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Headbanging purposes. Just looks awesome too. There are probably many more reasons
metal tends to align itself as a counter-culture, criticizing social standards and pretense.

in such a way, long hair (or rather the refusal to cut hair) shows a protest against the taming and shaping of one's image to societal "standards". currently the typical male image has short hair of one of several different styles. these styles represent, to those who are opposed to that culture, a sign of conformity and submission.

we must remember that metal is not the only genre that typically (but not universally) aligns itself this way: there is also the prime example of reggae dreadlocks, which share the long hair for similar reasons.

long hair also symbolizes freedom, as it is free to fly around in the wind, uncontrolled.

it is also a symbol of nature, and the wild- in the sense that in ancient times, every human had long hair because they did not yet develop the means to cut it.

in some cultures, longer hair symbolized older growth and therefore also more wisdom. samurais grew long hair and tied them in "topknots" which were the physical symbol of their honor, it was a massive disgrace for a samurai to have it cut.

there is also the biblical reference, though i doubt many metalheads grow their hair out in belief that it is a symbol of power like Samson, and that if cut, they will lose that power.

personally, i like longer hair because i think it looks good on me, as well as a combination of the freedom and social/political statement reasons above.
Good answer, but I find different ways to "fight the establishment" than growing my hair.

protest, social disorder, vandalizing of govt. proprety(smashed more cop cars), and general disqust of the man made law.
ah yes but you are ineffective at protest if you are captured, and being put in jail for vandalism or destruction of property will land you there.

long hair is just one facet of the typical rebel, be he or she a freedom fighter, a political activist, or a protester for peace.
I thought it was kinda of witty. Anyway I have no problem with long hair, but I dont see why it is needed to protest.
Yeah, I like the super-short buzz meself.

And Carcass's drummer had long hair. He's definitely more metal than fucking Motley Crue.
I keep it short too... I tried to have long hair once, but it just looked bad. I don't have the type of hair required to have it long.
TheUnforgiven said:
Never understood why metal guys have long hair, makes them look like girls.
do you prefer long hair on women?
some women prefer long hair on men...it looks good, it's sexy
unless the guy is going bald, then it becomes an unfortunate mullet :p
Smarkum said:
do you prefer long hair on women?
some women prefer long hair on men...it looks good, it's sexy
unless the guy is going bald, then it becomes an unfortunate mullet :p

I never heeard a women say she prefers long hair on a man.
I've had and still have long hair for over 12 years. Although I decided not to get haircuts anymore under the influence of the tough guys of Guns n Roses, now my hair is just part of me really.
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