In Flames New Album being released in Q2 of 2014 thread

I disagree with this. The band clearly it knows what it wants to be, a modern melodic metal band. They recognise that the new albums are different to JR or Whoracle and have no problem with this. They stated that 1000 times and said that if people don't like it fine if yes then join the party. I understand if people think the album is good/bad but the above comment is wrong as support for giving the album a bad rating.

I sort of see what you are saying but I still agree with the reviewer. The band isn't metal, at least not proper metal, with this album. And one could argue they're actually not even that melodic. There are about two melodic sections on the whole album. The rest is ruined by Anders's drivel and whining. Also by the piss poor production and mixing of the drums. Daniel sounds horrible. Worst snare of 2014 for sure. They're modern though, so you're right about that. But they're trying too hard to blend too many styles and appeal to too many people. They said it themselves "there's something for everyone on the record."
3 in a row

Of course the new ATG is awesome. Usually when a band is talented, has integrity and actually gives a shit and tries in the studio to create metal the fucking way it should be played instead of treating it like they're in high school art class...the result is solid. More than solid given this lineup.

If anyone wants to hear some excellent recent releases: Threshold dropped For the Journey and it's fucking incredible. Maybe not as incredible as March of Progress (hard to top that record) but still great. These guys are just a damn classy band. Inspired song writing, amazing vocals by Damien Wilson with exceptional, haunting melodies. They simply write songs and memorable ones at that. So much class. Akin to a much heavier, edgier version of very early U2. Classy competence.

Next, Decapitated's new record Blood Mantra is extremely impressive. The songwriting is refreshingly progressive. The band has managed to create an eerie, scary atmosphere with guitars only, which is always a plus (less is more with death metal, right?). Charred vocals, crisp production. Maybe better than the new Cannibal Corpse not in terms of brutality or musicianship but in atmosphere. It's quite a release. Different from older material but I am thoroughly digging it. Highly suggested.

Still waiting for ATG, DTB/Z2, Sanctuary among others.
It's 1996 all over again :kickass:

Vocals sound a bit weird, but it's been nearly 20 years so I'll give the guy a break :D

The vocals don't sound weird, they sound sick. And Tompa has been up to his neck in the scene for the past 20 years. His voice sounds like it should. Actually it sounds better than SOTS. Not as good as Sweet Vengeance but still fucking awesome. He's a demon.

(shit 4 in a row)
Sooo, what songs do you think they'll perform from SC? I guess RN-TO-EG is set, after all, they were the singles, and Anders pretty much gossiped that Paralyzed will be played as well, so that's 4 songs already. Not sure if Dead Eyes being performed in that US restaurant has anything to do with it being a staple in the upcoming tour. I desperately want SC, and I guess In Plain View will be the opener.
Jester Slave your logic is so faulty you squeak. SC gets extra credit because it has a bad vibe? Are you really that much of a fanboy that you'd grant credit for something that by your own admission isn't good? "I'm gonna give this album some extra props. It has a vibe to it, albeit not a good one, but a vibe nonetheless, so yea, extra points for the band." I mean that is just insane. Just admit the album is awful.
WHAT? I said it has a vibe, I never said it has a bad vibe. If it's a bad vibe for you than give it a - overall, if a good one, than a +.

This is the best album of this millennium, sorry. Three grammys at the very least.
Sooo, what songs do you think they'll perform from SC? I guess RN-TO-EG is set, after all, they were the singles, and Anders pretty much gossiped that Paralyzed will be played as well, so that's 4 songs already. Not sure if Dead Eyes being performed in that US restaurant has anything to do with it being a staple in the upcoming tour. I desperately want SC, and I guess In Plain View will be the opener.

Any song from this album will suck terribly live except for The Chase
SC: 9,000

In a recent interview with, Steer stated about whether he has begun thinking ahead to CARCASS' follow-up to "Surgical Steel": "There's plenty of incentive there. Speaking for myself, I would love to do another record. I've heard Jeff [Walker, bass/vocals] say similar things, and I know Dan [Wilding, drums] would love to. We're just gonna take it as it comes, really, 'cause, obviously, we're still some way into our touring schedule. We're not really gonna be done with that until… I don't know… towards the end of November, I think. So we can't realistically even look at new material until December. We'll take it from there. All I know is we would the next record to be very strong indeed, so as long as it takes, that's all I can say. Not that I am anticipating a long time in the studio, but we'll spend as long writing as we need to. You get very conscious of the passing of time, especially when you're at the age that Jeff and myself are at, so you don't wanna waste your time, or the audience's, with something that is mediocre."

