In Flames New Album being released in Q2 of 2014 thread

Krofius, I'm pretty sure you said you liked Liberation when the album came out. ? Anyway, I like this song. Very different, but then again so were Dawn of a New Day and Metaphor.

You may very well be correct that I liked it/thought it was okay at first. Now I don't like it at all except for the outro, I just can't stand the chorus.

Also I know where I recognized the samples in Through Oblivion from, Departute Plan by Soilwork. Even the snare drum is similar in the verses.
Do you think they're terrible songs, or just terrible In Flames songs? I'm just curious.

Terrible songs.

I don't have a problem with change or different genres. I have a problem with boring songs, lazy songwriting and just terrible vocals (sometimes lyrics also).

If this was some unknown band, I wouldn't bother listening through the whole song.
"Through Oblivion" is miles and miles better than "Rusted Nail". No odd cut-offs like RN at 01:39. The overall sound is pretty great. The only problem I have is with the guitars, they are barely noticeable and packed in a bit too quietly which is a damn shame. Still, I feel a bit more optimistic about the album. I will get it, of course. You can't judge an entire 11-track album on 2 tracks. Only an idiot would do such a thing.
Terrible songs.

I don't have a problem with change or different genres. I have a problem with boring songs, lazy songwriting and just terrible vocals (sometimes lyrics also).

If this was some unknown band, I wouldn't bother listening through the whole song.

"Through Oblivion" is miles and miles better than "Rusted Nail". No odd cut-offs like RN at 01:39. The overall sound is pretty great. The only problem I have is with the guitars, they are barely noticeable and packed in a bit too quietly which is a damn shame. Still, I feel a bit more optimistic about the album. I will get it, of course. You can't judge an entire 11-track album on 2 tracks. Only an idiot would do such a thing.

I agree with the mixing and I felt this way on SOAPF. I feel when the vocals are on you can barely hear the guitars because they are too low in the mix. It's not terrible in my opinion, but the vocals definitely are brought out more recently. And wasn't there supposed to be 13 tracks? What the hell happened?
Terrible songs.

I don't have a problem with change or different genres. I have a problem with boring songs, lazy songwriting and just terrible vocals (sometimes lyrics also).

If this was some unknown band, I wouldn't bother listening through the whole song.

First two songs haven't inspired me either, at all. I really dislike Rusted Nail, and Through Oblivion... as you say, if it wasn't In Flames I wouldn't listen to it. It's ElectroPop.
I agree with the mixing and I felt this way on SOAPF. I feel when the vocals are on you can barely hear the guitars because they are too low in the mix. It's not terrible in my opinion, but the vocals definitely are brought out more recently. And wasn't there supposed to be 13 tracks? What the hell happened?
Yes there are 13 tracks, most likely there'll be 2 bonus tracks of some sort then, since there's only 11 on the regular edition. I've yet to see a limited edition tracklisting yet.
What's up guys, been monitoring this thread for some time now.
On the In Flames website there is a twelve track, presumably a bonus song titled "The Chase".
What's up guys, been monitoring this thread for some time now.
On the In Flames website there is a twelve track, presumably a bonus song titled "The Chase".

Thanks for the link! And that's actually interesting...They said they had 13 tracks made, and on the links for pre-order a week ago they did there were only the 11songs, on the link you posted they have 12tracks but no info about what edition of the album it is. I wonder if they scrapped a 13th song or the tracklisting they have on the website is a bonus song indeed. Maybe iTunes bonus?

Also on iTunes you can see that the song Filtered Truth is 3:31 long...Not that it matters in any case at all lol.
When do u guys think we get to hear the 30 sec samples?
From itunes, amazon etc?
Looking forward to the album btw:)
Do you think they're terrible songs, or just terrible In Flames songs? I'm just curious.

Both? I can't get over how awful both the released songs are, especially Rusted Nail.

I can totally see why somebody would say Rusted Nail sounds like 4 different songs pasted together. It's just a load of guitar parts assembled together with drums, random samples and Anders whining over the top of it- it's not a song.

