Hatred in Metal Scene...

That WeAreInFlames guy is unbelivable :lol: I really doubt he's ever listened to those bands, or at least listened withouth thinkink ''it's going to suck it's going to suck and evne if it rocks I'll say it sucks''. He talked shit about three bands which play much less emo-oriented music than last In Flames album f.e. :lol: I like ASOP, and I won't flame In Flames cos I've not listened to them carefully and tastes are tastes, but his post was just so retarded regarding the three bands.

Yeah... WeAreInFlames is a fucking asshole who spams (ignores) everyone that does not agree or argues with him!!! He is truly idiotic...
Loooooooooooool that reminds me of people from Trondheim :lol:

theres this guy, i think ive said htis before but fuckit

He's a tremendous douche, superultra close-minded and proud of it. IF the band, is not from trondheim and he has heard of them, then they've officially sold out. Seriously, he only listens to bands from, what, his neighbourhood. And ofcourse it has to be superblack metal, and recorded with the shittiest gear they could muster so as to be "raw" and "in touch with [something or other]" It's amazing how retarded this guy is when it comes to music. I've listened to some of the "records" he has, its like listening to an endless array of kitchen utensils falling down on the floor while some tard stands in the background and tries to sound like a mixture of a cat and a bear, faintly in the distance you can hear some sinewave that apparently is supposed to be a guitar.

I'm hesitating to call it music at all.

Read the answer I gave to failure_of_threads. That's what he is!!! BUT WORSE!!!!! If he only likes music from a specific area then he is indeed a close minded asshole, not only that bet he is ignorant about music!!! Seeing that you're from Norway, do you listen to any Black Metal???
People go on about how bands are bad because they’re “mainstream”. There’s usually a reason why a metal band gets popular, and that’s because they’re good.
People who listen to the “mainstream” metal have to take crap from both non-metal fans, AND metal fans, but still listen to the music they want to listen to, even if it isn’t “tr00” hardcore satanic black metal from Norway. Those are the people who are actually living up to what metal is all about- not giving a f*ck.
If CoB is “false” metal, then I’m proud to be a “false” metalhead.

"There’s usually a reason why a metal band gets popular, and that’s because they’re good."

That's bullshit... then Slipknot and Children of Bodom must be better than Nile and Decapitated because they are more popular... :Smug: The REAL reason why a band gets popular is because of their image and teen-angst lyrics not because they are "musically skilled and talented" Although some mainstream are talented bands!! :)
"There’s usually a reason why a metal band gets popular, and that’s because they’re good."

That's bullshit... then Slipknot and Children of Bodom must be better than Nile and Decapitated because they are more popular... :Smug: The REAL reason why a band gets popular is because of their image and teen-angst lyrics not because they are "musically skilled and talented" Although some mainstream are talented bands!! :)

A band doesn't get popular because of their image.If they're not musically talented people won't listen to them.Image attracts attention so people will check them out but it's their skills that sell cds.No matter what their image is if they sound like cats having sex no one will buy their cds.
In some cases yes, bands work on the image and musical talent ...But not in Björks case.. and shes makes music that sounds like aliens having sex and oddley enough gets those albums sold, shes a rich bi&#%
A band doesn't get popular because of their image.If they're not musically talented people won't listen to them.Image attracts attention so people will check them out but it's their skills that sell cds.No matter what their image is if they sound like cats having sex no one will buy their cds.

You never know, there are TONS of people with shitty musical taste.

How else does the shit on the Top 40 get popular?

Dark Gothic Sanctuary said:
If he only likes music from a specific area then he is indeed a close minded asshole, not only that bet he is ignorant about music!!!
Fuck. Liking music from only one genre, does not make one ignorant about music. If they've checked out other genres, and still dislike them, that's their prerogative. :rolleyes:

If they've only listened to the one genre, and refuse to check out any others... THEN I could see the person being ignorant.
In some cases yes, bands work on the image and musical talent ...But not in Björks case.. and shes makes music that sounds like aliens having sex and oddley enough gets those albums sold, shes a rich bi&#%

Huh? How the fuck do you figure? If anyone has a distinctive visual style and musical talent it is Björk.
Yes is a shit in my country everyone say that children of bodom is for kids but I don`t care these people is my favourite band :notworthy
Children Of Bodom is for kids? Most of people who say that, themselves listen to some wannabe avantgardish shit.. COB is mostly really catchy and creative metal music and if someone disagrees, never change the CD in the player. :kickass:

Just got done listening to ALL of Bodoms good tracks! :kickass::kickass::kickass: Best 11 minutes of my life!

why are you so bothered with other people's opinions?
when i wear my Children of Bodom T shirts i wear them proudly, i enjoy listening to their music, and whoever's not liking it - whatever, has a different taste.
when someone's bitching about my fav music i just ignore them, i dont understand what he expect me to do, stop listening to it just cause he said something against it?

I totally agree :). COB shirts should be weared proudly! It's said that 92% teenagers move to other music styles, while the other 8% listens to real music like rock of metal.
Today i looked in some forums about Children of Bodom and everwhere the Band is hatred ;( some people say it's for little kids and mainstream and other say it's fake metal because many slipknot fans are goin to listen to Cob -.- so can it be when i come with my CoB t shirts that i am hatred too? and they think i'm not a real metalhead?

ps. sry for bad english^^

Yep. thats about right.
I love CoB and no one will ever change that...when someone rips on CoB just rip on one of their fav. bands simple as that
It's just that loads of people get into metal because of bands like Slipknot and CoB and bands that are known to mainstream people too. CoB and Slipknot pave the way to the harder bands and therefore people who outgrew CoB act stupid and childish like "Oooh watch me I listen to harder music"
Mostly it are younger people who form the fanbase of CoB with the occasional "fossil" and it's because of that they form the laughing stock of other harder metalfans.

Don't get me wrong, I respect CoB-fans, I too was one when I was younger.
I just don't listen to them anymore (because I think that their later work isn't so great).
I'm just explaining how they think about this issue (the people I know in Belgium and elsewhere too I presume).