"Surgical Steel" sold around 8,500 copies in the United States in its first week of release to debut at position No. 41 on The Billboard 200 chart. The CD was released on September 16, 2013 in the U.K., September 13, 2013 in the rest of Europe and September 17, 2013 in North America via Nuclear Blast Records.


IF should take note from Carcass dudes.
And what I mean by you believe in science is that you are taking other people's words and accepting them, just like people reading and accepting the bible.

Sorry, I missed your post the first time.

You seem to miss the main point, which is the evidence.

Before, we were forced to think that the Earth was flat, thanks to the Bible.

Now, thanks to people such as Aristoteles, (Demonstrated physical evidence via the moon and the stars, that the Earth was spherical.) Erathostenes, (Invented the global measurements longitude and latitude.) and Magellan, (Traveled the globe to circumnavigate it, proving it to be spherical.) we now know that the Earth is a sphere.

You can think of science as a sharpening tool that keeps the edge of the blade sharp. If there is a bump (mistake), science corrects it, publicly.

Now, do I need to trust anyone's word? No. - And if I do, it is thanks to that there is evidence backing what is being said. If there isn't, then doubt it and research it.

Let's take climate change. Some think it happens, some don't. Over 99% of the academy of sciences acknowledge that it is happening, and that it is mostly humanity's fault. Does this make them right just by saying it? No. But the overwhelming evidence does, and that DOES make them right.

In the end, it comes down to the evidence, not what someone says, and that's what separates those who degrade their thinking to those who constantly try to keep a sharp and logical edge in their way of thinking.

I demand things that can be tested and grant a result. If it cannot be tested then the only logical thing to do is to reject it. - This is rational.

Rarely are the scriptures compatible with science, and often the claims mentioned are so insanely wrong that it is an insult that any honest, educated person can believe it.'

Again, religious faith: "Belief without evidence." - The opposite to what science is about which is testing and finding out how things actually work, and enhance the planet and surrounding space in which we live on with for example computers, medicines, Playstations, condoms and so on.
In Flames are currently rehearing for their upcoming tour, and Niclas just posted on Facebook a video of him jamming with a violin player. The rehearsal room is clearly the room In Flames are currently using, with the same red curtain and their EVH amps in the background. Also, it looks like there are other classical instruments in the room.

I might be wrong, but it looks like they are going to play A New Dawn on at least one show during this tour.
I might be wrong, but it looks like they are going to play A New Dawn on at least one show during this tour.
I'll tattoo a 1:1 image of Anders on my body if they will play that song. I'm not even that tall, but I'll do it.

Edit: omfg, they might play free fall. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. No-no, I can't do this to myself, so I'm just gonna assume they'll only do it for huge ass shows like knotfest. :'(
They are rehearsibg for skavlan and they just posted a soundcheck picture with the violinists are there, and niclas & björn has acoustic guitars. Is there even any violins on SC? Wonder what song they are redoing acoustically from SC.
Sorry, I missed your post the first time.

You seem to miss the main point, which is the evidence.

Before, we were forced to think that the Earth was flat, thanks to the Bible.

Now, thanks to people such as Aristoteles, (Demonstrated physical evidence via the moon and the stars, that the Earth was spherical.) Erathostenes, (Invented the global measurements longitude and latitude.) and Magellan, (Traveled the globe to circumnavigate it, proving it to be spherical.) we now know that the Earth is a sphere.

You can think of science as a sharpening tool that keeps the edge of the blade sharp. If there is a bump (mistake), science corrects it, publicly.

Now, do I need to trust anyone's word? No. - And if I do, it is thanks to that there is evidence backing what is being said. If there isn't, then doubt it and research it.

Let's take climate change. Some think it happens, some don't. Over 99% of the academy of sciences acknowledge that it is happening, and that it is mostly humanity's fault. Does this make them right just by saying it? No. But the overwhelming evidence does, and that DOES make them right.

In the end, it comes down to the evidence, not what someone says, and that's what separates those who degrade their thinking to those who constantly try to keep a sharp and logical edge in their way of thinking.

I demand things that can be tested and grant a result. If it cannot be tested then the only logical thing to do is to reject it. - This is rational.

Rarely are the scriptures compatible with science, and often the claims mentioned are so insanely wrong that it is an insult that any honest, educated person can believe it.'

Again, religious faith: "Belief without evidence." - The opposite to what science is about which is testing and finding out how things actually work, and enhance the planet and surrounding space in which we live on with for example computers, medicines, Playstations, condoms and so on.

There's a fundamental difference. When scientists cannot explain (or fully explain) something, they're agnostics about the matter until the time when they can find a full explanation (be it years, decades or centuries). Religion (I'm talking about catholic which I know well) explains it all as a matter of God's will or as a matter of Devil's deeds.