Expensive clothes

More pics backing up my argument:

nergal can play the rich/famous card, so again...all bets are off

you also pretty much shot your argument down, cause it looks like all the shit he's wearing in those pics is pretty expensive

and that video is fucking awesome...i used to get all kinds of sweet shit at ross when i lived in cali!!

Nergal gets hot girls because he is a fucking badass.

As much of a misnomer as it is, Nergal is the fucking man regardless of the clothes he wears.
In response to some posts :

(Obviously this bit is more directed at Headcrusher) It's not about getting girls at all to me. I used to get girls when I wore super baggy jeans, metal shirts, super old faded flannelette with wholes in the sleeves. Not good relationship material mind you (except for one perhaps) but good looking girls nonetheless. I drew them in with my sense of humor and a decent level of confidence.
However, I think if you dress better you have way more chance with quality women.

(a bit more general, relating to more posts)

I tend to just dress "normal" because I just feel it's more appropriate to dress that way. I don't have piercings or tattoos either, so I tend to look pretty conservative.
I used to not give a shit when I was younger, but as I've gotten older I feel it's quite important.
I know that if I were in a good pub in a good suburb/in the city, I have expectations that people are doing to make the effort to look decent.
If I see a guy or girl dressed like they are straight out of an 80s metal band, I just can't take them seriously. It's just not an appropriate setting to dress that way.
Even worse when I see those guys that look like they have time warped from the 1970s punk scene with the mohawks and stuff. Just looks absolutely ridiculous and IMO is just no way an acceptable way to look and dress in today's society. I guess you get a free pass if you play in a band with that theme, but otherwise a 1970s punk mohawk is just incredibly silly and looks absolutely awful.
Sure, dressing metal is great if you're on a stage playing metal or at a metal gig, because it suits the environment, but I don't think it's too much to ask of people to get some decent clothes that are appropriate for when they go somewhere where people are going to be dressed nicely for the most part, like a quality restaurant, pub (well I suppose "bar", we call them pubs here) etc.

I suppose that's the difference between a metal fan and a "metalhead" (observe the quotation marks, they are paramount here). I know when to, and enjoy dressing in nice clothes.

Sometimes those paths cross, like here:


I wish every show could be "Dress like Akercocke" night but it's just too damn hot here.
i miss wearing a suit
i make suits look good

other than that i am pretty much a chameleon, i aint really into dressing to make myself pop out from a crowd.
jeans and polo shirts/t-shirts/kinda shirts like harry linked too
jumpers, i like jumpers

but mainly i prescribe to the drew method of dressing

except for shoes, shelling out for good shoes is important
I totally buy girls skinny jeans from Primark for £8 per pair. I've previously had almost identical (but mens) ones that I paid £60-£80 for, but the cheap girls ones seem to last me longer and fit more comfortably.

The only item of clothing that I ever feel comfortable paying over the odds for is a jacket or coat.

Primark is the best clothes store ever. Good quality shit, super cheap, I buy there A LOT
I don't see how those pictures of Nergal DON'T support my point - he's dressed like he's about to be on Jersey Shore. He looks like a badass because he looks fit, strong, clean-cut, and well dressed. Put him in looser fitting jeans and a tour shirt from 2003 and he's not going to look quite as cool.
I don't see how those pictures of Nergal DON'T support my point - he's dressed like he's about to be on Jersey Shore. He looks like a badass because he looks fit, strong, clean-cut, and well dressed. Put him in looser fitting jeans and a tour shirt from 2003 and he's not going to look quite as cool.
Agreed. He looks more "Red Carpet Rock" than thrift store metal head.
I have no issue dropping $50-$75 on a good pair of jeans, or the same amount for a nice casual shirt. Shoes, ehh I think I top out at the $150 side of things. Where I like to spend money is on watches
forget that dude exists


unless of course you're rich, then all bets are off

these guys are Metal, which is awesome...don't change for women...I've tried to wear socially acceptable shirts and clothes and just fuckn hate it, you become a sheep one of the fucked up flock of trend follows - fuck that.

i've got sleeves, I wear metal shirts and couldn't give a Kentucky Fried Tit Fuck what other people think....if I like the clothes and can afford them - I get them, but its usually a band t-shirt or jeans or shorts
nergal can play the rich/famous card, so again...all bets are off

you also pretty much shot your argument down, cause it looks like all the shit he's wearing in those pics is pretty expensive

Nergal gets hot girls because he is a fucking badass.

As much of a misnomer as it is, Nergal is the fucking man regardless of the clothes he wears.
hard to play the rich/famous card when your girlfriend is 10 times richer than you, and more famous too (at least in Poland) :grin:

Besides I guess she knows what he does for a living, right? :D Also that grey shirt with the black print on it looks pretty Metal to me. Don't think it would have made him look any worse if it was an actual band shirt.
And the all-black outfit with the belt buckle doesn't exactly say church choir either.
I didn't read the whole thread but I'm the guy that walks around in $200 Diesel/Rock&Republic jeans and Burberry sweaters and shit...It's a hobby/obsession of mine just like music and audio engineering. I get the same excitement looking through a leak of a Diesel spring/summer 2011 catalog as I do checking out a new mesa head or something...Dressing well gives you confidence you never had before and people will react totally differently towards you. It isn't vain and snobbish to want to look good...It's like playing a Squier through a Fender combo at a gig vs playing a Caparison with a Mesa stack and maybe an assload of dummy cabs. You'll sound better, appear better, and get more respect. Exact same idea. Image is important

Also I should probably add that I frequent DeminBlog and AuthenticForum more often than I do this one lol
By the way you guys are blind if you can't realize that nergal is like decked out in designer in all of those pics. He looks like a dude that doesn't shop anywhere but Metropark, yet he looks way more badass than all of the random metal dudes in stretched out faded fruit of the loom t's. Way more serious with some slick well fitted dress shirts and and jackets etc
Nergal is the man. Whether it be kitted out in some ridiculous plastic, gothic full-plate knock-off with kiss make-up or hipster clothes, he just owns. You don't do vocals like 'Slave Shall Serve' and not fist life in every one of its orifices - it just doesn't happen.
Nergal is the man. Whether it be kitted out in some ridiculous plastic, gothic full-plate knock-off with kiss make-up or hipster clothes, he just owns. You don't do vocals like 'Slave Shall Serve' and not fist life in every one of its orifices - it just doesn't happen.

He also has a pro technique for carrying loose beers.
Not talking about professional attire here, just casual stuff. If you work in an industry that requires it its pretty obvious that you should be wearing professional attire.

For casual wear I like wearing band t-shirts + these pants http://www.arborwear.com/products/pants/original-tree-climbers-pant

They are made for climbing trees and they are the most comfortable/toughest thing out there. Usually I don't like wearing yuppy outdoor brands, but these pants kick serious ass.

Also my favorite shirt was like $4 at backcountry.com Its some lame "skate" brand but it kicks so much ass

And yes I realize the taking and uploading of that picture is really gay :lol: