Iconoclast: News/Info Thread

I agree with Phanto; there's good and bad music in every genre. On a semi-related subject, I love when people blast bands for "selling out" even though the band doesn't really change much about their core sound (they just happen to get better marketing/promotion and thus a wider audience). If you really liked the artist and their music, you'd be glad that they're getting a bigger fan base. Remember that a lot of bands make their living not only with their music but also with shitty day jobs. If you were in a semi-successful band, wouldn't you want to have your music creation be your sole job?
The French site says that Iconoclast has a release set for the third week of June, which would make the release date June 14th.
From another post on the mailing list:

According to nuclear blasts website it's June 17th. I find it hard to believe they're hitting this big US tour in May and the album won't be out yet. I did see a tracklisting for it though and again according to nuclear blast it's going to be two cd's

01. Iconoclast
02. The End Of Innocence
03. Dehumanized
04. Bastards Of The Machine
05. Heretic
06. Children Of A Faceless God
07. When All Is Lost
01. Electric Messiah
02. Prometheus (I Am Alive)
03. Light Up The Night
04. The Lords Of Chaos
05. Reign In Madness
From another post on the mailing list:

According to nuclear blasts website it's June 17th. I find it hard to believe they're hitting this big US tour in May and the album won't be out yet. I did see a tracklisting for it though and again according to nuclear blast it's going to be two cd's

01. Iconoclast
02. The End Of Innocence
03. Dehumanized
04. Bastards Of The Machine
05. Heretic
06. Children Of A Faceless God
07. When All Is Lost
01. Electric Messiah
02. Prometheus (I Am Alive)
03. Light Up The Night
04. The Lords Of Chaos
05. Reign In Madness

these titles are real?

double album would be pretty awesome :muahaha:
Bastards of the Machine cant be a real song. Symphony Xs music takes itself too seriously. I hope im wrong. Links please? Anyone?
I'd say that apart from the songs we already know exist, all the others sound like parody names, so I assume it's fake. I wouldn't put it past Symphony X to have a few names like that, some of them aren't that bad and some of their best songs have cheesy names... it just seems unlikely that all the confirmed songs have OK names while every unconfirmed one has a longer, cheesy name.
Technically, this is an example of polyMETER. PolyRHYTHM is when, for example, a 7/4 measure and a 5/4 measure take the same amount of TIME. This is in contrast to a polyMETER, where the beats take the same amount of time but the measure lasts a different time.

The most common polyrhythm is a 2/3, used very often in prog metal (and even more meainstream/thrash metal songs), but VERY occasionally Symphony X will throw in a 5/4 polyrhythm. It's much more common in jazz/fusion tracks. PolyMETER, otoh, is very common with prog metal and "math" metal.

Edit: By the way, these are perhaps my favorite aspects of "Prog Metal" and inspired "hard blues rock" songs. It takes the "white people" vibe and pisses all over it.

On second read, I'm finding this post very hard to understand (not saying that you're incorrect).

What exactly are you saying a Polymeter is, and a Polyrhythm is?
Weird titles.

The End Of Innocence, Bastards Of The Machine, Children Of A Faceless God, Light Up The Night, The Lords Of Chaos and Reign In Madness sound like Rhapsody of Fire songs. Especially the latter two. Bastard of the Machine is absurd, btw.

Some nice titles as well, however. Dehumanized is pretty cool, I'm really starting to like the word 'Iconoclast', and Electric Messiah sounds seriously awesome, though. Prometheus is Prometheus.

I can't wait to hear the music.
if the longest track is 12 minutes, that must mean the other tracks are like 9 minutes or something, otherwise I don't understand the need for 2 CDS.

I think the titles are all fine, honestly. The strangest one being, obviously, Bastards of the Machine, but it doesn't really seem that weird to me. It's very similar in title to Church of the Machine, and it most likely means bastards as in illegitimate children of the machine, twisted offspring.

Now we just need that cover art!
I'm confused by that too. But is the longest song really twelve minutes? I can't remember who said it where, but it was definately quite a while ago and anything could've happened since. Maybe they used to have mor songs but merged them or whatever.

I hope there's an even longer song. Or multiple 10m+ songs.