In Flames New Album being released in Q2 of 2014 thread

Rusted Nail sounds fine. I only caught the end of where the dead ship dwells. That wasn1t so good :D

Girls at the front wasted as FUCK. Dude crowdsurfing.

Still saying RN is a very nice live song. TQP next if I'M correct.


This sounded so much better than when they started to play earlier this tour... His voice seems fine:o Though he barely did cleans on those songs so can't comment on that one.

Okay, those cleans are horrendous, but hey, his growls/screams/whatevers are better at least :D :D

intoxicated guy escorted out haha

"you fucking pussies" nice!

Crowd is pleased. Fucking Anders, selling the show again :D

No, but seriously, he growls! Pretty cool. Watch Take This Life from youtube or sth, I ain't lying.

Fucking 'muricans, making security work for their money.

Well that was not bad.
I am hereby ashamed of the tragedy that is this American audience.

The newer albums have seemed to attracted weirdos that do nothing but just stand there. Horrific.

Nah bro, you must be mistaken. New songs are all about crowd movement. Old songs are the ones where the crowd don't move. Every single one of them, without exception.
Our dear friend Anders screams his way even through songs sung clean in studio. Now, that's a good thing, because he fails miserably at singing.
Now, if no one is jumping for OFTW, I think we really shouldn't blame IF, you know that only-IF shows in Europe moved everyone. Not sure what is up with 'muricans, I've seen a lot of NIN footages as well from America where the front row stood still during the most insane songs.... like yeah. What a disgrace, but since they are an American band, the only thing that's 100% sure is that they will have an American-leg with $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ triple screen stage with full technology and extra band members, while Europe is happy if they date won't get canceled.

Maybe our shows are more intimate? Or we appreciate it more? I dunno, but at least IF is european, so even if they won't be needed overseas, they'll still tour here. Yay!

Though this co-headlined tour is kind of a mess, I'm not sure if I'd pay into it, given that I don't know anything from Opeth. I'd probably not go, unless I had the extra budget and some friends, to call it a simple night-out.

And I really liked his fucked-up voice. Not Used & Abused material, but hey, if we consider 10 fucking years passed, that's pretty ok.
It's like those people weren't even there to see IF.

What was the reaction to Opeth?
Maybe you're right. Could it be that americans have a worst reaction to style changes, so they're less interested in IF than in Opeth? Yeah, I know, Opeth is no more Death Metal, but the music still sounds like Opeth.
American audiences mostly stand there with their phones as to just post videos and pictures on their facebook's.

In July 2011 at my local venue the crowd went fucking insane when Trivium opened for them the whole time. Great energy throughout... a lot of true metal head dudes and it was just great energy the whole night. They opened with cloud connected, trigger right after, colony, system, come clarity etc etc just a more all-round IF show instead of just the new shit that they play now.

March 2013 same place they're now playing mostly soapf, asop, not only for the weak this time etc etc. the crowd was packed with "scene" girls taking videos and the entire front 5 "rows" of people up against the barricade didnt move or do shit. The pit was weak and people were just yelling out things like "colony", "trigger" or other random requests.

Something happened in those 2 years since SOAPF came out I've noticed over here.

In Europe judging from videos and festival broadcasts the crowds are always better, appreciate having a good time and it's just miles ahead of USA shows.

Idk why, just how we are over here... Fat lazy idiots who'd rather watch a video through their phone to show others what they did that night than something right in front of them.

Another thing I've noticed over here who go to see IF is it's either true metalheads who think they should play most of their best shit (Jester Race - Come Clarity) live with a some new songs (i.e. delight angers, alias, where dead ships dwell etc etc), OR people who only like the last 3 albums and these are usually kids who like strictly metalcore or teenage boys/girls that like "scene", "emo" or "screamo" music.

The people I see at shows on the east coast USA are one or the other ^

Then you just have a good 20% of people at the most who are cool about everything they play at shows, like myself.
Also I'm still fucking confused as to what songs they'll play one week from today when(if) I see them. Or how long it'll be.

Someone said at the LA stream that they were opening for Opeth and that certainly wasn't a full set.

I'm not making the drive for a fuckin 45min show yet theres no way to find out if they're opening or headlining.
Here's a blast from the past. Awesome song live. The scream Anders does at 3.13 is perfect. Sounded like Dani Filth at the end. Enjoy it.

BTW you can see krofius at this one's comments too, no surprise..
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Now that's a competent singer.

You know, it makes one wonder, if they went out of their way to get that girl that sang on When the World Explodes to do that song for the DVD recording, why not also have put Dead End in the setlist for that show and have her help out on that as well? She could most definitely have pulled it off, and considering the song itself blows away anything from the last 3 albums, I'm still scratching my head wondering why they skimped out on such a perfect missed opportunity.

