Favorite country for metal?

What is your favorite country for metal?

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Said like a typical American who doesn't realise world exists outside of his own country. And for the record, America did not start power metal because power metal was influenced by Iron Maiden and Judas Priest to begin with you fucking twat, and they're from England! (Unless, given your tunnel vision, you have some dumb idea that they're both actually American as well :lol:). In terms of art throughout the ages, America is worthless and always will be worthless because it has no culture to draw upon. Disagree? Go study art starting from around 1300 or so onwards and then compare your boring death metal to the artistic might of Europe and the Middle East.

spoken like a typical foreign asswipe who bases all thier knowledge on the mindset of the american people on MTV, and scorns them on thier arrogance to the world to hide thier longing to live in a suburbia.
Said like a typical American who doesn't realise world exists outside of his own country. And for the record, America did not start power metal because power metal was influenced by Iron Maiden and Judas Priest to begin with you fucking twat, and they're from England! (Unless, given your tunnel vision, you have some dumb idea that they're both actually American as well :lol:). In terms of art throughout the ages, America is worthless and always will be worthless because it has no culture to draw upon. Disagree? Go study art starting from around 1300 or so onwards and then compare your boring death metal to the artistic might of Europe and the Middle East.

He is fucking dumb, and fucking talented at proving it.
Creative use of ad hominems, really proves your point well. :rolleyes:

I'll respond by saying that even though I don't know a lot about power metal, I know enough to know it's roots. Don't give me bullshit "was influenced by". So now all of metal is from England because it was influenced by Black Sabbath. Or maybe your Australian BM bands you wank over are from Norway.

I'll also point you to my use of the phrase "was instrumental in starting". That is a fact. I didn't say made up completely without the help of any other countries. There is of course Helloween and European Power Metal.

Now I'll get to the ludicrous non sequitur you tossed in on the end. We are not talking about America's "art throughout the ages". We are talking about heavy metal. If you want to talk about culture and your own stupid ethnocentrism, start a thread in the Social Forum. I'm not going to debate something that is not on topic here because you can't go two posts without hating America.

I used to like you but this is getting absurd. I hope the "typical Australian" is not like you.
Though I do like many American groups (mostly non-metal) I kind of agree with Hubster on a few points and culture does influence music to a certain extent, that being said American culture (why do I get the feeling those two words don't look right next to one another? lol)..oh yeah. But at the same time, there's some good American metal once you look past the the crap (and there's a lot of crap!). I think 90-95% of the music I listen to is from Europe, and for good reason.
Hmm thats hard.

I chose England due to Maiden, Priest, Sabbath, Saxon, Sabbat, Akercocke, Skyclad, Bolt Thrower, Venom, Paradise Lost, My Dying Bride, Anathema, Bal-Sagoth, Benedicition, Orange Goblin.. etc.

Norway or Sweden would be my second choice.
Don't get me wrong, Norway has a lot of great bands, but what Bathory did by himself (influentially speaking) is something every norwegian band combined couldn't do. This is coming form someone who likes Enslaved more thna Bahtory btw.

I suppose... But I'd say Bathory was more influential in the Folk Metal/Pagan Metal scene than Black Metal.
Why's that?

Because so many of my favorite bands are from there and such a large percentage of bands I check out from there turn out to be good. It just keeps going. And I know, the scene is dominated dm and tech dm, but that's mostly what I listen to anyways. I listen to a bit of bm and a bit of doom too. Some glam meta also... Some bands I love

Beneath The Massacre
Into Eternity


I wouldn't vote for sweden or the us because in spite of the obvious quality of many bands from those areas, the volume of utter crap is overwhelming. It's all about conversion rate for me haha...

I also like the uk, german and australian scenes
Finland and Sweden were the best for old school death metal

Norway was the best for old school black metal (second wave) and France is the best for newer black metal

Germany is the best for power metal (but I don't really listen to power metal)

Germany is the best for thrash.

England was the best in terms of old school trad metal (the "big three" and NWOBHM)

England *may* be the best for doom (Sabbath, Cathedral, Warning, Paradise Lost, Esoteric, Inescenence, Serenade, etc.)

Ireland produces the largest percentage of great bands (Mael Mordha,
Mourning Beloveth, Primordial, Wreck of the Hesperus, Arcane Sun, Geasa, For Ruin, etc.) relative to their whole scene (which is quite small)

Germany has very strong bands in EVERY genre (Lunar Aurora, Anti, Odal, Moonblood, Mjolnir, Sodom, Kreator, Protector, Grave Digger, Blind Guardian, Helloween, Ahab, Bethlehem, Worship, Defeated Sanity, Pavor, Fleshcrawl, Anasarca, etc.)

