In Flames New Album being released in Q2 of 2014 thread

Come Clarity: 24,000
ASOP: 20,000
SOAPF: 14,000
SC: 9,000

So, album sales and yt views (RN and TO combined have less than 500 000 in first 40 days) support this view, but those (to us unknown) download figures support nflamezrulez story...
You are comparing album sales in 2006 with 2014, which is just stupid, really. Everyone knows that the industry is dying in that regards, there are extremely few bands/artists who can maintain or even increase album sales, and even that means their previous work sucked. Usually.

I posted this before, but I'm gonna post it again. Peter Iwers interview to an Spanish magazine back in 2011

How much sells a band like IF worldwide?
"We sell around 500 thousand copies of every album worldwide".

Did you noticed a big loss on the sales for the last few years?

"Metal is different. Metal keeps on selling more but I think it would sell even more if not existing all the piracy problem. 25 or 30 years ago, a band like IF would sell about 2 million record worldwide. Today, you don't sell big numbers unless you're a bug band like Metallica."

So, acording to Peter's words, there is not something like droping sales into metal.

Edit: can we get itunes and other download site stats? I knew they were no.1, but I'm interested in some more relevant stats.

That was fans voting, not real sellings. Between the top albums on that list it was the new Slipknot, that's gonna be released next month. If you wanna see real results:
That's from Cannibal Corpse, "High Velocity Impact Spatter", yeah? I'm quite sure of it.

I reviewed the album. It is, without a doubt, the best overall metal album to come out this year.

Guitar work is insane, lyrics are very well pronounced and gives off chills (at least for me). The atmosphere is complete horror. The start of "High Velocity Impact Spatter" is just hauntingly eerie and extremely uncomfortable.

Favorite tracks would have to be Icepick Lobotomy, The Murderer's Pact, Kill or Become, Hollowed Bodies, and lastly, and probably my absolute favorite, Funeral Cremation.

Don't bother. Most people on this forum don't like good musicianship. They want instant gratification in the form of big choruses. I agree the CC album is awesome and one of the best this year along with Casualties of Cool, Maat - As we Create the Hope from Above, Hadal Maw - Senium, Anubis Gate - Horizons. New Threshold is out but I haven't listened yet though it's likely to be album of the year if it's even half as good as March of Progress. Also still have At the Gates, Exodus, Ziltoid 2/DTB and last but not least Nokturnal Mortum (another almost definite finalist for album of the year). It has been an amazing year for metal.
Next song. Everythings Gone.

For me, one of the worst songs of the album. First time I heard was like "not bad, chorus is nice". Second time was worsening and from third time is just boring. Guitar riffs say nothing to me, Anders verses feel weird and the solo is forgetable. I know it's been much discussion, my guilt, but I still think that there are nu metal elements in some of the riffs, but that's only an opinion.

The production, or the mixing, doesn't feel good. There is times when the bass and cimbals overwhelm the guitars, then it drastically changes and the guitars are over the rest of the instruments, and again, many guitar riffs in the mono channel, which is just weird. As for the solo something else to apoint, I don't know why but, they chose a sound that doesn't seem natural to an electric guitar, more like a midi, I don't know how to say it, except for that it sounds weak. Don't know if someone understands what I'm meaning with this.

And, as for Anders, it seems that now he only sings mid tempo or low tempo, not that much variation on his singing (although there is variation on his melodies). And the lyrics are mediocre and nonsense. It looks like he tried to economise the words, or like he had not much to say.

So, as I said, I don't like the song and I won't spent much time talking about it.

A last reflection, but this time for the full album. I don't see in SC nothing that represents a challenge for Niclas and Bjorn. Its full of easy riffs and repetitive solos not much dificult to play for guitarrists of their level.
All righty, SC still fits perfectly of the decaying album sales in IF's discography from CC onwards.

Total sales in us according to wikipedia:
CC (24+)
ASOP (20) - more than 4000
SOAPF(14+) - more than 5000
SC first week(9) - more than 5000

Even if starting from the first week no one had bought a physical copy of SC in the US, it has already reached the ~5k difference. Obviously people will still buy it, so I expect the final number to be 11-12k after the US tour, unless they fail to deliver, their live performance and song selection are huge question marks yet.

Again, you gus try to validate SC being shit by these numbers, while you a.) either accept there is a decay in interest towards physical copies of albums (which should be evident if you look around the world) b.) you accept the theory that from CC onwards the quality of every IF record got worse and worse, and yes, that means ASOP >> SOAPF.

I'm not saying these numbers can not mean that SC is the worst IF album ever, but if that's the case, you have to accept that every album after CC got worse in quality.

Bonus: what the FUCK was up with STYE? Were people so mad at IF after R2R that they boycotted it or what? Or... is it because Bottled????

Edit: FUCK, I can shake hands with Anders and the rest of the guys if I buy a copy of SC. It's surprisingly cheap as well. FUCK ME, I'm a hingy asshole but... but...
Album downloads are now included in UK charts totals. Are they not factored into the US Billboard?

9000 copies in the first week :D lame.
Doesn't matter how many buy it, it's still shit. In terms of being IF and what they're capable of doing.

I can't even imagine what they'll end up doing for the next album
Again, you gus try to validate SC being shit by these numbers, while you a.) either accept there is a decay in interest towards physical copies of albums (which should be evident if you look around the world) b.) you accept the theory that from CC onwards the quality of every IF record got worse and worse, and yes, that means ASOP >> SOAPF.

I'm not saying these numbers can not mean that SC is the worst IF album ever, but if that's the case, you have to accept that every album after CC got worse in quality. It will depend on wether the dissapointed fans are more or less than the new fans that will join the band.

