In Flames New Album being released in Q2 of 2014 thread

It has nothing similar with "30 seconds..". When you listen it you could feel In Flames after all. (If your IF consept is based on just Jester Race) And its one of the very good Modern IF songs. I'm not trying to proof that solo is good because it changes over people. But you can clearly hear harmonized solo and thats one of the things that made In Flames, In Flames. (hope you can understand what I meant)

Really? Because SC reminds me moments like this (not that it's exactly the same, of course)

And don't worry, I know that Jared Leto is far better singer than Anders, so it's meaningless to compare.

And I don't know if SC solo can be even called a solo.
Random order

Sleepless Again
Sober And Irrelevant
A New Dawn
Where the dead Ships Dwell
Sounds of a Playground Fading
I'm the Highway
The Puzzle

Though, as I said before, I don't think we can compare those albums. ASOP feels like the end of the second era, SOAPF a bridge and SC the start of something new.
Why everyone wrote The Puzzle to the list? I think its the worst song of SOAPF. Just a random ASOP'ish song. And I dont care what you think.. or maybe I do? :D
I like Like You Better Dead and Borders And Shadings simplified lyrics, but The Puzzle has to be the most retarded IF lyrics I ever heard. I just can't take that song seriously, so yeah, it's surprising for me too people actually like it that much. At least Darker Times has ~15 secs when it actually sounds nice.
Yeah, because post-2000 Anders is so well known for his deep and meaningful lyrics :D you could take a selection of lyrics from practically any In Flames song post Clayman and roll your eyes at some point. I wish Anders would take some fucking E's before writing lyrics.

Anyway, I really like The Puzzle. Good opening, energetic vocals, memorable chorus. I will admit the "I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU THINK... OR MAYBE I DO" line is one of the worst lines Anders has ever written though. And that's a big list of shitty lines.

All For Me, meanwhile, is easily the worst song on SOAPF and I'll never fathom how anybody can enjoy it. Slow, plodding, disjointed... would have fit in very well on SC.
Yeah, because post-2000 Anders is so well known for his deep and meaningful lyrics :D you could take a selection of lyrics from practically any In Flames song post Clayman and roll your eyes at some point. I wish Anders would take some fucking E's before writing lyrics.

Anyway, I really like The Puzzle. Good opening, energetic vocals, memorable chorus. I will admit the "I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU THINK... OR MAYBE I DO" line is one of the worst lines Anders has ever written though. And that's a big list of shitty lines.

All For Me, meanwhile, is easily the worst song on SOAPF and I'll never fathom how anybody can enjoy it. Slow, plodding, disjointed... would have fit in very well on SC.

Wow, we're thinking just opposite of each other :D

BTW, is anyone notice that Monsters In The Ballroom is like the mix of Touch Of Red and Ropes? Riffs from "Touch of Red" and vocals from "Ropes". Still, worst song of the album.
All For Me, meanwhile, is easily the worst song on SOAPF and I'll never fathom how anybody can enjoy it. Slow, plodding, disjointed... would have fit in very well on SC.
It's very dark and depressive, while SC songs have some (or more) optimism. It also has energy, something the sadder songs on SC (WEWO, DE, TO) lack.

It's true it's dragged out a little too much.
I don't get why you people keep on asking about other people tastes. I mean, you like SC, there is nothing worse than that, but I won't ask why you like it.
I do not straight hate it. I put all my heart onto it :). You cannot try to understand why someone likes pizza.
Oh the irony on this post is too much, I cant handle it .:yow:

Hey kid. Somenthing's been disturbing you and you want to talk about it? Don't worry, I'm your man. Let me guess... Siren Charms is a total shit, you know it, but you're afraid to admit it. Be brave, say it loud. This will only make you stronger.
It's very dark and depressive, while SC songs have some (or more) optimism. It also has energy, something the sadder songs on SC (WEWO, DE, TO) lack.

It's true it's dragged out a little too much.

It's just boring to me, much like the majority of songs on SC (and Bottled).

There's a part of the song near the end (instrumental, I think?) that's nice. Puts it slightly above Bottled in the shitlist rankings, but not by much. The good news is it also ranks above The Chosen Pessimist, Scream and Thorugh Oblivion.
I do not straight hate it. I put all my heart onto it :). You cannot try to understand why someone likes pizza.
Why, exactly? "What do you like so much in [insert song or music genre here]" is a pretty common question. There is no right or wrong answer, and just because someone explains it to you, you probably won't suddenly like it, but the goal is understanding, not liking.

I wouldn't ask it in an old IF vs new IF debate, because it'd be somewhat pointless there. I could ask why do you like that sub-genre more, but why would I ask why someone prefers Behind Space to Rusted Nail? They are not even similiar. A New Dawn and All For Me however not only from the same era, they are even on the same album, so comparing them is not so far-fetched.
I'm not looking for a universal answer, just trying to understand music and tastes. Why are you frowning upon everything? For every discussion/topic you have the urge to at the very least correct something, if not outright calling the whole thing pointless.

