In Flames New Album being released in Q2 of 2014 thread

Opinions aren't right or wrong unless put up versus facts.

Now, there are no set specifics for music, so it is untrue to say that there's such a thing as a right or wrong when it comes to opinion when what really only matters, is what you think about it.

I can rate Siren Charms 1.2/5. This does not make me correct, nor wrong.
I base it upon what I think about it, and how well it is executed.

Meanwhile, someone else may be listening to Siren Charms and rate it a 9/10.

I disagree with it, but it doesn't mean that it is wrong because when it comes to reviewing, all it is about, is the opinion.


If my opinion is about, for example, the existence of god(s) (Jew, Muslim, Christian). I can say that my opinion is that there is none. I base this upon what scientific fact points to, while taking errors in the "holy" books into consideration, as well as direct contradictions of the deities themselves. - In this way, I can be right, or I can be wrong. Since I demand a LOT of evidence before believing, and everything that science points toward is that the more we learn, the less likely the deity exist. This has now, of course, came to the point to that it is a laughable matter.

It is of my opinion, based upon factual evidence, and the completely extreme lack thereof to think otherwise, that god(s) (Jew, Muslim, Christian) do not exist.

This is not how reviews work.

There is no such thing as scientific fact. That's the whole point of science. You can't prove anything, you can only disprove. Now, I am not trying to say I'm religious at all. But, believing in science is just like believing in religion: have you actually witnessed any of these tests? Have you poured through the data yourself? We all just take the word of others.

And actually, there is a right and wrong answer when it comes to religion. We just don't know it is. I might not believe in god or an afterlife, but in the end, when I die there might be one.
There is no such thing as scientific fact. That's the whole point of science. You can't prove anything, you can only disprove. Now, I am not trying to say I'm religious at all. But, believing in science is just like believing in religion: have you actually witnessed any of these tests? Have you poured through the data yourself? We all just take the word of others.

And actually, there is a right and wrong answer when it comes to religion. We just don't know it is. I might not believe in god or an afterlife, but in the end, when I die there might be one.

so I supposed when a booleen variable equals true, it's not a fact that it's true?

Come on dude.
There is no such thing as scientific fact. That's the whole point of science. You can't prove anything, you can only disprove. Now, I am not trying to say I'm religious at all. But, believing in science is just like believing in religion: have you actually witnessed any of these tests? Have you poured through the data yourself? We all just take the word of others.

And actually, there is a right and wrong answer when it comes to religion. We just don't know it is. I might not believe in god or an afterlife, but in the end, when I die there might be one.

No man, science can prove a lot of things, except for the existence of Gpd which, unless it's proven, it's a matter of faith. You cannot compare science with religion. Why? let me explain with an example, science proved that 2+2=4, believe it or not this is science, and science can send a man to space, this is science too. As for religion, you can only believe that a god called Yaveh spoke to Moses in a mountain or that you will reincarnate in a next life acording to your acts in your actual life, this is why it's a matter of faith. And there is no wrong or right in religion, those kind of believes are the ones who led us to hate the others just by thinking they're wrong in their religious believes.
Religion is simply how humans have tried to frame the chaos of the universe into some kind of recognisable form. It's essentially a comfort mechanism to stop ourselves going crazy over the idea of having no control over anything, and everything potentially being absolutely pointless.

Science is, generally speaking, attempting to prove hypothesis through empirical evidence.

Both completely separate functions that don't need to be compared.
There is no such thing as scientific fact. That's the whole point of science. You can't prove anything, you can only disprove. Now, I am not trying to say I'm religious at all. But, believing in science is just like believing in religion: have you actually witnessed any of these tests? Have you poured through the data yourself? We all just take the word of others.

And actually, there is a right and wrong answer when it comes to religion. We just don't know it is. I might not believe in god or an afterlife, but in the end, when I die there might be one.


I'll just...


You're confusing scientific fact with scientific absolutes, which do not exist, and as you say, science do not prove, it disapproves.

The highest grade something can get in science is a scientific theory, which is a higher rank than a scientific fact.

"A scientific theory summarizes a hypothesis or group of hypotheses that have been supported with repeated testing. If enough evidence accumulates to support a hypothesis, it moves to the next step—known as a theory—in the scientific method and becomes accepted as a valid explanation of a phenomenon."

To believe in science is not the same at all because the claims can be tested and confirmed repeatedly. This belief is also one that is justified in that it is one based upon evidence whereas faith is defined as: "belief without evidence", and should be avoided at all costs, unless you want to seem like an idiot.

Since science constantly gets better, things may change, and the rational creature changes its sail to catch up the gust to keep progressing forward toward the goal.

The exact opposite can be said for religion. Its premise is "don't question too much, do as you're told, don't explore, don't think too much".


