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I personally think long hair is fuckin awesome if it looks good on a person, man or woman. But if someone is going to grow their hair long because they want to rebel against pop trends then what difference does it make if your growing your hair long because you are for or against short hair trends? Either way you are doing it because of popular trends and I think that is an ultra lame motivation to do, anything.
Since this thread is here I will just say that I believe every woman who likes metal has a thing for men having long hair. But if it doesn't suit someone then that's fine. It is best with a beard also, but that doesn't have to be so long IMO. That way there's no mistaking what their sex is.

The Vikings said a beard makes a handsom man handsomer and an ugly man look fierce.
Welcome to UMF Musicalorgasms.. And this is just my personal opinion, but Timebird, I think we could do with a more appropriate word than my pals.
Norsemaiden said:
Since this thread is here I will just say that I believe every woman who likes metal has a thing for men having long hair. But if it doesn't suit someone then that's fine. It is best with a beard also, but that doesn't have to be so long IMO. That way there's no mistaking what their sex is.

The Vikings said a beard makes a handsom man handsomer and an ugly man look fierce.

Nice to meet you Norse Maiden. Norse Mythology is a hobby of mine. My hero is Freyja. I wear a freyja pendant on me always and I wrote an album about her.
musicalorgasms said:
Nice to meet you Norse Maiden. Norse Mythology is a hobby of mine. My hero is Freyja. I wear a freyja pendant on me always and I wrote an album about her.

Nice to meet you too!:rock: I'll check it out
Ptah Khnemu said:
Welcome to UMF Musicalorgasms.. And this is just my personal opinion, but Timebird, I think we could do with a more appropriate word than my pals.

I considered "gollywog" but I thought it might be offensive.
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