Italy is very strong in every genre but their scene is not that big and rather obscure (Nazgul, Funeral Oration, Legion of Darkness, Mortuary Drape, Schizo, Necrodeath, Bulldozer, Thy Majestie, Rhapsody, Elvenking, Doomsword, Ras Algethi, Void of Silence, Gory Blister, Coram Lethe, Hour of Penance, Electrocution, etc.)

The US is very strong in every genre except black metal and power metal (Incantation, Morbid Angel, Immolation, Arghoslent, Slayer, Sadus, Possessed, Morbid Saint, Winter, Daylight Dies, etc.)
Zoid - there's plenty of stuff going on in other countries, and quite frankly as far as the web is concerned, and especially this forum, majority of posters are from the US, the praise you speak of is biased.

Yes i mean... look at the poll all other countries are eating u.s.a. dust.

Said like a typical American who doesn't realise a world exists outside of his own country. And for the record, America did not start power metal because power metal was influenced by Iron Maiden and Judas Priest to begin with you fucking twat, and they're from England! (Unless, given your tunnel vision, you have some dumb idea that they're both actually American as well :lol:). In terms of art throughout the ages, America is worthless and always will be worthless because it has no culture to draw upon. Disagree? Go study art starting from around 1300 or so onwards and then compare your boring death metal to the artistic might of Europe and the Middle East.

Your mastery in "ad hominem" is comparable with Susperia. Well done.

Ok chaps, anyone who doesn't see that u.s.a. was the absolute force of metal in ALL of its forms (except black metal) during the 80s and the 90s (decades in which metal reached its peak) should check some things again. Or he is called Life Sucks (who obviously knows enough about power metal to declare that u.s.a. is not strong in it - har har).
I voted for the U.S. because of the range of genres. If I could choose two then I would vote for the U.S. and England.
Summary of Metal as outlined by a guy who was lucky enough to be in all the right places at the right times:

"Hi, my name is Rob. I was born in Birmingham, England, in 1956. Nothing much happened until 1970 when my brother brought home this crazy looking new LP by a band called Black Sabbath. It was the most amazing thing I'd ever heard, and got me hooked on all that is heavy. I followed Black Sabbath's career for a few years until this other band came along by they name of Judas Priest. They were really doing some amazing things as well with Sad Wings Of Destiny and Stained Class. Then in the late 70s a bunch of new bands started rising up, and by 1982 there were tons and tons of awesome new bands releasing some classic stuff. Everything from Angel Witch, Diamond Head, Legend, Holocaust, Blitzkrieg, Venom, Trespass, Cloven Hoof, you name it, I had it.

Then in late 1982 I moved to San Fransisco in California, USA, to be closer to some friends, and it greatly dismayed me to have to leave this amazing scene. But luckily enough for me, and largely thanks to a man by the name of Brian Slagel, the Metal underground in the US was on the rise as well, especially this new thing called Thrash Metal. In a few short years you had Metallica, Slayer, Exodus, Overkill, and many others just killing on stage all the time. Meanwhile I'd been hearing things back overseas by this guy in Sweden who they called Quorthon, doing this really diabolical stuff under the project name Bathory. He and these guys from Switzerland called Celtic Frost were doing some of the sickest shit I've ever heard, along with Mercyful Fate, who I'd heard about through interviews with Metallica. Then Thrash really started to explode. Here comes Megadeth, Dark Angel, Death Angel, Vio-Lence, Whiplash and Blood Feast from NJ, Rigor Mortis from Texas, band from just all over the place. Then you had stuff like Metal Church, Jag Panzer, Helstar, Warlord...you know the drill.

But then the Death Metal started to come creeping in. Possessed, Death, Massacre, Deicide, Morbid Angel, Nocturnus, Hellwitch, and a ton of other bands who never made it were ripping the scene a new asshole. Meanwhile I had been taking graduate courses over in Germany where I found some Krauts ripping it up as well, to varying degrees of extremity, everything from Helloween, Running Wild, Grave Digger, and Rage, to Kreator, Sodom, Destruction, Living Death, Protector, and Darkness.

By the late 80s the music began dwindling out. My business decided to relocate me to Scandinavia. Boy did that turn out to be a brilliant move in another year or so. I need not even mention what would soon come out of Sweden and Norway by the early 90s. Nihilist, Entombed, Grave, Unleashed, Dismember, Carnage, God Macabre, Grotesque, etc., etc. from Sweden. Mayhem, Darkthrone, Burzum, Immortal, Enslaved, Emperor, etc. from Norway. And here I've stayed since then. Sweden still has possibly the best Metal scene in the world right now, with Blood Harvest Records leading the charge."