I prefer Through Oblivion. The chorus was quite catchy, but the keys just sound like Soilwork circa 2004. The verse vocals were also just Anders mumbling, I mean he's done alot of spoken word-like vox over the years and I appreciate them as Anders' own unique 'thing', but it just doesn't do much for me when the song is so simple and contrived.

The best part of Through Oblivion was after the second chorus (I think?) when it suddenly becomes stripped down and the repetitive chunky riff plays on it's own, it's just really stripped down and has an empty vibe to it- really enjoyed that part.

At this stage I'm not holding much hope for Siren Charms, I'm just hoping for a couple of decent songs. It's a shame really- I really enjoyed Sounds of A Playground Fading, thought it was quite creative and interesting, and forward thinking (A New Dawn, The Puzzle, title track, Liberation etc). I was hoping the new album would be a continuation of that, if not an improvement.
A track-by-track review is coming in the coming days, that'll be interesting to hear the individual songs described to get a slightly better view of what's to come.

"People just stand still when we play old songs."

K, that place is literally boiling with people
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Im looking forward to the album either way. I think its very similar sounding to Passenger and Im cool with that. Still love In Flames no matter what they do.
Track by track review in courtesy of cyberinflames from mysweetforum
At first when I read it I was kinda worried but then I remembered that SOAPF doesn't really have THAT much screams anyways and I rank SOAPF highly and I didn't hate Rusted Nail or Through Oblivion.

Siren Charms is different from anything IN FLAMES had ever done. We mean you will be shocked on your first listen. Unlike the previous albums – and the change Reroute To Remain was – there are very few familiar elements.

Siren Charms is more of an (Indie) Rock record with some heavier parts although really calm and somewhat spacey on a whole. Production-wise it’s excellent, cristal clear and all the lines have room in the mix and the album is homogeneous. Anders uses clean vocals for the most part. There are overdubs and some other effects when it’s chorus time to have this denser effect you sure know of. As for audio mixing, rythmic tracks are generally upfront which creates a tougher and at times rigid sound, as was Sounds Of A Playground Fading. All the tracks are mid/low-tempo tracks.

1. In Plain View [4:07] : Starts with dark electro synths and a buzzing riff. Then comes a catchy harmonized lead plus a snoring bass guitar. The track is going well until the suprise: verses are in a clean and lascivious voice, and choruses are sung with clean harsh vocals. Ends with a rhythmic bridge and some riff from « Take This Life ». That’s the kind of song members of Passenger and Engel could have written…

2. Everything’s Gone [3:26] : This one is really Neo/Metalcore with all the pounding rhythmic and double bass drumming. Singing on verses is spoken and a bit nasal à la Korn, pre-choruses are screamed but muffled, and choruses are plain clean. There’s a breakdown after the chorus. Constant tempo and simple riffs (« The Puzzle », « Darker Times »). When the track ends, it’s like it hasn’t got to really build up.

3. Paralyzed [4:17] : A lighter and 70s’-Rock-oriented track. Catchy rhythm section. Clean verses rotating between bass guitar/synths sections and modern riffs. Choruses are clean and spacey. The songwriting is a bit repetitive although the chorus builds up and is more powerful and moving each time. Rhythm bridge with a quite rigid solo (Wah-wah predal) from Björn.

4. Through Oblivion [3:40] : You already know this one. It’s a ballad starting with riffs reminiscent of « The Mirror’s Truth » and having full of synths melodic and aerial choruses à la « Come Clarity ». Extremely Pop and surprising, like a quieter mix between « Ropes » and « Liberation ». Anders seems uninhibited when singing here.

5. With Eyes Wide Open [4:00] : It starts with some 80′s-Hard-Rock/soft-Rock clean guitar with string bendings. Calm verses with harmonized acoustic notes à la « The Jester’s Dance »/ »Bullet Ride ». Chorus is clean and higher-pitched with all the instruments playing. There’s a peaceful feeling on this track, only getting uptight at times. Some random acoustic break toward the end.

