Iconoclast: News/Info Thread

Some people said it was too loud, but I never really noticed.

I think they meant too compressed which it was, compared to their older stuff. I think the production of the more dynamic songs in PL (more specifically Paradise Lost and Sacrifice) was brilliant. Hands down their best produced songs to date.

I hope the new album isn't as much compressed and 'in your face' as I'm guessing it will be, production wise. I also hope the guitar tone is warmer and less 'digital' sounding. I love the guitar tone in V and don't like PL's.
"lucky enough to have a good manager....ready and prepared to face the new demands in terms of promotion and marketing..."

i don't know..

The fact is that they're still pretty absent in the net. the site is old and rarely updated (some example? discography section: the last album is "the odyssey"; press section: reviews and interviews...the last are dated 2003!! resource section: their label still to be "inside out". and many more...).
Other that, the lack of communication with the fans isn't the right way to expand their name and their music. New album every 4 years...and in the meanwhile just some word from their staff to say that "they're busy and working for new album". to be honest...i think the fans that support this wonderful, powerful and great band deserve more than this.
that said...i love their works and hope to see very soon "iconoclast" in the music shop.

good music to everyone:)
"lucky enough to have a good manager....ready and prepared to face the new demands in terms of promotion and marketing..."

i don't know..

The fact is that they're still pretty absent in the net. the site is old and rarely updated (some example? discography section: the last album is "the odyssey"; press section: reviews and interiews...the last were dated 2003!! resource section: their label still to be "inside out". and many more...).
Other that, the lack of communication with the fans isn't the right way to expand their name and their music. New album every 4 years...and in the meanwhile just some word from their staff to say that "they're busy and working for new album". to be honest...i think the fans that support this wonderful, powerful and great band deserve more than this.
that said...i love their works and hope to see very soon "iconoclast" in the music shop.

good music to everyone:)

I completely agree.

Off topic:

Oh and Italy pwned in six nations today, well done.
So who's thinking that the mini-epic on the album will be the title track? It would keep the trend of the last 2 albums going. (Although there is nothing "mini" about The Odyssey)
So who's thinking that the mini-epic on the album will be the title track? It would keep the trend of the last 2 albums going. (Although there is nothing "mini" about The Odyssey)

Although I'm sure I'll be blasted for this, I don't find anything "epic" about Paradise Lost. Standard prog rock song that happens to have a catchy piano line. The chorus bores me to tears, and the song is extremely simple by Symphony X standards. I don't know, I just find it to be a pretty one-dimensional song, which certainly does not define an "epic." Songs like Babylon and Revelation are far more epic to me.

Anyway, according to Russ there's a longer song (10+ minutes) but it is very light. Is this the mini-epic you're referring to? If there even is a title track, yeah, I suspect it will be somewhat of an epic. They've followed a similar trend on most of their albums, sans The Damnation Game and possibly Paradise Lost. I'm sure most of you know that the band wanted to record an epic title track for the Twilight in Olympus album, but couldn't due to time constraints; the music that was written for it was broken up and spread across the V album.
Here is my opinion on both songs...

End of Innocence:

AMAZING! I loved the melody, the riffs, the vocals, the lyrics, etc. A GREAT song! Catchy also (and NOT in a bad "radio disney" sort of way).


Umm... I really didn't like this one that much. Not horrible... just not GREAT! The lyrics were downright hilarious! Hahahaha! Especially the "bring out the switch... you son of a bitch!" part. I mean... WHAT?!?! Hahaha! Also... the melody was not as good in this song. The vocals were... alright. Good technique... Not as good of a song allover though.

My reaction:

I'm excited. Hoping Dehumanize is the only track with lyrics that bad though... Hahaha! But hey... End of Innocence MAKES UP FOR IT AT LEAST!
Although I'm sure I'll be blasted for this, I don't find anything "epic" about Paradise Lost. Standard prog rock song that happens to have a catchy piano line. The chorus bores me to tears, and the song is extremely simple by Symphony X standards. I don't know, I just find it to be a pretty one-dimensional song, which certainly does not define an "epic." Songs like Babylon and Revelation are far more epic to me.

