Rusted Nail is definitely better live than on CD
Yes! Since the show, I have listened to RN so much more.
and The Chosen Pessimist was actually great.
YES!!! Told you guys, but did not want to bitch on all the posts saying "omg, pls put two other songs isntead of tcp". It was so powerful!
The best moment is still Trigger, though.
YEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSS!!!!! Though I really liked Ropes as well.
And I guess you know what I meant when I said Anders is an amazing frontman. He's down to earth personality (that's why I don't think he's a diva, though he definitely seems like someone who take critics badly) and the way how he can just move the crowd is awesome. The whole time I felt like some friends of mine just came over to play some osngs then we will go to a pub and get drunk. Sure, I was starstruck, but still, watching them drinking beer DURING the fucking songs, and watching Anders doing goofy stuff, like his trademark smartphone stealing, or when he's doing the air guitars during solos.

And the best part is that it was so obvious they enjoyed it; other band members kept singing the songs to themselves, and as for Anders, the way he got himself into the songs was more than enough.
How did Resin go? Did While She Sleeps played as an opener band (and if yes, did they play this: )?
Also, did you ask around people on their opinions? Like, about SC, setlist, favorite song(s)?
edit: oh yes, and did TQP sounded as bad as on the video I linked? The way he singed it was pretty bad on that. I didn't mind that way of singing on OFTW, but come on!