had to stop wearing 3 pairs of jeans because my legs just didn't fit anymore because my upper legs and glutes have gotten bigger.
As long as the jeans are just well, normal jeans (just a standard dark dyed black or blue, none of that pre faded crap, ripped to shreds crap etc), slightly baggy jeans will look fine on any guy really.
Well I didn't say you could get away with looking like a hobo when George Clooney or someone like that is the other option for a girl. All I'm saying is that clothes alone (or "style" for that matter) aren't automaticaly gonna get you girls. If you don't know what to say/talk it won't help you the least bit. On the other hand if you got game you can still get away with wearing Metal shirts. Of course hair down to your knees, a beard and black clothes put you in a corner but that doesn't mean Metalheads can't have girlfriends. It's obviously all about the kind of women you want to attract. While I dress "normal" anyway (with the odd band shirt here and there but mostly not Metal) I couldn't care less about a girl that would reject me because of my style.
Well, in that case see my above post. Also isn't Southern California where all the old cliche rock stars live? I wouldn't say they dress very stylish yet still they can get girls.

forget that dude exists

at the end of the day, there's no way chicks like these...


are gonna fuck these guys...


unless of course you're rich, then all bets are off
I approve of spending more money on well fitting shoes. If your running, hiking, biking or what not you can really mess up your feet, ankles and legs with ill fitting shoes. Best shoes i have ever had were the black leather boots the army used to issue.

I was going around with combat boots on for 2 years after I got out of the army because I was cheap and the shoes would just not wear out. Eventually I gave them to the salvation army so homeless guys could wear them.

As for picking up chicks it is true your not going to get alot of game with most girls if you look like you just were at an In Flames concert. But you'll do better with the chicks that have sleeves of tattoos and 20 piercings. Depends what kind of person you want to be around/be.
In response to some posts :

(Obviously this bit is more directed at Headcrusher) It's not about getting girls at all to me. I used to get girls when I wore super baggy jeans, metal shirts, super old faded flannelette with wholes in the sleeves. Not good relationship material mind you (except for one perhaps) but good looking girls nonetheless. I drew them in with my sense of humor and a decent level of confidence.
However, I think if you dress better you have way more chance with quality women.

(a bit more general, relating to more posts)

I tend to just dress "normal" because I just feel it's more appropriate to dress that way. I don't have piercings or tattoos either, so I tend to look pretty conservative.
I used to not give a shit when I was younger, but as I've gotten older I feel it's quite important.
I know that if I were in a good pub in a good suburb/in the city, I have expectations that people are doing to make the effort to look decent.
If I see a guy or girl dressed like they are straight out of an 80s metal band, I just can't take them seriously. It's just not an appropriate setting to dress that way.
Even worse when I see those guys that look like they have time warped from the 1970s punk scene with the mohawks and stuff. Just looks absolutely ridiculous and IMO is just no way an acceptable way to look and dress in today's society. I guess you get a free pass if you play in a band with that theme, but otherwise a 1970s punk mohawk is just incredibly silly and looks absolutely awful.
Sure, dressing metal is great if you're on a stage playing metal or at a metal gig, because it suits the environment, but I don't think it's too much to ask of people to get some decent clothes that are appropriate for when they go somewhere where people are going to be dressed nicely for the most part, like a quality restaurant, pub (well I suppose "bar", we call them pubs here) etc.

please, you thank I'm 'bout to spend my whole check lol
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