Maroon 5ffs.
Anyway, is Become the Sky about suicide? Trying to work out what the lyrics mean...
Throw in the other dude you were responding to who said that extreme metal is "childish"...? In reverse order: I've never heard that argument. Childish how? Because of the vocals I presume? Uh well Go listen to pre-Clayman IF. Those are extreme metal vocals, not far off at all from Jeff Walker or even Chris Barns. The main differentiations comes in pitch and register. So, that notion is completely, well, insane I guess is the best word. Extreme metal is home to the best musicians in the heavy metal genre. So, you're missing out on some great musicianship and music.
Heights unimagined unattained
To drop bodies from the sky
Alive in mid air moving fast
Heads exploding on the ground
Corrupted souls in front of trains
Just to watch the bodies fly
At the site of shredded innards
Brains exploded all around.
Play it too loud. Way too much high-end. It's awful mixing.
After listening to the album twice I can unequivocally state that it is a pile of junk. I even went back and listened to SOAPF for the first time in a while, after Clayman shit his pants and yelled at me in the other thread (I wonder which came first, the pants shitting or the yelling?). SOAPF is still an awful album for a band of In Flames caliber but it is way fucking better than Siren Charms. God Damn this is a horrible record.
I like it when bands stick to their roots. You can still stick to your roots and evolve/progress at the same time. Many bands do/have done it: Nevermore, At The Gates, Threshold, Decapitation, Lunar Aurora, Omnium Gatherum (to name a new from various genres). So the argument that 'bands change and that's that' does not hold. There was a recent interview with Bravewords/ATG and Tompa put it nicely:
BraveWords: So how would you describe this album to fans that are chomping at the bit to hear this!
Anders: It lands in some kind of familiarity with the old At The Gates, with a fresh costume.
Tomas: When Anders says it is a fresh costume, its not like its nu-metal. Theres no cleaning singing on the album.
BraveWords: The production is sick. Talk about working with Fredrik Nordström at Studio Fredman (In Flames, Arch Enemy, Dimmu Borgir) and then with Jens Bogren at Fascination Street Studios (Opeth, Amon Amarth, Kreator)
Tomas: We were very meticulous. Me and Anders were actually finished with the whole writing process - music and lyrics - in January. It was just details from then on and we went into he studio in June, so you can imagine what kind of detail went on for that long. But I would say for the money grab thing - Im still holding onto that question - it would be easy to do another Slaughter Of The Soul, but have a little bit more melody on the choruses. That would be a money grab, right? Its darker, almost more evil. The heavier parts are heavier, the faster parts are faster.
I mean that speaks for itself. Any bands with an ounce of integrity would say the same thing and everyone here knows it.
The interviewer also asked Tompa a great question and one I have been pondering for a while now: he asked whether the band was trying to make an album at least as good as Surgical Steel (which is probably the best extreme metal record of the past 2 or maybe 3 years). And you know what he said? His answer floored me. Here is the exchange:
BraveWords: Of course you are fans of this genre as well, so were you paying attention to the Carcass record? The Black Sabbath record? I can see it in your faces that you knew this had to be as good as the Carcass record. Right? Artistic failure was not an option
Anders: Our aim was higher.
How fucking awesome is that to hear? Bands that still have competitive juices flowing. Can you imagine how hard they must have worked to TOP SS? Even better is the fact that they want to! So much better for everyone when there's competition. Bands progress as musicians and writers (WHILE sticking to their sound) and fans get rewarded with better music.
Yeah we know you do. And that answer floored you? What the fuck? Lol. How that answer floored you is mind-boggling. It's like being floored by a band saying this is their best record so far.
I can agree on one thing, lots of good bands stick to their roots but evolve at the same time. That doesn't mean you have to do that. Both our opinions are as valid, but since you yourself just said you like when bands stick to their roots, then just what are you even doilng here?
You should fully read my posts before replying. I'm not talking about extreme metal or growls. I'm talking about this:
Do you recognise it?
And I'm talking about doing covers when a corpse eats the pussy from another corpse, that's disgusting and extremily childish.
You know, that's cool when you're 15. Then it's just boring.
Anders is getting some fucking awesome ink, seems like it will be a cool project.
The heart one is definitely inspired by the "Black Gives Way To Blue" by Alice In Chains artwork.
I don't see your point with Alice In Chains. It's just how a human heart looks. I see inspiration from the "Come Clarity" artwork and from Satellites and Astronauts.
Other than Claypants shitting himself in his posts, and Vanilla syrup promoting another atrocious band in Soilwork, this has to be one of the dumbest posts I've read in this topic...all 70+ pages. Throw in the other dude you were responding to who said that extreme metal is "childish"...? In reverse order: I've never heard that argument. Childish how? Because of the vocals I presume? Uh well Go listen to pre-Clayman IF. Those are extreme metal vocals, not far off at all from Jeff Walker or even Chris Barns. The main differentiations comes in pitch and register. So, that notion is completely, well, insane I guess is the best word. Extreme metal is home to the best musicians in the heavy metal genre. So, you're missing out on some great musicianship and music.
Next, to the above quoted. How in the world does it make sense to enjoy a band in the live setting and say you won't go listen to their studio output? Again, I've never heard someone express that concept. You like them, but you won't listen to them? Very weird. In case you didn't know, Carcass absolutely destroys In Flames in every way possible. Better guitarists, drumming, songwriting, oh and...more integrity. I mean seriously, just see for yourself. Play the two songs back to back. One is objectively better than the other. Go on, play them...
Other than Claypants shitting himself in his posts, and Vanilla syrup promoting another atrocious band in Soilwork, this has to be one of the dumbest posts I've read in this topic...all 70+ pages. Throw in the other dude you were responding to who said that extreme metal is "childish"...? In reverse order: I've never heard that argument. Childish how? Because of the vocals I presume? Uh well Go listen to pre-Clayman IF. Those are extreme metal vocals, not far off at all from Jeff Walker or even Chris Barns. The main differentiations comes in pitch and register. So, that notion is completely, well, insane I guess is the best word. Extreme metal is home to the best musicians in the heavy metal genre. So, you're missing out on some great musicianship and music.
Next, to the above quoted. How in the world does it make sense to enjoy a band in the live setting and say you won't go listen to their studio output? Again, I've never heard someone express that concept. You like them, but you won't listen to them? Very weird. In case you didn't know, Carcass absolutely destroys In Flames in every way possible. Better guitarists, drumming, songwriting, oh and...more integrity. I mean seriously, just see for yourself. Play the two songs back to back. One is objectively better than the other. Go on, play them...
You are comparing album sales in 2006 with 2014, which is just stupid, really. Everyone knows that the industry is dying in that regards, there are extremely few bands/artists who can maintain or even increase album sales, and even that means their previous work sucked. Usually.So basically, US first week sales...
Come Clarity: 24,000
ASOP: 20,000
SOAPF: 14,000
SC: 9,000
the Americans are not impressed with N'Flaymz maturity by the looks of things. In Flames seemed to have released their album at the right time though, as only 9,000 sales has got them spot 26 on the chart, whereas 24,000 sales got them only to 58.