Iconoclast: News/Info Thread

The lyrics rage is absolutely ridiculous, roleplayers much? They've done quite a few thrashy songs in the past, so why are you so upset now? Odyssey is full of them, much more than Paradise Lost.

No powermetal vocals and lyrics telling stories about dragons and shit is a good thing imo. Wait until we get the real deal before you start bashing it for something as useless as lyrics. I'm pretty sure the album will contain quite a few melodic songs aswell, so I wouldn't be so worried about the vocal melodies. They already said there will be all kinds of songs and even some allrounders (expecting something like Awakenings), so just sit tight and wait.

They are just moving on and evolving, the neoclassical yngwie crap was good in mid-90's and they are probably over it already. Some neoclassical elements is good even now, but... dunno. Atleast Russell stated in some interview that he likes to sing heavy stuff more, and I'm totally fine with that, not that I wouldn't want melodic songs aswell.

man, i just realized Russell's voice on Dehumanize sound just like Pantera's Anselmo.
am i just plain crazy or someone thinks that too?
He's using a similar technique, but I don't think they'd sound the same at all. Used it in pretty much every album. Quite clear on many songs on divine wings, check out "the eyes of medusa", "of sins and shadows", "sea of lies", "out of the ashes". Actually, I don't really know if there even is that many songs where he doesn't use this kind of technique since he very often seems to apply some sort of distortion in his mid-low range belting.
I wish SX would write lyrics that have meaning/depth. I'd rather connect with lyrics these days... sure, the music is 90% for me (and always will be), but when combined with lyrics that "hit" me, it can elevate the music multiple degrees.
I'm pretty obsessed with the new riffs, though I think their juxtaposition over the totally sweet drum beats has something to do with it. So far, I really like the sound of this album.

Paradise Lost disappointed me, despite that I simply kept listening to it. It very deftly filled my metal quota. The direction hasn't strayed *that* much, but at least now their filling the long-lost SYMPHONY X quota a little bit while they're at it. And that's a good thing.

I have every expectation that this will be a SICK cd. Bad ass and awesome? Yes. Majestic? No -I've come to terms that those days, of V and Odyssey, have come and gone.

And by the way yea sorry the lyrics are way corny lolz
I still have hope for their new "mini-epic" or whatever it is to retain some of the bands older majesty, as it seems Pinella's keyboards have returned in prominence and its suppose to be the lightest track. But yea, on the whole, the band has def gone in a more metal direction, and I don't know if I truly like that yet.....
Being a non-native speaker it's probably easier for me to be not too picky about the lyrics. In general, the music and Russell's voice are a lot more important to me than how inspired the lyrics are. It's metal, not a poem teaching class. They do really care about us fans and this criticism seems unfair. How many of us could actually write and/or compose just one song of Symphony X quality?

Just be glad that you get the chance to see them on stage. I saw them on Sunday in Switzerland, just to be part of the experience and to see how much fun they had playing was worth the wait. Of course it was way too short, and the sound was not the best in the beginning, but I don't care how good or bad Iconoclast will be, it's still gonna be a great album, and I hope they will be back for a second tour soon. Felt kinda weird to be pretty much the only one to sing along to "End of Innocence"....

Russell even addressed the album delay on Sunday, "the album takes so long because it does" :D, he said they kept tweaking things and they wanted to make it the best possible experience for us fans. And he said that they know how much their music means to us and that they appreciate it a lot. Therefore I wouldn't judge on anything until the album actually comes out.
But can anyone really point to any Symphony X lyrics and say that they're a masterpiece?

Candlelight Fantasia vis-a-vis the pen of Thomas Miller.

Yes. He's been gone a long time.

As for what I have to say about these two new songs..............


Not until June and the album is out. Wouldn't be right or fair.

I'm just glad they are playing again.
LMFAO!!!!! @ 3rd to last question

"We're lucky enough to have a good manager"........ a manager so good that the last official updates on the internet for the new album/any news at all have all been since 11/23/2010.

What a joke.