Which reminds me, that I forgot to respond to your idea about SC being the start of a new IF age, which I highly oppose. Just compare SC to SOAPF, then SOAPF to ASOP. Maybe it's just my ears, but ASOP is like a soft version of CC. If albums were real people, CC would be some angry young adult, while ASOP is his his ~15 years older self, who got burnt out. CC is angry but confident, ASOP is fucking disappointed and many of its' lyrics are about being worthless, it's like no one gave a shit about his wake up calls in CC, and people are still worthless creatures, so why should he even bother?
SOAPF is much more organized, and you can't just say he wants to kill himself basically. There are songs on SOAPF which are actually about leaving OTHERS behind because they drag him/them down, or trying to help OTHERS, which is quite a long way from "Move through me, I'll be your triumph", "I am the sober and irrelevant", "[...] thought I was unbreakable, but this is killing me", etc. Sure, there are depressive lyrics in every album (I guess, I don't understand a fucking word from LS), but ASOP is full of it without much confidence to support it. For example, in Vacuum he calls out people for their ignorance and not crying about people being ignorant. There's a difference.
SC is different thematically from SOAPF, it's like the "happiest" IF album, where even the most depressing songs do not beg the listener to heal the protagonist. He has some apathy ("feelingless", like ASOP), but it always ends in a positive note. Yeah, things are still fucked up, but hey, I believe! We can do it! I will try! Yay!!!!! And musically it's so much more SOAPF than SOAPF being ASOP. SC has some interesting production (yes-yes, inb4 "you mean SHIT", but the word I'm looking for is probably layered, or some-what overcleaned in production), but it's still rather clean, like SOAPF, unlike ASOP, which is like... uncolored? You know what I mean? Like every song (except Alias) is fucking grey.

Even the setlist overhaul started during the SOAPF tour. I mean, this year you got Resin, last year you got The Hive. Wow, 10 more years and they run out of Colony songs!

But yeah, aside from you hating SC with a passion, thus it might be a new IF age for you, objectively speaking, it started with SOAPF. As I read the comments here throughout the months, ASOP is looked as the ultimate collapse of post-Clayman IF, rather than the beginning of a new era. Even the smaller details checks out with this viewpoint. They went back to Sweden to record it; the old IF logo returned; Jester-guy all over the place; an accoustic part in an IF song since... ??*; I doubt it has more added electronics (again, exclude Alias) than COlony for example, it's pretty straightforward, just like the older materials; Jesper's last album, and picking up the puzzles (get it, THE PUZZLEs - kill me) around his departure, he probably went into recording this material with an ultimatum: "let's have democracy and try to mesh all of our ideas into one, and let's see if it works out". Well, he either disliked the result, or Anders and co. said that they won't do another album like this again, so take it or leave it. Or both, which would be very amusing, but it's possible.

*edit: Dawn Of A New Day does not count!
I now refuse to listen to SC again because of IF's attitude about it combined with their lies in the past about their previous music. And of course, their choice of setlists.

If In Flames were a metal band that realized they won't be rock stars one day and were SATISFIED with being metal gods and appropriately honored their entire amazing catalogue that so few bands have, I wouldn't have a problem with them.

Most metal bands play live a ratio of 60:40 new/old. Some even do 50/50... but for In Flames... 70:30 today would even be acceptable for them.

Metal is not radio rock or pop music... In Metal (especially for a band such as IF with such a big discography) people know mostly all of your stuff and would appreciate your most well-known hits even from the very beginning. Not even a question. Those of us that have gone to so many shows and have seen so many metal bands understand this.

^Amorphis, Trivium, & As I Lay Dying etc. etc. all know/knew the importance of this.

There's no excuse for In Flames not to constantly play at the very least 1/3rd of a show, the pre-ASOP staple hits they played for years and years up until like 2009.

So obviously, they don't like their older(best) stuff and want to become what their music is now... Even though they could still sellout venues or come very close and still be one of the top dogs in the metal world playing a good chunk of a show all the best live songs from Jester Race - Come Clarity... But that's not enough for them.

Btw, if they really hate those older staples (I don't think so), would you still force them to play it like monkies?
I'm not looking for a universal answer, just trying to understand music and tastes.

But I think you can't. Taste is somethin inherent to the person. I can't even tell why I like IF or the music I like, I can't tell why I like the food I like, execp for there is part of me. There's is not something that I learnt, is something that just came, and I think is so for the most people, since you can't learn your tastes.
Btw, if they really hate those older staples (I don't think so), would you still force them to play it like monkies?

If it was like this (I don't think so), then they should change their name, right here, right now (though I think that they should really change their name).