Miscellaneous movie thread

Blitzkrieg said:
I watched Zathura today, it was a pretty cool film for what it was.

Saw it last week. It was ok, but Jumanji it is not.

Spiff said:
I saw The Departed yesterday. Excellent film.

That looks great. Hope to see it this week.
haha.. how retarded.

Over the past week I've watched the 3rd and 4th Harry Potter movies. They were not too bad! I especially enjoyed the 3rd. :)
I think the 3rd is most peoples favourite, it is really good. The 4th is great too, especially the ending. So grim.

I watched Howl's Moving Castle the other night, was a great anime in the same vein as Spirited Away.

Also, speaking of Lindsey Lohan, I watched Mean Girls for the second time last night. :dopey:
Wrathchild said:
I hadn't heard of Equilibrium before I read about it here. Sounds mighty interesting. I hate The Matrix with a passion, but other films that tread similar ground are often more entertaining (Dark City and eXistenZ to name but two).

Children Of Men doesnae look bad, even though it's based on a book by an author I don't particularly like.

I think you'll enjoy Equilibrium, I know I really did.

I saw some movies this week, it was awesome. I havent hardly seen anything since my son was born.

Slither - was hilarious, very Return of the Living Dead vibe!
Hostel - rounded out well in the end, a bizarre fusion of a different styles I thought.

Underworld II - better than expected, the first half was ultraenjoyable, the second half more predictable.

Hills Have Eyes (unrated) - an honourable remake with a few extra touches like the nuclear test town.
Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events on the other hand, is great!
Dunno, Ceydn, dunno. Let's just treat Bobby as a ripple in the perfectly serene lake that is our friendship.

I love you, buddy. *sniff*
I only just finished watching V for Vendetta as well mate, top flick, also watched The Proposition today, another top movie.

I love having a day off work to watch an ill kid, best sickies EVER!
V for Vendetta is on the list!

Watched the new Bond film (Casino Royale) in Zambia last night. Very good!
I saw Casino Royale on Tuesday. Fantastic! Never was all that interested in the Bond flicks because all the stupid gadgets (but I did see all the Brosnan ones), but I loved this... probably because there were no stupid gadgets.