Favorite country for metal?

What is your favorite country for metal?

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USA. Numerous distinct scenes, a little bit of everything, amazing brutal death, good regular death, good black. Everything I need

I couldn't disagree more, especially on the reference to black metal. The US is filled with mostly unoriginal boring shit and plenty of jump with your hands in the air type shit, as well as death metal yawnage. Sure, it contributed to death metal in a great way a long time ago, but in the present I don't feel the US has much to offer in terms of real art and real extreme music (in terms of apart from the few pioneers the US does have). Cultureless and sterile. Flame away.
I couldn't disagree more, especially on the reference to black metal. The US is filled with mostly unoriginal boring shit and plenty of jump with your hands in the air type shit, as well as death metal yawnage. Sure, it contributed to death metal in a great way a long time ago, but in the present I don't feel the US has much to offer in terms of real art and real extreme music (in terms of apart from the few pioneers the US does have). Cultureless and sterile. Flame away.

that whole post was cliche. "mrah! look at me, i'm an ass demon from faggatory, lets bash USBM" .maybe its because i only look for good stuff on the web, but i only see USBM bands be praised, but USMB itself be bashed. and you know what, besides metalcore(which we all are ashamed of), there isnt real much new or innavative stuff going on anywhere on the globe.
I'm American and most of my friends are American, but none of us can name very many decent American bands.

You apparently don't know much about music.

@ Hubs: The U.S. currently owns on sludge and stoner metal (i.e. Down and Clutch :notworthy). Plus, there's Agalloch.
Sludge and stoner, I'll have to say that America is doing well with, for sure.

Zoid - there's plenty of stuff going on in other countries, and quite frankly as far as the web is concerned, and especially this forum, majority of posters are from the US, the praise you speak of is biased.

Anyhow, I won't get into another US bash, you folks know my opinion on it. Let's move on to discussion about other countries..
hubster, if you ever see a review for a USMB band that is good, they always say that 'USBM has produced aestheticsy shit, but this album is a regular aesthetics gem, because im a aestheticsy black metaller and i call things aesthetics gems, aesthetics aesthetics aesthetics aesthetics aesthetics aesthetics aesthetics aesthetics!', because thats how black metallers talk. im sure horrible USBM bands are out there, but i never seen any claims.
Americas metal scene is rather dull, the last of a dying breed is all they have left(80's thrash scene).

Canada still has one of the greats.

I couldn't disagree more, especially on the reference to black metal. The US is filled with mostly unoriginal boring shit and plenty of jump with your hands in the air type shit, as well as death metal yawnage. Sure, it contributed to death metal in a great way a long time ago, but in the present I don't feel the US has much to offer in terms of real art and real extreme music (in terms of apart from the few pioneers the US does have). Cultureless and sterile. Flame away.
This post would be right if we can forget about all the metal Hubster doesn't like and pretend it doesn't exist. As is, the US produces the best and highest amount of brutal death, was instrumental in starting death, thrash and power, and currently is producing quite a few original BM bands. Whether or not you like USBM or brutal death, or floridian death or bay area thrash is irrelevant to the objective parts discussion. These were or are all important scenes that have high quality bands and to have a single country stand up to all of that in terms of quality and influence is not possible.

You could make the argument the argument for other countries, but making the argument against the US saying that it is "unoriginal boring shit" is just wrong when faced with the sheer magnitude of the US's output. Imagine how retarded it would be if I said "Sweden sucks because it is filled mostly with melodic, happy stuff". Yeah, I don't like Swedish metal very much, and there are bad bands, but to devalue a whole scene like that is stupid. Now, arguments such as these are all subjective, so it comes down to how highly you value the outputs of each country, but I think you attempt to devalue the massive and varied output of the US is just wrong.

PS Australia is gay
Said like a typical American who doesn't realise a world exists outside of his own country. And for the record, America did not start power metal because power metal was influenced by Iron Maiden and Judas Priest to begin with you fucking twat, and they're from England! (Unless, given your tunnel vision, you have some dumb idea that they're both actually American as well :lol:). In terms of art throughout the ages, America is worthless and always will be worthless because it has no culture to draw upon. Disagree? Go study art starting from around 1300 or so onwards and then compare your boring death metal to the artistic might of Europe and the Middle East.