How did you discover Katatonia?

I remember I read a review on a magazine about "The Discouraged Ones", I listened to the song "I break" in a compilation and after that I decided that Katatonia were a very interesting band. After a few months I bought the album and the rest is history.
I had borrowed some cd from .........a friend........ of mine in 2000 (although i had heard some songs and liked them i never had a Katatonia album since then).
Now I have Jhva Elohim Meth... the revival, December souls, Brave murder day, For funeral to come and Last fair deal gone down. I like them all soooooooooo much!:)
Well, it was a random choice in a record shop - had a lot of time and chose a few albums from different bands I didn't know. One of them was Katatonia - Discouraged Ones. I can't really describe what I felt, when I heard "Deadhouse" - great piece of music!

The only time I felt the same, when I heard Paradise Lost's "Draconian Times" the first time -> "Enchantment"

From this time on, these both bands are one of my all-time-favorites
the first issue of revolver magazine had a article about katatonia in it. They were described as a dark sounding band so i checked them out on and i havent been able to get their music out of my head since.
i had a relapse records (resound) catalog.
near the front is the bandmembers playlist.

I recall Mikael akerfeldt from opeth naming last fair deal gone down as a favorite. so I risked it and have not been able to keep Katatonia's cd's out of my stereo.
I discovered them last summer when I was up at Berklee for their summer sessions. There was this awesome cd store (newbury comics) that had a good metal selection and I was busy getting all the In Flames cd's I couldn't get in NC. I was going through every section and I found this really cool cd cover (Last fair deal...) so I purchased it. I've been hooked since.
i read an interview in mortician magazine, and from that decided to order 'dance of december souls.' did that... amazing. a month later, got 'elohim meth' demo, and shortly thereafter the Vic Records re-press. anders and i had some correspondence pre-"brave murder day" which alerted me to the the "for funerals..." ep and the comp tracks on "war comp, vol. 1." somewhere in there tape traded and got the 'scarlet heavens' track, and that didn't see release for at least two years, until misanthropy paired it with primordial. obviously, years past and diabolical masquerade, bewitched (only first album) and october tide all came out with albums. picked those up, and finally 'brave murder day' came out. what a revelation for death metal: simple but catchy songwriting, melodic with impressive gruff vocals. 'sounds of decay' ep came out, and killed. and then the change. 'discouraged ones' was so different, but somehow inviting. got that and played the hell out it. and, well, the rest tells itself.
I read an interview in a zine "ancient black art" from my home country ,the usa, and they loked cool and interesting so-i bought their first cd thru a death and black metal mailorder, and wow, i was blown away, katatonia is one my my favorite bands ever.Katatonia's music has touched my soul, its timeless.
someone told me about them, and i also downloaded a lot from AudioGalaxy, i think i got (TD, DO and LFDGD), then went on christmas vacation to San Antonio and bought their cd there after getting into big tme fight with my mother abt my spoiledness and my musical taste...then ordered BMD, and since then an addict :P
Here's my complete story: When I first got into Metal I only wanted stuff that had growls, screams, harsh vocals...blast beats, know. Mostly Death Metal or Black Metal...anyways...Someone recommended me Brave Murder Day because it had Mikael Akerfeldt on vocals and I was very intrigued. So I fell in love with it. Then I heard DODS, and it didn't strike me as hard as it does today, but I still found it quite enjoyable. Then I stumbled upon either their website or the Peaceville website and saw that "Last Fair Deal Gone Down" was coming out. Now here's the thing, I hadn't heard anything post-BMD so I had no clue they changed their sound. But I still went to Best Buy the week it was released and got the 4 panal Digi that came with the free Peaceville sampler. I open it up take the cd off the holder and look at the bands picture and I was kinda weirded out. What happened to these guys? Where'd all the long hair go? So I just said whatever and popped the cd in. Now understand this is when I was around 15 or 16 and very closed minded in my music tastes (as I said before, only extreme metal for me). The first song made me wanna barf. I was like "is this the same fucking band?!?!" I gave some more songs a listen but never got into it. So then I traded the cd in a couple weeks later. I know, really horrible move on my part. Past by a couple years to Viva Emptiness. I grew up, got some better tastes and thought about listening to them again. Listened to VE a few times, enjoyed it, but it still didn't stick with me. So now fast forward to 2006...I noticed TGCD had been I dl it. And may I say, this is the cd that revived my faith in Katatonia. All of sudden they are my whole life. I had to buy any and everything Katatonia. Ever since then I listened to Katatonia at least 7 to 8 hours a day. Color me...Katatonic.
Short story:
It was a cold Friday night... then I heard 'Ghost of the Sun' playing on the radio. It was the best thing I heard in ages :)
I don't actually know where my brother downloaded the picture of one of the albums of Katatonia, when I saw it didn't say much..but I remember that some time later the band was recommended on the Anathema board that used to be on UM, so I checked them out..and been addicted since then;)
My friend bought Dance of the December Souls when it came out and I borrowed it for a listen. That album blew me away but not nearly as much as Brave Murder Day, now anything Katatonia is gold for me. TGCD is awewome, much better than Viva Emptiness in my humble opinion.
2001.....heard a few songs of discouraged ones...the name KATATONIA stuck in my head....then once in a cd store rememberd the name and looked for a cd, found DO, TD and Dance....picked TD because it had the coolest art work of the three.....heard on the car....weird sound for me....kinda liked it, loved the lyrics but not so with the year after, a cousin of mine, bringed LFDGD....FUCKING AMAZING.......................katatonia its been my fav band since now you know.
I saw the cd "Tonights Decision" at my local cd store used for $7.99. I had heard the name somewhere but i couldn't remember, I read some reviews on it, and loved how it was described, so i bought the fucker! That was 3 yrs ago, i think.