No one is saying this. I think the talk is about if the change will bring success, failure or nothing will change at all. And it will depend on wether the dissaponted fans are more or less than the new fans they can reach with this album.

And I think the ituneschart talks only about non physical copies.
In Plain View - 6/10.
Everything's Gone - 5/10.
Paralyzed - 5/10.
Through Oblivion - 3/10.
With Eyes Wide Open - 6/10.
Siren Charms - 3/10.
When The World Explodes - 5/10.
Rusted Nail - 4/10.
Dead Eyes - 4/10.
Monsters in the Ballroom - 4/10.
Filtered Truth - 5/10.

In Plain View - 7/10
Everything Is Gone - 6/10
Paralyzed - 7/10
Through Oblivion - 5/10
With Eyes Wide Open - 7/10
Siren Charms - 5/10
When The World Explodes - 6/10
Rusted Nail - 6/10
Dead Eyes - 5/10
Monsters In The Ballroom - 5/10
Filtered Truth - 6/10
The Chase - 6/10
Become The Sky - 6/10

These were my first impressions of SC... now going for my final ratings, based on listening to the album roughly 2 times a day recently in order to give it a proper chance...

In Plain View - 6.5/10 - A little too repetitive, and whilst the chorus is OK, it's not one of the best on the album.

Everything's Gone - 4/10 - I really don't like this one very much. The verses are lazy, really terrible. The chorus isn't great either. Not a good effort.

Paralyzed - 6.5/10 - This song has gotten a lot of praise, but again, there isn't much effort here. The verses are just the same simple riff and electronic sounds being played over and over, with no defined vocal hook. The chorus saves the song, it's pretty good and memorable.

Through Oblivion - 5/10 - I wanted to give this a lower rating, but whilst it isn't good, it's also not TCP/Scream levels of bad. It's like a less inspired version of Liberation.

With Eyes Wide Open - 7.5/10 - I shouldn't really like this song as much as I do, but it's really grown on me. The lyrics in the chorus in particular are pretty good. Anders' vocals on this track are the best on the album, imo.

Siren Charms - 6/10 - Not as bad I originally thought. After getting used to the chorus I quite like it. The verses are quite jarring, though, and the song struggles to flow as a result.

When The World Explodes - 4/10 - Another song that I've grown less fond of the more I've listened to it. The verses are pure metalcore, and whilst some of it is good, the structure of the song is very poor. The female vocals come out of nowhere, and the entire song changes direction without warning. The electronic instrumental bit is boring and the song could quite easily end a minute before it actually does without suffering. Compare this to "Dead End" and there's a clear difference in song structure quality.

Rusted Nail - 6.5/10 - This is actually one of the better songs on the album. A standard modern In Flames song, structured properly and with a catchy chorus.

Dead Eyes - 6/10 - An inferior version of WEWO.

Monsters in the Ballroom 6/10 - The opening riffs sound like Lordi. This isn't really a bad song, just a typical SC track with nothing to cause it to stand out.

Filtered Truth - 6/10 - See above. It's OK.

The Chase - 7/10 - This track has a bit more energy, seems a little fresher and more raw than the other songs on the album.

Become The Sky - 7.5/10 - Another one that's really grown on me. The lyrics on this one are quite interesting, and I like how Anders switches cleans and screams mid sentence, like he often did in SOAPF.

Overall Album Rating: 5.5/10.

I can already see Krofius typing "how can you rate it 5/10 when you rated most of the songs 6/10 or more lol <3 Anders <3", but when rating the songs I've done so on a purely individual basis - ie. how would I rate the track if I listened to it in isolation, not taking any other songs into account.

My album rating takes more into account - song structures, creativity, production, etc. The fact is, listening to the album as a whole, I normally get bored by the time I get to Siren Charms/Dead Eyes, because it all sounds so similar. I usually skip from Rusted Nail to The Chase. Also, both bonus tracks should have been on the album. Without them I'd probably rate the album 4 or 4.5/10.
SC has an impressive collection of bad verses and songs without any energy.
There are a lot of good chorus's on the album, it's let down hugely by the verses. The band really seemed to struggle with them this time around. Lazy riffs, low energy drumming and vocal lines which contrast against the rhythm of the music.
They sound like &#1072; band of oldtimers (60+ year old) with emo teenage singer.
DE, I get what you're saying with your rating, but you should still just average the songs out and make that your overall rating. That's the only way that makes any sense.
DE, I get what you're saying with your rating, but you should still just average the songs out and make that your overall rating. That's the only way that makes any sense.


You can judge songs on their individual merit, and also judge how the album as a whole blends together.

I think songs like Monsters in the Ballroom & Filtered Truth are slightly better than average, but by the time I've gotten that far into the album I'm bored because all the song structures sound the same. Is that the fault of the individual songs? Not really, it's just because every single song is structured in the same way. I don't think it's logical to lower the grade of the song just because the album itself has bored me by the time I get to them.

Album as a whole is average at best, imo, but the songs on their own are mostly all listenable. Rating songs and then averaging them out is a very limited way of working out the true worth of an album, imo. It's kind of lazy.
I agree with how you judge the individual songs, but I disagree with how you rate the album. I don't think it's lazy, I think it's accurate. Let's simplify this for a second. If an album has 10 songs and you rate half at 6/10 and half at 7/10, the average overall is 6.5/10. It doesn't make sense to give all 6 and 7 ratings but the album is a 4. Or conversely, rate the songs 3 and 4 but the whole album an 8. To me, how you do it doesn't make sense.
Sure, because being a good musician and doing catchy choruses is totally incompatible.

I didn't say that.

But you can't be implying that In Flames demonstrate any technical prowess on SC...surely not. Again, an objective fact and not an opinion. There is no musicianship on this record. None. You're dissecting the album trying to look for something that isn't there.