Favorite country for metal?

What is your favorite country for metal?

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I chosed for Germany, for the good Thrash (Destruction, Sodom, Kreator,Tankard) and Power Metal (Helloween, Gamma Ray, Edguy, Blind Guardian). They have the Wacken festival as well !
i´d say england if it were the 70´s and early 80´s.for 90´s and 00 i´d say sweden,and not just because i am from sweden,there´s many great bands from many other countries as well

Yeah, that's pretty much it. Except the '70s and '80s fucking owned the '90s and '00s, so England gets my vote. :kickass:

A few months ago I made a thread like this but I specified it for CURRENT metal output and not based on past decades. This poll is too vague in that it doesn't tell you that.

I really don't see what's so vague about the poll. Either something is your favorite, or it's not.
I really don't see what's so vague about the poll. Either something is your favorite, or it's not.

I find a thread like this is more worthwhile if it has a more objective aim. A thread discussing best current output or best overall output would lead to better discussion than "I like country X because I like the most metal from it".
...or just a giant flame war over subjective topics.

Do you really want to see another anti black metal manifesto from me? :)

Because without Norway I wouldn't be able to make jokes about generic norweigan black metal bands, or Dimmu Borgir's terrible videos.
It was a really tough decision, choosing between Finland, Norway and Sweden, but I ended up going with Finland. I'm completely not surprised that they comprise three of the top four bands on this poll though, but how the hell did the US get so many votes?
Colombia? Who the hell cares about them? :p

If I'd put any South American country on the poll, it probably would've been Brazil, due to stuff like Sepultura and Angra.

I'm actually pretty impressed that there haven't been any "other" votes yet. Looks like I at least hit the important countries, even if I did throw a few slightly-random ones on there.
probably either these four:


I voted Sweden, of course, cause of Dismember and Entombed.
Sweden = Bloodbath and Diablo Swing Orchestra two of my favorite bands and I'm pretty sure there are a lot more from that I'm forgetting at the moment, but either way gets my vote easily.