In Flames New Album being released in Q2 of 2014 thread

only4theweak187 it wasn't on Swedish tv, or well it was aired on Swedish TV as well but it's a Norwegian show.
"A world where fashion outshines morality"...

So odd listening to these lyrics and looking at photos of the band (especially Anders) in their sponsored denim jeans, hipster glasses or business suits when they take stage. Compare back to the Colony tours or Whoracle tours. It was totally different. I wonder if selling millions of albums worldwide (mostly to non-metal fans...just 'hard rock radio enthusiasts') changes everyone or if you have to be that type of person in order for the change to occur. Like I have no doubt that if Carcass sold a million records they'd still be normal dudes. Of course I can't prove that, but I would bet money on it. Same with, oh, lots of bands actually. What do you guys think? Can money and fame change anyone, or does it only change just certain people?
Comparing 20-25year olds in 1997-1999 with 40~ year olds with several children in 2014, why am I not surprised? And as if there is anything wrong with wearing a suit?



This worked in the 90's in a melodic death metal band, it would look retarded for them to still wear the same typ of clothes 20 years later, wouldn't it? Especially when you are around 40 years of age. Maybe that's just my opininon, but I don't really care what they wear as long as they don't wear granny panties and bras. And they did wear ''regular'' clothes back then as well, just that the fashion in the 90's was very different from maybe 2005 onward.

There are of course musicians in other metal bands that wear the exact same type of clothes as they did since the 80's or 90's, good for them. I doubt they would wear those clothes at a wedding. It's all about circumstances. IF dresses up on special occations and performances, on regular tours they wear similar types of casual jeans and t-shirts as they always have.
Comparing 20-25year olds in 1997-1999 with 40~ year olds with several children in 2014, why am I not surprised? And as if there is anything wrong with wearing a suit?

I'm really tired of the 'grown up' and 'having children' reasoning. It's using like thee 'God cause' to anything people just doesn't understand and, in this case, to anything related to the band you just cannot come with a better explanation.

The guy is talking about Anders own words and how now they seem to work against him. You should come with a better argument than "he is 40 and has children". And yes, Anders is a fashion victim now. It all seems to have started when he found the ipod and all the Steve Jobs paraphernalia that he seems to admire that much.
So odd listening to these lyrics and looking at photos of the band (especially Anders) in their sponsored denim jeans, hipster glasses or business suits when they take stage.

He can wear whatever he likes.

Still, it's so annoying when you see a dude of his age with all the moaning, twitching, stage acting, stance, haircut, glasses, and all that "look at me I'm a teenage emo hipster, nobody understands me" outfit.

It's just plain embarrassing.

I was never really into METULZ: you must wear black, spikes and chains, but come on, wear something normal.

And yes, Carcass dudes are just too cool to pull off shit like that.

Just watch latest Carcass and IF live shows. Cynical Brit or "scene" kid...
British metal bands are always cool. It's how we roll.

Anders has been embarrassing for a few years now. Midlife crisis I guess.
You know fashion means more than just clothing? So he changed his look. I don't see how that makes him do immoral things now. That line means people would rather do what is popular instead of what is right. Anders changing to a hipster look doesn't mean he'll turn a blind eye to the right thing now.
That performance of Through Oblivion was pretty bad. Anders couldnt do clean vocals live very well. At least on Tv anyway :D Im still hoping for A New Dawn peformance live. That would be awesome.