I completely agree with you about Paradise Lost (song). I find it to be a blatantly bad song. The main piano melody is a slight alteration of that of older songs, the vocal melody is easy to predict and the lyrics are extremely derived. It is so hard for me to listen to this without shutting it off because it is simply annoying.. It's like a Disney or American Idol track, meaning that the song was written because it had to be written and no more. Ugggg. Sadly unlike you I feel this way about the entire album Paradise Lost. So far Iconoclast does not impress me and I am getting the same vibe, however this time I will hold out hope.

One thing that I dislike is that just like with Paradise Lost, Iconoclast also uses recycled themes from older albums. We have already heard a song, or multiple songs with lyrics about the the "end of innocence", or the loss of innocence. Now one idea that was part of a much more complex theme is taken out and milked to make one song for the new album. Even worse is that the idea of "paradise lost" is also very figurative, meaning exactly the same thing as "End of innocence". It's all the same stuff it seems.

But what really matters is the music, if they can pull off some sweet songs I will be surprised at this point, and thankful.
Although I'm sure I'll be blasted for this, I don't find anything "epic" about Paradise Lost.

I'm actually a big fan of the song Paradise Lost, and i do consider it a mini-epic of sorts. As soon as the guitar arpeggios in the intro join in with the piano it feels like the journey has begun.

Anyway, according to Russ there's a longer song (10+ minutes) but it is very light. Is this the mini-epic you're referring to?

Yeah, that's the song i'm referring to. I think Russ himself called it a mini-epic, and that's pretty much why i asked the question in the first place. Although i feel the title "Iconoclast" is more fitting to an aggressive song rather a very light one.
Here is my opinion on both songs...

End of Innocence:

AMAZING! I loved the melody, the riffs, the vocals, the lyrics, etc. A GREAT song! Catchy also (and NOT in a bad "radio disney" sort of way).


Umm... I really didn't like this one that much. Not horrible... just not GREAT! The lyrics were downright hilarious! Hahahaha! Especially the "bring out the switch... you son of a bitch!" part. I mean... WHAT?!?! Hahaha! Also... the melody was not as good in this song. The vocals were... alright. Good technique... Not as good of a song allover though.

I expect this to be the general consensus of most Symphony X fans. However, I prefer Dehumanized. I really like most of the vocal parts in End of Innocence, but most of the music (sans the intro) seems bland to me. For example, the bridge part seems like Romeo took a stock riff from Paradise lost and tagged it onto the end of the section. And Jason playing that groovy drum beat (without Lepond playing anything) in that empty section just sounds bizarre, and not in a good way. The groove following this section is also a bit boring and sounds weird, but it's possible that there's a keyboard part here that's not cutting through the mix. MJR's solo is honestly nothing special, sans the part near the end which does at least have some bursts of something resembling a melody. Also, Russ screaming "Feel my pain!" is just lame to me. I don't know, it's easy for me to see that this song has a very commercial appeal, which is somewhat the opposite of the Symphony X I love. I really hope this is the most commercial song on the album...

Dehumanized is the opposite of this. It's an "I don't give a shit, balls to the wall" heavy metal song that works the keyboard into it in very interesting ways (the piano line in the pre-chorus gives me chills, and the diminished chord that Pinnella bangs over and over again during the main riff gives the song character). Now I'll admit that this type of song is far from my favorite style from Symphony X, but for some unknown reason I already prefer it to most of the more aggressive stuff from Paradise Lost. The main riff is indeed an odd tonality for Symphony X, but just when you think Romeo is going all Southern metal on your ass, they pull off that wicked (no pun intended) polyrhythm with Rullo playing a rather simple beat over the 13/8 riff. Now that is the side of Symphony X I love - I've never heard a band make polyrhythmic grooves as interesting as them!

The odd-time groove following the intro riff (and following each chorus) is catchy and disorienting, which I realize are two words that should probably never be used together, but whatever. The aggression in the verses reminds me very much of Domination or Walls of Babylon, which I like, but the lyrics are definitely amongst Symphony X's worst. I like the message of the song, but I feel that they (and by they I obviously mean Russ) could have hit the writing pad a little harder. Some of those lines just scream stereotypical over-aggressive metal. On a better note, the chorus is simple yet extremely groovy, and it's set up by a beautiful yet haunting pre-chorus (thanks mostly to P).

But I think we all know that the meat of this song is Romeo's multi-faceted solo. Does anyone not like this solo?! Easily stronger than any solo on Paradise Lost for me. I like how he plays back a bit after the initial onslaught, just throwing in bluesy little licks here and there. It's very different from most of what he's done on past albums, and a welcome change for me. I love the neoclassical shred stuff, but it starts to all sound the same after a bit. For some reason, the overall tone and feel of most of the solo reminds me of John Petrucci's solo in Lines in the Sand...

