Brett - K A L I S I A

Dreaded Moderator
Feb 26, 2004
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Masterplan / Aeronautics

mesa rectifier, gibson paula (emg, the late 70ies customs with maple necks ) and my old flying v medallion (oh how i regret i've given it to Roland...:( at least he knows (knew ) how to play it and i can hear it on a sneap produced album...that would never have happened if i'd kept it ;) )
Wow....way more info than I expected to get! Thanks alot! I guess you are talking about the EMG ZW-Set for the Paul (Or at least an 81 in the bridge)? And I guess they used a V30 loaded cab for recording?
Seriously, Aeronautics has some of my favorite production points. Everything just sounds exactly as it should, especially those guitars and drums!

Best tone I've heard from a Recto, by far I'd say.
Wow....way more info than I expected to get! Thanks alot! I guess you are talking about the EMG ZW-Set for the Paul (Or at least an 81 in the bridge)? And I guess they used a V30 loaded cab for recording?

k, then some more..
the blackLP custom was modified with a brass nut, a mirror pickguard and 6000Jumbo frets.
Pickups are EMG 81 (sometimes roland also used a 85 at the neck).
All rhythm parts on aeronautics were played with the LP plus about 50% of the solos and overdubs.
Roland uses 10-52 strings (D'addario).
some solos were played with a '61 Fender Strat (after this war-middlesolo and outro, falling sparrow).

the bAmp was boosted with a BSM-Treblebooster (improved rangemaster-design).

My Medallion-V :)waah: ) was used on alot of solos (crimson rider, I'm not afraid (one part), black in the burn (2 parts) and whenever a solo is played with a wahwah it's that V).
It had the original Pat no Pickups and is sings soooosweet.
thatn guitar is an absolute dream, its wood is so good, the entire guitar weights less than the hardware alone usually does!!
and it siiings...did i mention i regret having given it to Roland? :cry:
he sold it by the way, so it isn't anymore in his posession :(.

k, then somemore on the amps on aero...
all rhythms were tracked with a '92 triple recto. some overdubs were played thru a 50 watt marshall.
solos were played thru single recto (2000 model)
Nice sound both of them.
I've listened to a promo of the new album MKII and it sounds great, but it's a pity Jorn left the band. Mike DiMeo is a good singer but Jorn is even better and a good writter too.
Thanks LSD for alle the info! Where do you know all this stuff from? Are you a friend of Roland or did you take part in the production? I dont think so seeing that you are from Germany as well. I think I read the album was recorded at Sneap's place and then mixed by Roy Z.?
First time the man answers a post by me lol!:loco:

Just looked it up and found out it was Mikko Karmila who mixed it. I like all of his recent releases/mixes very much. It's very hard to find any info about him at all though....
Nice sound both of them.
I've listened to a promo of the new album MKII and it sounds great, but it's a pity Jorn left the band. Mike DiMeo is a good singer but Jorn is even better and a good writter too.

You are absolutely right; Jorn vocal lines are what made Masterplan worth listening to IMO. He is probably the best singer Andy has worked with, so I wonder why he doesn’t have much to say about it. Bad experience maybe?

I’m still impressed with the whole production on Aeronautics, specially the vocal work. It’s way better than Jorn’s solo stuff (by Tommy Hansen)
My Medallion-V :)waah: ) was used on alot of solos (crimson rider, I'm not afraid (one part), black in the burn (2 parts) and whenever a solo is played with a wahwah it's that V).
It had the original Pat no Pickups and is sings soooosweet.
thatn guitar is an absolute dream, its wood is so good, the entire guitar weights less than the hardware alone usually does!!
and it siiings...did i mention i regret having given it to Roland? :cry:
he sold it by the way, so it isn't anymore in his posession :(.

Why in the world did you part with that Medallion-V?!? :ill:
I'd never give it away, not in a thousand years! And the thing you mention about the V being very light - it's the same with my Faded Flying V, I was VERY surprised when I took it in my hands, soooo light! But works and looks killer...

As for Aeronautics production... It sounds awesome, punchy, big and tight, but I really hate the drum sound on it, really tooo artificial sounding and with seemingly one sample per element thing going on - no dynamics at all. Too bad, if they were more live sounding it would really be perfect!