6. Siren Charms [3:07] : Another calm track. It might be the one where Anders’ clean voice sounds the more natural. It sounds like a ballad too with calm/acoustic verses and choruses going loud with some synths. Rhythmic bridge with Björn soloing and using Wah-wah pedal again. It feels a bit random for a title track.

7. When The World Explodes [4:41] : Starting heavy and agressive. Anders uses his rasping harsh vocals, somehow sounding like Nathan J. Biggs of Sonic Syndicate. There are massive and Metalcore-oriented verses until the chorus kicks in. There’s a lady (no name for now) singing, but nothing like « Dead End ». It’s more aerial and sensual with lyrical feminine vocals upfront and Anders (or is it Martin Rubashov?) doing some light backing. Synths and tapping are backing the whole chorus. It’s something you’ve never heard before. Then it comes back to heavy verse, chorus again, and a pretty long outro on synths (sounding like the one of « My Sweet Shadow ») and lyrical voice. This is the most surprising track on the album.

8. Rusted Nail [4:56] : You all know this lead single too. It sounds like different songs crammed altogether. Too many different voices appearing, a loose rhythm and a riff coming straight from « Superhero Of The Computer Rage ». The chorus is catchier and is the more familiar one sounding like it could have been on Sounds Of A Playground Fading. Björn again uses its Wah-wah pedal when soloing, resulting in some very mechanical execution.

9. Dead Eyes [5:25] : That’s another track going slow like a ballad lead by synths/drums with bass/guitar breaks. Riffs are very familiar. Singing is mostly spoken with acoustic guitar and the chorus sounds like it’s from a boys band « This is my world nooooow / I can’t let you bring me doooown ». The track is building up slowly on a wistful atmosphere. There’s a lot of synths and acoustic, and it is really slow. The bridge is more diverse than the previous ones but ends with some random tapping that feels out of place.

10. Monsters In The Ballroom [3:55] : The heaviest track on the album. Rhythm section is all crushing and buzzing. The riffs are thick while Anders is speaking/singing over. The chorus is really soft and spacey, and heavy on synths. Kind of cheesy. Then Anders is screaming in a way reminding « A New Dawn ». Another heavy crushing break, followed by a Wah-wah solo from Björn.

11. Filtered Truth [3:33] : It sounds like Punk Rock in the beginning with clean arrhythmic riffs. Verses are heavier and the pre-chorus is like the one in « Disconnected ». Then the chorus is totally exploding with harsh vocals and catchy melodic lead. Verses are more common. This time the bridge has got a more complex solo (still with Wah-wah) ending in a dual harmonized lead. When it’s time for the chorus to kick again, it is harsher and more powerful. That is the more dynamic and uptempo track on the album. You should keep that in mind for when the single is out.

It’s not over! There are two more bonus tracks. We don’t know yet on which edition they will appear though « The Chase » is on iTunes.

12. The Chase [5:01] : This track has got a more dynamic range with a great modern Melodeath lead and harsh vocals from the start. Singing then goes more Hard Rock and the choruses are quite soft. Rhythm section is uptight. Then comes a solo which is longer, more melodic and better played than all the previous ones. There’s a one-minute outro on synths and piano.

13. Become The Sky [4:01] : The grooviest track on the album. It’s much closer to what we might expect from a modern In Flames. Strong rhythm section, powerful riffing and a great dynamic overall. Verses are often drum-driven which gives kind of an explosive tone. As for the vocals it goes from 30 Seconds To Mars-like clean chroruses to the usual scream. The solo is more common but still is smoothier and better written.

Obviously each and everyone will feel this new record and its musical shift differently. We were really disturbed on the first listenings because we couldn’t find any familiar elements from In Flames. Yet we’ve come to appreciate this album in its own style, even though we don’t understand why the bonus tracks are mere…bonus tracks.
Still we think this album should have been released as a side-project.

Thanks for reading, Siren Charms will hit the stores on September 5th, on Epic Records.