I completely agree with you about Paradise Lost (song). I find it to be a blatantly bad song. The main piano melody is a slight alteration of that of older songs, the vocal melody is easy to predict and the lyrics are extremely derived. It is so hard for me to listen to this without shutting it off because it is simply annoying.. It's like a Disney or American Idol track, meaning that the song was written because it had to be written and no more. Ugggg. Sadly unlike you I feel this way about the entire album Paradise Lost.

I'm not sure what way in particular you feel about the rest of the album, but I have to defend some of it by saying that there are quite a few songs on there that don't seem forced or sound like Disney or American Idol. Babylon, Seven, Domination, Revelation... hell, even Serpent's Kiss...

I'm actually a big fan of the song Paradise Lost, and i do consider it a mini-epic of sorts. As soon as the guitar arpeggios in the intro join in with the piano it feels like the journey has begun.

I'm not saying the song doesn't have some brilliant bursts of emotion and/or thoughtful music in it, but to me it just seems uninspired and "flat," if you will. I agree with Weston; the song just kind of plods along like it has to, without any clear direction. Russ sings his heart out on the bridge, I'll give you that, but the majority of the song just seems to be marinating in a pot, if that makes any sense. The song feels stripped, simplified, and sometimes even naked. And not in the sexy way. But it's cool; to each their own.

I've actually been thinking that The Sacrifice is a much more in-depth, multi-layered song than the title track. It's not a brilliant song by any means, but it just has more meat to it...

Yeah, that's the song i'm referring to. I think Russ himself called it a mini-epic, and that's pretty much why i asked the question in the first place. Although i feel the title "Iconoclast" is more fitting to an aggressive song rather a very light one.

Gotta agree with you about the name.
LOL. Man what happened to the days of just cranking a song at maximum volume, throwing your fists in the air, and headbanging?

Oh thats right the "tech" age came along where some people just can't enjoy anything anymore. Everything has to be picked apart, analyzed, and dissected. This is my biggest beef with anything labeled "progressive". These fans just can't enjoy music the way its meant to be enjoyed. Waaa this lyric sucks. waaa this solo is boring, waaa waaa waaa!

I just want to hear some kick ass METAL, and these 2 new songs deliver just that! Fuck the naysayers!
Agreed, time to bring back the good old days.

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Enjoy these promo pictures.


Sorry but I just don't like Dehumanize. I like songs that are way grittier, heavier, harder, etc... but Dehumanized seemed... idk... like it was missing something?!?! It was unique... I'll give you that. Not PLv2. Just kind of more like a joke to me. An opinion... that's all ;).
LOL. Man what happened to the days of just cranking a song at maximum volume, throwing your fists in the air, and headbanging?

Oh thats right the "tech" age came along where some people just can't enjoy anything anymore. Everything has to be picked apart, analyzed, and dissected. This is my biggest beef with anything labeled "progressive". These fans just can't enjoy music the way its meant to be enjoyed. Waaa this lyric sucks. waaa this solo is boring, waaa waaa waaa!

I just want to hear some kick ass METAL, and these 2 new songs deliver just that! Fuck the naysayers!

Couldn't agree more! And I love how people are judging these songs based on shitty audience shot iphone cams. I'm still predicting people eating a lot of crow once this sees proper release....
LOL. Man what happened to the days of just cranking a song at maximum volume, throwing your fists in the air, and headbanging?

Oh thats right the "tech" age came along where some people just can't enjoy anything anymore. Everything has to be picked apart, analyzed, and dissected. This is my biggest beef with anything labeled "progressive". These fans just can't enjoy music the way its meant to be enjoyed. Waaa this lyric sucks. waaa this solo is boring, waaa waaa waaa!

I just want to hear some kick ass METAL, and these 2 new songs deliver just that! Fuck the naysayers!

Couldn't agree more! And I love how people are judging these songs based on shitty audience shot iphone cams. I'm still predicting people eating a lot of crow once this sees proper release....

I agree with both of you! I've listened to each new song once and I'll reserve judgement until I hear
the actual CD. These songs might not even be on the final release. Symphony X just might be trying
to gage fan reaction and then surprise us all. We know they have great senses of humor.