Jester Slave
It's not about debate, it's about actually making any argument at all. Debate is when someone finds your argument weak. If you claim something, you either have anything to back it up, or you are just talking out of your arse.Believe me, if I thought you were worth the time I'd happily debate with you. Seeing as I don't, I'm content just winding you upas you seem to be on the verge of a breakdown, though, time to stop. Stay frosty, kid.
Example 1:
- SC is the worst IF album ever.
- Why?
- I don't know, I just said that. Is that not enough?
This is where you are at, 0. Nowhere.
Example 2:
- SC is the worst IF album ever.
- Why?
- I think the way they structured the song is very lazy, the vocals are bleeding and there's just not enough diversity.
This is when you actually explain something, that you don't just throw empty words into the air, because you hate SC or whatever.
Example 3:
- SC is the worst IF album ever.
- Why?
- I think the way they structured the song is very lazy, the vocals are bleeding and there's just not enough diversity.
- I'm sorry, but I think you are wrong, because...
And this is something you can only achieve when you actually proved you are not just talking out of your ass. Whether you participate in the debate at that point or dismiss the counterarguments as "not worthy to reply to" is up to you, but you can not reach this conclusion when you are at example one, because otherwise it looks like example 4.
Example 4:
- SC is the worst IF album ever.
- Why?
- I refuse to debate with you, your points are stupid and shallow.
I see your posts are reeking of three major things. One is the way you try to make it all look "funny" and make it look like it's a conversation built upon non-serious ground, like if the question was "why 1+1 is not 3?". This makes you feel better avoiding the question, like you are not supposed to answer in the first place. The other part is you projecting your pity and hate on me, like it (or the reason you have these feelings/opinions) have anything to do with you being called out on what you proudly claimed. The third part is trying to make me mad or overzealous by not only verbal abuse, but actually stating I'm already in that state, which you know I am not, but when people are accused falsely, they usually tend to be upset, so it's almost like a failproof way of making someone frustrated, though it's somewhat ironic that you use terms which imply I am but merely a child, when these techniques are actually what young folks use when they feel threatened.
Forcing everything into a personal fight is a safe way to protect yourself from admitting you were wrong, though the (lazy) way you are doing it is not much better int he public's eye, than admitting that you got caught in the heat of the argument and said something that is not exactly true.