Iconoclast: News/Info Thread

I can't really agree with Metal Madman. I have never been the type who just turns it up and headbangs even though I love headbanging.

For me music has to be intelligent, has to be complex or I just don't feel anything. It also has to been emotionally powerful. I guess what I mean is a song has to be emotionally intelligent if this is even possible at all. This is why I like Symphony X and not Manowar.

And I definitely don't like tech stuff. I hate mathematical sounding prog metal, hell I don't even like prog metal that much as a music style. I like bands that create complex atmospheres and beautiful stuff, but not tech. That is another reason why I don't like plain shredding. When I hear Michael doing some basic shredding stuff on Iconoclast I can't stand it..

I need legato and string skipped arpeggios, and that little whiny thing he does way too much. ROMEO!:yell:

I guess the difference is that I and many of us strive for very creative music. I don't think math metal and tech is creative, just as a mathematically piece of artwork isn't really creative. Symphony X, pre PL, have been a really creative band and Romeo's guitar the same. To see that change, is a big deal for those who don't listen to music just to rock out.

I agree with almost everything; well-said.


I just love the wide variety of expressions on almost everyone's faces. MJR looks possessed and/or like someone just asked him a really fucked-up question, Lepond looks stone cold serious, and Jason looks like he's trying to pick up chicks at a bar.
What about standing, arms folded, eyes closed and rolled back in sheer ecstasy, too preoccupied by musical goodness to do anything else? Now that's a concert.

I think thats bullshit. Are you in a band? Ever performed on stage? I have and the last thing I want to see while up there is a bunch of people standing around the like zombies. The band should feed off the energy of the crowds and vice versa.

You wanna stand all dazed and eyes closed go get high and see a Pink Floyd show.
I think thats bullshit. Are you in a band? Ever performed on stage? I have and the last thing I want to see while up there is a bunch of people standing around the like zombies. The band should feed off the energy of the crowds and vice versa.

You wanna stand all dazed and eyes closed go get high and see a Pink Floyd show.

Depends on the band. Some play as if there was no audience. Which I can get into. People moving is good, too, but I'm no good at that sort of thing.
I think thats bullshit. Are you in a band? Ever performed on stage? I have and the last thing I want to see while up there is a bunch of people standing around the like zombies. The band should feed off the energy of the crowds and vice versa.

You wanna stand all dazed and eyes closed go get high and see a Pink Floyd show.

Yeah right dude. Getting high is the exact opposite mind set for music appreciation.

Rather than people who listen closely to music what I can't stand are people who are just into the music for the scene. "Metal" has no scene anyway, it's one of the broadest music genres in existence and to claim there is a scene or any kind of one way we should be is just ignorant.

I don't think any band should feed of the crowds energy, why should they? I'd rather be impressed and id rather sit down as if listening to classical music. This is neo-classical, or as the name implies "new" classical after all.

As far as I'm concerned all the "head bangers" who listen to Symphony X should get the F*** out of here. They have already ruined a band by applauding the epic failure that is Paradise Lost.
http://www.erowid.org/plants/cannabis/cannabis_effects.shtml Scroll down to effects list. Actually, read all of it because you clearly have never listened to music high or have ever been high. Not that i condone or recommend any kind of drugs, but listening to music high is pretty damn amusing im(any many others)o. Claiming that it takes away appreciation towards art makes you sound like one of those soccer moms who think weed kills/makes you hallucinate/gives cancer/causes volcano eruptions/etc.

@ Metal Madman.
Some bands actually like it when their crowd sit arms folding not making a sound. It shows they are actually listening, not hearing. It shows them that they think of their music as art and not background music to drink and party to, which is also fine. This doesnt mean they cant harness a certain amount of energy or that they feel the audience is bored. If they did they'd see them leaving and if they left they wouldn't care because theyre up on stage having a blast expressing their own interpretation of music (at least they should be), especially if you tour around the fricken world like Symphony X. How cool would that be? Heaven right? Do you really think you would care if you saw some kid arms folded in the front row while traveling across the damn world? Didnt think so.
I think everyone enjoys music differently and it depends on your personality.

True that! The best thing you've said so far. I couldn't agree more. Just look at the Top 25 album thread. We all have our own reasons for what we like or what sounds good. If we were all the same it would really suck. Like everything else in life, we agree on some things and disagree on others.
As far as I'm concerned all the "head bangers" who listen to Symphony X should get the F*** out of here. They have already ruined a band by applauding the epic failure that is Paradise Lost.

I clearly don't hate Paradise Lost the way you do (I don't hate it that much at all), but I see your point. Every time I saw Symphony X live before Paradise Lost was released was a chill show; I could get there late, walk right to the front of the stage, hang out with cool people, and see my favorite band playing their asses off just feet from me. The two shows I attended after Paradise Lost (both at the Pearl Room in Mokena) were full of douchebag kids who just wanted to jump around and mosh - to them, Symphony X was nothing but heavy background music that they could pound out their immature aggression to. Hell, I even saw some of these dickbags spinning around and doing that helicopter-type shit that's normally reserved for hardcore and emo shows. So to those people, yeah, they can GTFO. Seriously, these people need to grow up. For this reason I prefer to only attend 21+ shows, although it would be wrong for me to say that I dislike all ages shows since I know there's plenty of kids out there who don't act like this and do respect the band.

Like it or not, Symphony X is a progressive metal band, not some generic heavy metal band that only plays in 4/4. They have keyboards for fuck's sake! You don't mosh to keyboards! If you want to mosh or hit people, go to a damn Slayer show or start a fight club.
I think this thread was derailed enough. So getting back on actual topic here is another press photo for you.

MJR being the shortest of the group, it always looks as if he's popping out looking for the camera. Allen, on the other hand, doesn't even need to move. :lol: