In Flames New Album being released in Q2 of 2014 thread

Maybe, but, talking about haters is the easy way to defend the new album. They try to argue that is a fight between old IF and new IF, conveniently forgetting that many of the people who complains about SC is people that like the previous albums, be it new IF or old IF. This way, they reduce the SC matter to an absurd fight that suits their point of view.

Yes, there is many people claiming to go back to TJR, this is stupid, but I don't think there are as many as the ones who felt disapointed with and only with SC, be it with the direction they're taking or with the (low) quality of the album.

Yes. If both "sides" agree to completely disregard the dismissive haters and trolls we can have an honest discussion between the non-assholes.

I would have been delighted with another SOAPF or CC.

Come Clarity is an awesome album and the last great heavy metal release they made. Will remain my favorite era for In Flames live, besides 2004 (all from seeing videos obviously)

CC was their last great album. I can't believe anyone (even myself) was complaining back then about it. And no, Siren Charms will not have the same effect.

2006-2007 was outrageous for IF live. Awesome setlists, the synchronized headbanging and Anders giving 110% every night.

I would've loved to see In Flames live at Wacken 2007 somewhere, too bad we never will besides the Come Clarity performance from that night.
I dunno, I thought SOAPF was a great album too. It's a little more varied than CC, though CC is definitely more in the vein of heavy metal, whereas SOAPF leans more towards hard rock.

I dread to think what the next album will sound like. I'm at the point where I'd be happy for them to never release another album again.

Also I saw In Flames at Bloodstock 2007 and they fucking sucked. Drunk and barely able to play their shit.

They were fantastic when I saw them in London in 2006 though.
Damn, IF is into Blizzard games! *Jester Slave greatly approves*
Maybe, but, talking about haters is the easy way to defend the new album. They try to argue that is a fight between old IF and new IF, conveniently forgetting that many of the people who complains about SC is people that like the previous albums, be it new IF or old IF. This way, they reduce the SC matter to an absurd fight that suits their point of view.

Yes, there is many people claiming to go back to TJR, this is stupid, but I don't think there are as many as the ones who felt disapointed with and only with SC, be it with the direction they're taking or with the (low) quiallity of the album.
I defended SC indirectly, but that really wasn't my primary goal. I don't mind if people hate on it, people would've hated on another CC as well initially. The only question about newer IF albums si whether you will like them 2 years later or not.

Anyway, that was beside my point. I just did not want "people on facebook agree with me" to become an argument which has weight in matters like this, because most of the time it's just butthurt people crying.
They're doing a west coast and midwest sweep for that USA tour it looks like, nothing near me

I'm not even going to the show tomorrow. Poor setlist = saving the $ for Christmas instead. I'm not going 2.5 hours away to literally just enjoy Trigger, Cloud Connected, Only For The Weak and The Quiet Place.
You said yourself that while you like the old stuff more, you are fine with the newer songs as well. Even if you hate SC, the songs should be fine live, they are more agressive than on the album, and even Through Oblivion is paced up. They will have full play a full set as well, and if you are a lucky bastard, they'll consider it as the start of a new leg, instead of the continuation of this one, which means new songs, though I highly doubt that, 'cuz I'm pretty sure the new setlist will come when they start to tour again in Europe.

Don't know about the prices of inland travel in the USA, to this day I can't even comprehend the sheer size of that country, and the fact that I live in a country which is basically smaller than any of your states, but if it's more than manageable, I don't see a reason why you shouldn't consider going. Even if you'd like their new setlist more, they'd probably come back to the US during the summer festivals, and if you are not a festival-guy, you'd have to wait even more for proper shows.

Edit:wow, I'm stupid, I just saw they start that tour at 2/20, which means it IS the new leg indeed, so the setlist will definitely change. I'm convinced that Siren Charms and Dead Eyes will be featured, SOAPF songs will either disappear or be switched up with other ones, since there are tons of songs from that album, so it would be stupid to leave all of them in. Whther they'll play more older songs is a mystery, but Resin might be switched up with something else. For some reason they did not want to play TQP at the start of this leg so it might be gone for the next one.

edit2: actually, let's make this into a game! predict which songs will be gone! My bets are on: In Plain View (new opener incoming), With Eyes Wide Open, Resin, Ropes, The Chosen Pessimist, The Quiet Place, Fear Is The Weakness. Thank me later.

edit3: IF in spain next July: srsly, they are pleasing everyone here who don't want to go to their shows, and I'm 99% sure they won't come to hungary next year. :D
That's near from where I live, in fact is the same country. And no, I'm not going. Also you should not tell other people what they might like.
That's near from where I live, in fact is the same country. And no, I'm not going. Also you should not tell other people what they might like.
It's a festival so I wouldn't go either.

Why shouldn't I? You used the key word, which is might. I'm not telling him what he would like, but what he might like. He's a free individual and the decision is ultimately his, so I don't see what's your problem. If I were in doubt I'd like to hear others input, especially if they attended the almost same exact show I'm thinking to attend; it's also not a secret what my taste is concerning IF, so he can weight it according to that. And if he's 100% set not to go, then I could say anything, he'd still not go, so no harm done.
It's a festival so I wouldn't go either.

Why shouldn't I? You used the key word, which is might. I'm not telling him what he would like, but what he might like. He's a free individual and the decision is ultimately his, so I don't see what's your problem. If I were in doubt I'd like to hear others input, especially if they attended the almost same exact show I'm thinking to attend; it's also not a secret what my taste is concerning IF, so he can weight it according to that. And if he's 100% set not to go, then I could say anything, he'd still not go, so no harm done.

Lets give it a turn. You shouldn't like SC. What do you think know? That I'm a jerk? You're probably right.
Lets give it a turn. You shouldn't like SC. What do you think know? That I'm a jerk? You're probably right.
Why do you make so much fuss about this? Your example is flawed, because I gave my suggestion to him based on what he said, which was that he likes both new and old IF - he was also debating with himself whether he should go to this co-headlined show or not, so don't tell me he was not interested at all. I never said anything like "I hate Anders' cleans" which could warrant you to tell me not to like SC.
I like old and new IF and I would never go to a show based on sc songs. It's the same with him. So trying to convince him of liking something he does not is useless. Remember that liking IF doesn't mean liking sc necessarily.
I like old and new IF and I would never go to a show based on sc songs. It's the same with him. So trying to convince him of liking something he does not is useless. Remember that liking IF doesn't mean liking sc necessarily.
You should send me a screenshot of my posts because you must see something entirely different from what I'm actually writing. The dude did not go to their show now (mainly) because of the chopped setlist, yet you keep blabbing about SC. Just don't. I really don't care about SC as much as you think I do.
Not like it took me too much time to find.
I reassured him that the SC songs sound more "IF-ish" live, than on the album, since I know he doesn't like SC. Did I tell him the album is good? Did I tell him the songs are good? No, I told him they are closer to his taste live.

I mean I like Where Dead Ships Dwell too, but it's just not worth it to me. It still would only cost me about $60 not including the ticket price, and that's nothing... But any year before this they'd have been playing better songs live and I'd sacrifice some Christmas $ for going to an IF show in NYC instead. This year I feel different.

I traveled 2 hours (not to NYC) for this setlist when they opened for Lamb of God in fall 2012:

Sounds of a Playground Fading
Where the Dead Ships Dwell
Reroute to Remain
Embody the Invisible
Cloud Connected
Fear Is the Weakness
The Mirror's Truth
Deliver Us
Take This Life
My Sweet Shadow

^That was a good enough setlist. SOAPF is a good opening song, Where Dead Ships Dwell, Reroute to Remain, Embody, System and Fear is the Weakness were awesome and the rest were a plenty good enough time in my mind at the time.

Fast forward to now, I just have lost motivation to want to go now even though I haven't missed a NYC show of theirs in the last 5 years... Unfortunately I feel like it's just not worth it now.

You're right, I did say I do enjoy the newer songs live, but not in a set like they're playing tonight sadly.

I've always had a good time at their shows with the new songs as long as a few golden-oldies had their time to shine as well. I've always "rocked out" during songs from SOAPF and Delight and Angers/Alias/The Mirror's Truth.

In my mind they're just playing a few too many new ones.

Just a few. If they took 2-3 "new" songs out and played ANY 2-3 pre-ASOP songs I would've went. And the rest of the setlist could stay the same.

Seriously if tonight went like this; Trigger, Cloud Connected, Only For The Weak and The Quiet Place, then:

If they swapped out a few new ones and traded in 2-3 songs from Soundtrack, Come Clarity, Reroute... (Or any of the 4 songs Colony, Embody Invisible, Clayman or Bullet Ride as well) instead then I would have went.

I'd have loved to go to see a more "all-round" setlist. Which for In Flames realistically in the modern era is mostly new songs with 1/3rd being older classics. I don't see anything weird about that and nearly all metal bands do/would do the same.

^This is how every setlist I've seen them play so far has been and it was always a great time, enjoyed the hell out of SOAPF/ASOP songs as well as good older songs being played at the same time. Now they won't even do that for some reason, so I said screw it. It sucks as I usually would never miss my favorite band of all time coming anywhere near me but it's to the point where I couldn't convince myselft that it was worth it. (Especially when Only For The Weak is my fav song of all time and haven't heard them play it in over 3 years)
Fuck Dead Ships, I'll never understand the hype about it. It'd be the first song I'd kick out of the set. Even in the post R2R catalog it's a mediocore song live.

Anyway, I wasn't really talking about tonight's show, but one from their next leg. They are bound to make some changes to the set. Technically, it's possible that they'd play exactly the same songs (but even then, you'd at least get a 19-20 songs long, proper show), but since they HAVE TO make changes when they come back to Europe, since few people would pay to see the exact same thing they did in less than 6 months ago, so it just makes sense to start warming up the new set asap. The number of SC songs probably won't change, since it's still a promotional tour (one less at the very best), and maybe you'd hate the new set even more, but I'd still wait and see.

Btw, if they'll play My Sweet Shadow I'll definitely consider going to another Europe show (probably have to look around abroad). Just don't give me some shit song again instead of TQP... my heart couldn't take it.
Any tips on what the Jester christmas present might be? New music video? They already made 3. New song? Probably not, knowing how the record process went for SC. New tour dates? Wouldn't be that big of a deal knowing 6 months from now you can see them.

Considering this, my bet is that they release a video or two from the upcoming live dvd. If that's the case, it's almost certain it'll be an SC song.
- Labeling SC as the bands chance to redeem themselves, when if there was ever an album like that it was SOAPF? Check.
- Bitching about his cleans when almost the entirety of SOAPF consisted of that? Check.
- TJR, Whoracle or Colony mentioned? Check.
- Bitching about synths 12 years after the release of R2R which had insanely lot programming, followed by STYE with shitton of electronics, and then songs like Alias or Leeches which would sound like a pop/electro-hit without the guitars or vocals? Check.
- Dat One Direction analogy, LOL. Can't say I expected that stupid hyperbole. Not check.
- The album is soft. "Experimentation isn't a bad thing, it's part of progression, but In Flames have done this so many times before now.". Author of the post already answered one of his concerns without probably even realizing it? Check.
- Mentioning of melodic death metal when it's more than 10 years now they are pretty much just metal and never even stated the opposite of it? Check.
- WTWE is the only good track? WHAT THE FUCK, NOT CHECK.
- Says it went against everyone's expectations when it's obvious for more than a decade you can't expect anything from IF because they will come up with some random shit, whether it's a soft SC made during 3 months after a "let's make something epic, no matter how long it takes" SOAPF or a heavy Come Clarity released after the much different STYE? Check.
- Talking about heaviness and IF wanting to prove it, when all it would've taken the guy to avoid this own goal to type "Anders Fridén interview Siren CHarms" into youtube and listen to him saying he deliberately not wanted this album to sound heavy? Check, of course.
- How can you be fucked over when you are not promised anything and 3 music videos are released for the album, so you can absolutely see what you could expect? Unless the usual marketing of "we think this album is really" good counts as deceiving.

