the pain killed her queen
Yeah! thanks for sharing. Definitely the kind of stuff we need to hear.![]()
thanks for your comments ! =)
the promo pics look great !
Yeah! thanks for sharing. Definitely the kind of stuff we need to hear.![]()
I agree with both of you! I've listened to each new song once and I'll reserve judgement until I hear
the actual CD. These songs might not even be on the final release. Symphony X just might be trying
to gage fan reaction and then surprise us all. We know they have great senses of humor.
LOL. Man what happened to the days of just cranking a song at maximum volume, throwing your fists in the air, and headbanging?
Oh thats right the "tech" age came along where some people just can't enjoy anything anymore. Everything has to be picked apart, analyzed, and dissected. This is my biggest beef with anything labeled "progressive". These fans just can't enjoy music the way its meant to be enjoyed. Waaa this lyric sucks. waaa this solo is boring, waaa waaa waaa!
I just want to hear some kick ass METAL, and these 2 new songs deliver just that! Fuck the naysayers!
I've been thinking about how Paradise Lost had some references to Divine Wings on it, and thinking (maybe) that this album could have some references to V. It's dealing with technology, and a lot of the story on V was about a civilization with advanced technology coming to and end. And the themes of how future civilizations are really just rediscovering everything they had already done, I wouldn't be surprised if the band threw in some references musically or lyrically to that album.
Enjoy these promo pictures.
Afaik they are NOT participating in miss america contest anyways. It's quite irrelevant whether a metal musician is pretty or not.SyX is definitely NOT the most handsome band on earth![]()
LOL. Man what happened to the days of just cranking a song at maximum volume, throwing your fists in the air, and headbanging?
Got some news for ya: Some music is not JUST for headbanging/rocking on to. I could for instance sit with a fellow V admirer and discuss the album's music and theme for hours.
The "tech age" thing is true, but irrelevant to the post you were addressing.
I can't really agree with Metal Madman. I have never been the type who just turns it up and headbangs even though I love headbanging.
For me music has to be intelligent, has to be complex or I just don't feel anything. It also has to been emotionally powerful. I guess what I mean is a song has to be emotionally intelligent if this is even possible at all. This is why I like Symphony X and not Manowar.
And I definitely don't like tech stuff. I hate mathematical sounding prog metal, hell I don't even like prog metal that much as a music style. I like bands that create complex atmospheres and beautiful stuff, but not tech. That is another reason why I don't like plain shredding. When I hear Michael doing some basic shredding stuff on Iconoclast I can't stand it..
I need legato and string skipped arpeggios, and that little whiny thing he does way too much. ROMEO!![]()
I guess the difference is that I and many of us strive for very creative music. I don't think math metal and tech is creative, just as a mathematically piece of artwork isn't really creative. Symphony X, pre PL, have been a really creative band and Romeo's guitar the same. To see that change, is a big deal for those who don't listen to music just to rock out.
Thats like the prog nerds at concerts who stand at the show with their arms folded trying to dissect the shit.
Your opinion is respected, and I agree on some things. I don't mind talking about a song, or a song structure, lyrics and stuff.....I was being sarcastic at times. Its when the stuff is so dissected, and ripped to pieces that I think you start losing the enjoyment of the music. I appreciate musicians who learn their craft/instrument to high standards, but I also do not mind someone who can rip out flesh melting basic chords as well. To me its all in the delivery, and the melody.
What about standing, arms folded, eyes closed and rolled back in sheer ecstasy, too preoccupied by musical goodness to do anything else? Now that's a concert.
I can't really agree with Metal Madman. I have never been the type who just turns it up and headbangs even though I love headbanging.
For me music has to be intelligent, has to be complex or I just don't feel anything. It also has to been emotionally powerful. I guess what I mean is a song has to be emotionally intelligent if this is even possible at all. This is why I like Symphony X and not Manowar.
And I definitely don't like tech stuff. I hate mathematical sounding prog metal, hell I don't even like prog metal that much as a music style. I like bands that create complex atmospheres and beautiful stuff, but not tech. That is another reason why I don't like plain shredding. When I hear Michael doing some basic shredding stuff on Iconoclast I can't stand it..
I need legato and string skipped arpeggios, and that little whiny thing he does way too much. ROMEO!![]()
I guess the difference is that I and many of us strive for very creative music. I don't think math metal and tech is creative, just as a mathematically piece of artwork isn't really creative. Symphony X, pre PL, have been a really creative band and Romeo's guitar the same. To see that change, is a big deal for those who don't listen to music just to rock out.