Hatred in Metal Scene...

Tbh, he's right regarding Dream Theater though.

Dream Theater are gay? I admit that sometimes they seem like they are fapping to their own music, but making progressive long and complex songs doesn't mean beeing gay imho. I find them boring sometimes (specially a whole CD just for the sake of it), but I don't think gay appeals to their music.
Dream Theater are gay? I admit that sometimes they seem like they are fapping to their own music, but making progressive long and complex songs doesn't mean beeing gay imho. I find them boring sometimes (specially a whole CD just for the sake of it), but I don't think gay appeals to their music.

Tbh, I dunno about WAIF, but I'm using the term "gay" here to imply that their music is terrible (IMO)... I know the band members are more than likely not homosexuals. :V

But I've never been able to sit through more than 2 consecutive minutes of Dream Theater ever. And I've sampled songs from full albums. :erk:
EXACTLY!! Well put!! If you are being a moron than of course people will hate you and the music you listen to... That's why so many people hate Slipknot

nah i don't like (hate?!you people are hating music? :lol: ) them cause their music sucks imo. i don't care about their fans, it's about music not fans
But I've never been able to sit through more than 2 consecutive minutes of Dream Theater ever. And I've sampled songs from full albums. :erk:

I actually totally know where you're coming from on this one, I used to think DT was just about guitar fappage and disjointed songs with way too many different riffs/solos that rambled on for ten minutes, but that's not what they're about.Yes the music is complex but if you allow yourself listen to some songs more than once,twice maybe, you might understand why people love them so much, me included :)

This songs quite mellow but beautiful..I love when Petrucci comes in with his solo at 7.56 and the way it leads off into that dreamy vocal melody with the pretty keys in the background :) Great song, give it a listen before you dismiss DT :)

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I'm at 2:20 right now and I'm hating it, in all honesty. :erk: Will post further results later.

The awesome basswork is the only redeeming factor of it thus far.

Edit: Yeah, didn't find it all that great. Solos were alright, but all in all, I found myself wanting to listen to something else the whole time.
my friend bob is the most close-minded fuck on the planet, he LOVES underground metal especially black metal. but he will not, WILL NOT listen to a band if their popular AT ALL,he wont go to shows sponsered by hot topic or such and wont listen to bands that have their shit at hot topic, so fucking dumb
I'd like to note that me neither likes the disc1 of 6doit, except for The glass prison, which isn't nearly one of my favorites anyway.

Althrough I must admit that I've listened the album only once, I should give it more listens...

Edit: I'd suggest listening to something from Awake and Train of Thought.
Especially The mirror, Space-dye vest, Father and Endless Sacrifice.
(I myself instantly loved 6:00 but that's because I love "scifi-ic"/"superproggy" stuff.)
my friend bob is the most close-minded fuck on the planet, he LOVES underground metal especially black metal. but he will not, WILL NOT listen to a band if their popular AT ALL,he wont go to shows sponsered by hot topic or such and wont listen to bands that have their shit at hot topic, so fucking dumb

Loooooooooooool that reminds me of people from Trondheim :lol:

theres this guy, i think ive said htis before but fuckit

He's a tremendous douche, superultra close-minded and proud of it. IF the band, is not from trondheim and he has heard of them, then they've officially sold out. Seriously, he only listens to bands from, what, his neighbourhood. And ofcourse it has to be superblack metal, and recorded with the shittiest gear they could muster so as to be "raw" and "in touch with [something or other]" It's amazing how retarded this guy is when it comes to music. I've listened to some of the "records" he has, its like listening to an endless array of kitchen utensils falling down on the floor while some tard stands in the background and tries to sound like a mixture of a cat and a bear, faintly in the distance you can hear some sinewave that apparently is supposed to be a guitar.

I'm hesitating to call it music at all.
I'd like to note that me neither likes the disc1 of 6doit, except for The glass prison, which isn't nearly one of my favorites anyway.

Althrough I must admit that I've listened the album only once, I should give it more listens...

Edit: I'd suggest listening to something from Awake and Train of Thought.
Especially The mirror, Space-dye vest, Father and Endless Sacrifice.
(I myself instantly loved 6:00 but that's because I love "scifi-ic"/"superproggy" stuff.)
I've actually heard all of Train of Thought... thought it was :erk:.

The only cool part was the array of cartoony noises in Endless Sacrifice.
I've actually heard all of Train of Thought... thought it was :erk:.