"Hey guys, we've got a chance tonight to get a pro-shot recording of a cool song we wouldn't be able to perform properly in most other situations! Who's up for it?"

"Nah, let's just play The Chosen Pessimist instead. Everyone will be going crazy over that!"

What a bunch of fucking morons this band is.
You know, it makes one wonder, if they went out of their way to get that girl that sang on When the World Explodes to do that song for the DVD recording, why not also have put Dead End in the setlist for that show and have her help out on that as well? She could most definitely have pulled it off, and considering the song itself blows away anything from the last 3 albums, I'm still scratching my head wondering why they skimped out on such a perfect missed opportunity.

"Hey guys, we've got a chance tonight to get a pro-shot recording of a cool song we wouldn't be able to perform properly in most other situations! Who's up for it?"

"Nah, let's just play The Chosen Pessimist instead. Everyone will be going crazy over that!"

What a bunch of fucking morons this band is.

Well said.

Come Clarity in the first place, is the last great IF album. So many good tracks.

IMO Most bands would've made the effort to do that. Dead End would've been a great song to have a female that's already there to honor it.

But IF are ashamed of anything from Come Clarity & before, besides a few select tracks they feel are "ok" for audiences today... Lol wat. So sad they're not proud of what they've achieved.

They're literally choosing to play Chosen Pessimist over 2 better songs they could stick in there instead. At least play the track "Colony" itself and another great track from say, Clayman, and stick those 2 in there instead. Why the fuck not? Any normal band would.

MOST people would rather see that. A band with such a great catalogue that simply neglects at least the 10 great tracks that they could play live and a vast majority of IF fans would like to see boggles my mind.

Just look at the facebook comments when IF posted youtube video Food For The Gods live from the Used and Abused DVD earlier today... The top comments especially are people who are reasonable... "Play more oldies and like half new songs please!" And the comments in conversation that follow those top voted comments on that particular post.
Just a thought I've had for a while, and this will probably kick up a storm of mixed reactions but, maybe it has something to do with the relations with Jesper leaving the band and them wanting to play tracks that were mostly if not completely written by Bjorn? (like how people say they are ashamed of the old material, and don't have much to say about playing more old material live), maybe they want to be ignorant of the music and riffs that were written by Jesper? I know it's kind of irrelevant but considering that with each new album they distance away from the older stuff more and more, if you put yourself in the bands position, would you want to play music that you didn't write? considering the circumstances
That probably has something to do with it, at least to an extent. Aside from Anders, none of the current members were either in the band or in their current instrumental roles between Lunar Strain and Whoracle, which is why you pretty much never see anything from that time period. As for the rest, you might be on to something with them wanting to go with songs Jesper had minimal input on. When comparing ASOP with SOAPF it's pretty easy in hindsight to deduce what parts he wrote, since the two albums are essentially the same general approach but with the latter having only one guitarist writing all the riffs. And when thinking about the 3 songs they've been playing from ASOP live, those particular songs seem closer riff-composition-wise to what we've come to accept as Bjorn's style.

Whatever the case, the fact is that their setlist is inexcusably unbalanced. Looking at the one that was shot for the DVD as an example, out of those 20 songs, only 4 would I enjoy to any significant extent in casual listening (and then when considering past performances of some of those songs, you could likely knock that down to 2 when the finished product comes out).

And for the record, it's not just because I dislike the last 3 albums with a burning passion that I'm complaining. Even if they were amazing albums and universally considered to be among the band's best, it would still be insulting to see a band with such an expansive back catalogue of quality shit refusing to play anything from it, either because it's "too complex" (give me a fucking break) or it "doesn't come across well live".
Just look at the facebook comments when IF posted youtube video Food For The Gods live from the Used and Abused DVD earlier today... The top comments especially are people who are reasonable... "Play more oldies and like half new songs please!" And the comments in conversation that follow those top voted comments on that particular post.
I can only hope that you are well aware that how ridiculous of an arguement that is... If it's a valid point, then 95% of the bands which are older than 10 years are shit now and every single government in the world should step down.
Just a thought I've had for a while, and this will probably kick up a storm of mixed reactions but, maybe it has something to do with the relations with Jesper leaving the band and them wanting to play tracks that were mostly if not completely written by Bjorn? (like how people say they are ashamed of the old material, and don't have much to say about playing more old material live), maybe they want to be ignorant of the music and riffs that were written by Jesper? I know it's kind of irrelevant but considering that with each new album they distance away from the older stuff more and more, if you put yourself in the bands position, would you want to play music that you didn't write? considering the circumstances

I don't think so, since Bjorn said that his favourite song to play live is Enbody the Invisible. I think that the problem is the disability of Anders to sing most of those songs live, so they choose a setlist that is comfortable to him.