Iconoclast: News/Info Thread

I agree with your statement. I like diversity too. And honestly he has done that voice on at least one song on every album hasn't he? That's like his Dio voice.
That's one of the things I always liked about him, the ability to switch from the Kansas style classic rock voice to the heavy metal Dio voice...so multi-talented.
lol just listened to the song. i also must agree that people on here are getting way too worried over nothing. i honestly dont see how anyone could form an opinion of a song they are hearing for the first time when it sounds like they are listening to it on the other side of a mcdonalds drive thru window.
I also thought (from the best of what I could hear at least) the beginning part of Prometheus sounded like it could have a hint of more "proggy" SyX to it.

On the note of the screams, I feel its no big deal if it only occurs briefly once or twice. King of Terrors had this same type of scream at one point and I felt it as no big deal, and when that album came out I was still in my "hate unclean vocals" phase. Now I appreciate unclean vocals; however, I agree that they don't belong in SyX music. I also think some may think his scream in Prometheus is harsher than it is due to how horrible the sound quality was.

On the topic of the tracklisting/double album news. I hope it is a double album, but now with the other tracklist showing only one cd and less tracks I am a bit worried that cd on the 2 disc version is just some sort of bonus cd. It does make more sense, as it seems odd to have an amount of content that could all fit on one cd split between two. When I still thought it was a double album, my only guess was that maybe cd 2's songs would be a more proggy style of SyX, while the first would be more akin to DWoT and PL.

If cd 2 is just a bonus disk for an LE then I wonder why they would have so many what seem to be newly created songs on it instead of the actual album? My new guess is that maybe the "LE" 2 disc version is the way they as artists intended the album to be originally, whereas the single disc 9 track album is the Nuclear Blast forced streamlined standard album? You know how a lot of bands/musicians will have a good bit of material they make for an album that is unused because it didn't make the "cut"? That cut is usually in place to keep albums streamline, short, and simple so it doesn't "drag" on too long and keeps the attention span of common/more casual listeners. For example, V was definately not the type of album that had this mindset when the tracklist was sorted out. This guess would also explain why the tracklist of the first disc of the two cd album has less songs. Two of the tracks that are on the single disc version are moved to the second disc of the double version, along with 3 songs that aren't on the single disc version (whew!). They are probably mixed up because the double cd version is the way they intended the album to be originally, thus, the tracks are in the order they were originally intended to be as well.
I admit that 'gritty vocals' aren't exactly new, but there's a difference between screamy vocals dominating a song and some rougher parts here and there that are actually (most of the time) functional as building up intensity. For example, The Divine Wings of Tragedy has a screamy section comparable to the vocals on Paradise Lost. It lasts for 23 seconds, which is easily bearable (on a 21 minute song!) and a crucial step towards the instrumental climax of the song.

And definately not all the fast/heavy songs had such vocals. Damnation Game, Wicked and Evolution are good examples. Even if there are such vocals in older songs, in most cases there's still a lot of melody. I can't understand how you can not notice the difference in vocal style.
I don't see how those songs are good examples of "clean vocals". What do you consider being "clean vocals", exactly? It's not a matter of opinion, really.

If we talk about style, he's applying distortion to his low-mid range belting, so naturally songs with very high vocal lines wont display as much roughness. This technique is not even close to any kind of screaming fyi.

I'd just leave it up to the artist on what kind of techniques he's going to blow our minds with next.

lol just listened to the song. i also must agree that people on here are getting way too worried over nothing. i honestly dont see how anyone could form an opinion of a song they are hearing for the first time when it sounds like they are listening to it on the other side of a mcdonalds drive thru window.

Can't really tell to much whats going on with the new song, but the intro sounds pretty bad ass.

As far as the whole Allen growls controversy. If anyone listened to his most recent interview, he clearly states that he likes the growls, and heavier, rhaspy vocals alot. But he won't resort to screaming. Though, a scream at a certain part I don't count. I'm sure neither will he. I think you guys are digging to deep, I love Allen's Rhasp. Though I love diversity, so I hope to hear some soft vocals.
And this. Well said. I also wouldn't be worried about not hearing smooth vocals on the new album. ;)
I remain somewhat entertained by the a few of you judging the material on shitty cell phone vids. Sy X "fans" never cease to amaze & annoy me....:muahaha:
i honestly dont see how anyone could form an opinion of a song they are hearing for the first time when it sounds like they are listening to it on the other side of a mcdonalds drive thru window.

I guess people just want something to discuss since the album feels like's it's coming out in 2027.

I hate long songs, they just take up more space on my ipod.:Spin:

:lol: good one.
Lo and behold, this is what always happens when a band changes their sound, but people need to accept that it's what happens. A particular 'sound' may be special to someone, but just repeating exactly the same thing, album after album, doesn't work.

It's what I love about being primarily a Prog fan, not a Metal fan. i love such a diverse genre, that whenever a band changes their signature sound, 99% of the time it's a good thing, and in this case particularly, I think the new album is sounding like one of their best efforts to date. All I need now is a hevay jazz influence (not going to happen :P), and I will be one happy man!
Lo and behold, this is what always happens when a band changes their sound, but people need to accept that it's what happens. A particular 'sound' may be special to someone, but just repeating exactly the same thing, album after album, doesn't work.

It's what I love about being primarily a Prog fan, not a Metal fan. i love such a diverse genre, that whenever a band changes their signature sound, 99% of the time it's a good thing, and in this case particularly, I think the new album is sounding like one of their best efforts to date. All I need now is a hevay jazz influence (not going to happen :P), and I will be one happy man!
YES it does. (See what I did there...)
whenever a band changes their signature sound, 99% of the time it's a good thing

I don't agree with that assessment, especially as far as the rock/metal scene is concerned. But I don't waste my time ranting about it because if a band I like decides to be new and cool and starts making uninteresting music, I'll just move on. There will always be some great music being made out there, outside of the mainstream.

just repeating exactly the same thing, album after album, doesn't work.

and the solution is to take the stereotypical direction that pleases the crowds most? I don't think so. For instance, I find the assumption that "the heavier it is, the better" quite childish.

Just saying.
thats a much better, clearer version of the song. Thank you. Thats one mad catchy chorus too

edit: on another note, i don't really like how Russell is singing at the beginning. i wanna say its his live showmanship or something, but it doesn't sound too right to me. It gets much better after the first chorus.
I think it's probably my favourite of the three new songs we've heard so far.. Loving the chorus and also the first minute or so before the vocals come in. It'll be interesting to hear how these songs will sound on the CD
Allen has been racking up the win charts lately, from the skateboard video to this. Best vocalist/frontman today imo. And about the screams, i think he does them better and more tasteful than some other vocalists that are known to to pretty much only gritty vocals. At least we can all agree theyre a hell of a lot better than Laiho today.