The only cool part was the array of cartoony noises in Endless Sacrifice.

Quess it's about personal taste or something, usually (metal) people like music that's heavy and fast'n stuff, and this is dream theater.
The band is only hated due to it's success, sad reality of metal.

I was having this conversation about a local thrash band on a board the other day...one poster stated that the band was so unoriginal because they sounded like a Pantera/Exodus ripoff, that they should just stop playing Thrash like the other shitty "nu-thrash" bands such as Municipal Waste....he then retorted to further posts that the only "true" thrash still going were bands like Toxic Holocaust and Warbringer...and I've seen both of them live and they're not very good, so I guess everyone has their own opinion.

I find myself still listening to the first 3 COB records most compared to the later material...again I think it's all the specific era or sound you get used to with a band...with Cannibal Corpse I'm used to Neil Kernon and Erik Rutan's production, as well as Corpsegrinders vocals...so it's harder to listen to Barnes and lower valued recordings. Exodus is another band whom I listen to Tempo of the Damned through the reissue of Bonded by Blood and Another Lesson in Violejnce rather than the first 3...either way it's all subjective and I guess you're just going to have to deal with it.

I think what's causing this also is the fact that COB shirts are being sold en masse at hot topic and mall t-shirt kiosks. I work at a guitar store and I've seen kids as young as 10 come in with Hatecrew Deathroll shirts on, and when I say "nice shirt dude, great album" they give me confused looks...this one kid even said "I just bought it cause I liked the design, I thought it was for a horror movie." When most "metal" fans hear that they'd want to punch said kid in the face...hence the hate. I believe sadly they've drifted into the "trendy" metal wave...alongside Trivium and Bullet For My Valentine.
About the hate, I think Alexi sang something about that in one of the tracks on FTR, if you know what I'm talking about ;)
The band is only hated due to it's success, sad reality of metal.

I was having this conversation about a local thrash band on a board the other day...one poster stated that the band was so unoriginal because they sounded like a Pantera/Exodus ripoff, that they should just stop playing Thrash like the other shitty "nu-thrash" bands such as Municipal Waste....he then retorted to further posts that the only "true" thrash still going were bands like Toxic Holocaust and Warbringer...and I've seen both of them live and they're not very good, so I guess everyone has their own opinion.

I find myself still listening to the first 3 COB records most compared to the later material...again I think it's all the specific era or sound you get used to with a band...with Cannibal Corpse I'm used to Neil Kernon and Erik Rutan's production, as well as Corpsegrinders vocals...so it's harder to listen to Barnes and lower valued recordings. Exodus is another band whom I listen to Tempo of the Damned through the reissue of Bonded by Blood and Another Lesson in Violejnce rather than the first 3...either way it's all subjective and I guess you're just going to have to deal with it.

I think what's causing this also is the fact that COB shirts are being sold en masse at hot topic and mall t-shirt kiosks. I work at a guitar store and I've seen kids as young as 10 come in with Hatecrew Deathroll shirts on, and when I say "nice shirt dude, great album" they give me confused looks...this one kid even said "I just bought it cause I liked the design, I thought it was for a horror movie." When most "metal" fans hear that they'd want to punch said kid in the face...hence the hate. I believe sadly they've drifted into the "trendy" metal wave...alongside Trivium and Bullet For My Valentine.

Yeah, I've seen Warbringer, and I didn't like them at all. I'm even friends of the bassist, who is an amazing player, and I still don't like them.

I would agree though that you always tend to be biased towards the period the band you attached to first/was going on when you started really listening.

And as for kids like that... It makes me very aggravated. :erk: If you're going to wear a band's t-shirt, at least know what it is, even if you're not super knowledgeable or the biggest fan.
People go on about how bands are bad because they’re “mainstream”. There’s usually a reason why a metal band gets popular, and that’s because they’re good.
People who listen to the “mainstream” metal have to take crap from both non-metal fans, AND metal fans, but still listen to the music they want to listen to, even if it isn’t “tr00” hardcore satanic black metal from Norway. Those are the people who are actually living up to what metal is all about- not giving a f*ck.
If CoB is “false” metal, then I’m proud to be a “false” metalhead.
my friend bob is the most close-minded fuck on the planet, he LOVES underground metal especially black metal. but he will not, WILL NOT listen to a band if their popular AT ALL,he wont go to shows sponsered by hot topic or such and wont listen to bands that have their shit at hot topic, so fucking dumb

Then he is an extreme metalhead and an elitist asshole.