You are correct about that we do not know what happens after death, but from what we know so far is that:

1. We have no soul - there is no such thing within us. The definition may be interpreted differently and soul can mean "person", which it shouldn't. If there's a word for a person, use the word person.

2. We will decompose (alternatively be cremated), and return to the probable state we had before we were alive since all we are, is the brain and its senses.

I however submit that it is more reasonable to base your thoughts on what the actual evidence points toward.

"Willful ignorance is to not accept being wrong and think that you are right, while being proven to that you're wrong."

"Intelligence is when you, in the presence of evidence, admit to being wrong although previously thought that you were right, and change your thinking based upon that evidence."
This conversation is now about Anders' hair

"The hope is still not gone
Somewhere behind the clouds
I'll set you free if you follow me
Reach out touch the hand of God"
"The hope is still not gone
Somewhere behind the clouds
I'll set you free if you follow me
Reach out touch the hand of God"

Yes, what of it? They sing about the "Sirens" (preachers) which lures the victims (other people) to die in the hands of "Persephone" (whatever deity), the greek god of the underworld, and that he's tired of hearing the Sirens (preachers).
If you're going to argue using lyrics, you should look up Zombie Incorporated, Clayman, Leeches, and so on...

Here you go, listen to what Anders says before the song starts.

I'm done, this is getting ridiculous.
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Yes, what of it? They sing about the Siren which lures the victims (sailors) to die in the hands of Persephone, the greek god of the sea.

If you're going to argue using lyrics, you should look up Zombie Incorporated, Clayman, Leeches, and so on...

Here you go, listen to what Anders says before the song starts.

I'm done, this is getting ridiculous.

Sorry but I don't understand what d'you mean. I was joking about this thread going religious.

But, the greek god of the sea is Poseidon, Persephone is the goddess of the underworld. And Anders talks about God with G in capitals, wich is usually used to refer to Jeovah or Yaveh, god of the Jewish, Christians and Muslims.

Edit: also, after carefully reading the lyrics, I don't think Anders is talking about Sirens or sailors.
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Well. Paralyzed. Another boring song.

I don't understand why the programming at the start, it just doesn't seem necesary. Then, the intro riff feels really week, like trying to trasmit something but, at least for me, it fails. Then Anders starts singing with the caompaniement of the keyboards (I agree with those who claimed that Örjan Örnkloo should be a part of the band, since the keyboards and programming have become an important part of the songs). Also, it's the first song Anders is flirting with a more Alt Rock/Alt Metal sound. But he is miserly with the words, as if the melody becomes more important than the message, and in the chorus he tries to express some feeling but it crashes again against the vocal melodies. Also, I don't think that it is possible to give a message with such few words. And, again, the lack of rhymes (I really like rhymes and, I don't think is a great effort to rhyme "Turn away/Run away").

As for the guitar solo, not the worst from the album but sounds, once again, effortless and unnecesary, it simply doesn't adds nothing relevant to the song.

My conclusion, a song in wich the music is merely an underground acompaniement to Anders voice.

Almost forgot, the ending sounds similar to the ending from the Puzzle but, this time, with Anders voice over the guitars.
Through Oblivion. The best of the song, the intro and the chorus (with a poprock feeling on it). The worst, the boring, irrelevant and repetitive guitar riffs and the excesive presence of Anders. Also, I don't see this song as a ballad, though it might be as I remember Bjorn stating that Free Fall was a ballad too. The end riff, use a similar pattern to that of the previous song, remembering, once again, the end riff from The Puzzle.

I must say that, first time I heard the sing was like, it's different and sounds good, will probably grow on me. But, in the end, it was just the opposite. The more I listen to it the lest interesting it sounds to me.
Scientific theory can still be proven false over time. Look at what we believed to be fact, what we generally accepted as truth, centuries ago. You're right, science is always getting better and what we know now might completely change. And what I mean by you believe in science is that you are taking other people's words and accepting them, just like people reading and accepting the bible.
With eyes wide open. Usually, a ballad us meant to raise the feelings from the listener. I think this song fails in every aspect. It's not emotive, the intro melody is really weak and the solo melodies are boring and not emotive at all. As for Anders, mid pop mid alt rock verses in which he tries to bring some emotion with his singing but I think this kind of singing just doesn't suit him. An example for me to be understood. I think that Anders brings more feeling with his screams (or what would be screams if he could) and simpler melodies like in the last chorus from Rusted Nail than with this kind of singing.

One of the worst songs from the album.
Scientific theory can still be proven false over time. Look at what we believed to be fact, what we generally accepted as truth, centuries ago. You're right, science is always getting better and what we know now might completely change. And what I mean by you believe in science is that you are taking other people's words and accepting them, just like people reading and accepting the bible.

But, contrary to the bible, you can study the field of science you want and then see if those other people words were truth or false. Also, another example. If we're talking in this thread is thanks to science. Because, many times, science has its practical aplications in real life.