Seriously, that was so pathetic. Cut out everything I mentioned and we got 4 sentences where he explains why he thinks the album sucks and I would not say a single word. Sure, echo will butt in saying I'm defending SC again, but look what I highlighted: tons of stuff which are simply incorrect and just the result of a drama outrage of some whiny bitch. I could take it if the guy were to explain how IF has fallen out of grace for him, but no, this dude acts like SC was supposed to be a milestone in IF's live, and talks about melodic death metal. Just blows my mind, and he would anger me if I were in the anti-new IF club because he'd make me look like an idiot. Imagine explaining in great lengths how IF lost quality over the course of the last decade, then this guy butts in "hurr durr, what's this electronic stuff? where's my mdm? hurr durr", and people would dismiss my claims because they'd put me in the same hat as him. The opposite of this guy is someone who'd say SC is the best album ever, everything else sucks, Anders should never growl or scream again.
Can't disagree:

"As a huge In Flames fan, I have never been so disappointed by an album so goddamn much since Metallica's Lulu. Siren Charms is In Flames' latest installment, an opportunity that was completely wasted! Let's be real here, In Flames over the past few years hasn't had a very impressive track record. Come Clarity was probably the most decent album they've released in the past decade and everything from there onwards blew up in their faces. Siren Charms was an opportunity for the band to redeem themselves to their fans but instead they focused too much on experimentation rather than actually making their album sound good. Experimentation isn't a bad thing, it's part of progression, but In Flames have done this so many times before now. Honestly, this sounds nothing different from their previous release. Except maybe the fact that this one sucks even more because it's basically rehash of "Sounds of a Playground Fading."

Let's start off with the basics. Anders Friden's vocals have to be the most annoying thing on the entire album. His growls and screams are barely there, popping up occasionally, and are replaced by his actual singing voice, which are so out of key it's killing me. We're talking about Anders fucking Friden here! What happened to the harsh vocals we heard on albums like "Colony," "Clayman" or even something more recent like "Come Clarity?" Instead we get some half-assed clean vocals that make the band sound like some pop group. Even more so due to the synth you hear in the background, which I swear you could hear something similar on a fucking One Direction release. Both of these elements fused together has to be the album's biggest downfall and benefactor as to why this release sucks. Everything else, be it the guitars and drums, are all soft as hell. Rarely do you even get a heavy bridge or fast riff. It's practically non-existent. If you came here expecting something truly heavy and powerful, it's not on here because at least 90% of this album is soft! It seems almost unfair to call these guys a melodic death metal band. They're melodic, they're a band but there's literally no metal to be found whatsoever on this release. Friden's whiny bitch vocals mixed with a weak band supporting them makes this nothing more than a pop release. There's distortion but it doesn't do the music justice.

I will admit that there are some riffs and parts in certain songs that sound okay. I'm still a huge fan of Björn Gelotte's guitar style despite his work on here. There are some solos of his that I actually could enjoy but that, of course, was short-lived because of everything else drowning it out. I have to say that "When the World Explodes" has to be the only impressive track on this piece, it's not stellar but I at least have to point out something good on this album. It's not all bad, it just went against everyone's expectations. When I heard of this piece, I was actually pretty stoked on the fact In Flames could make something really good here and redeem themselves, to show the fans they're still capable on making something powerful. Instead they relied on like one or two tracks and said: "hey guys, we're still heavy but we're going to stick with sounding like a pop rock band now because that's what you guys want, right?" Wrong! So fucking wrong! In the end, this album is way below average. It's boring, soft, gets stale really fast and not worth any of your money. Whatever In Flames releases next, I'm not excited for it. At this point, we've been fucked over so many times by these guys that we're having a hard time believing that their next release will be worthwhile. It's kind of hard to say "In Flames We Trust" without feeling like I'm kidding myself. To me, they're not melodic death metal until they release something that can actually start a mosh pit."

Also, after listening to Eyes Wide Open again... why is there no solo? It would at least make it a complete "ballad"

This was the laziest effort of an "album" ever.

Almost agree, except for two points. WTWE looks promising at first sight, but then it becomes as boring as the rest of the album. SOAPF is a good album, it's the beginning of a new era with a new sound that has little in common with what IF used to be but, still, is good.

Also I think there's a wrong conception about IF sound. I mean, people uses to talk about old IF and new IF and they put last two album in the last, while SOAPF clearly is the start of a new direction. So I would rahter talk about Old Melodeath IF, then experimental IF (that's from RTR to ASOP) and the new IF, the last two albums.