Miscellaneous movie thread

Yeah the new bond doesn't have any gadgets that I can think of. It's pretty different to previous ones, and the way they did it is interesting. Looking forward to the next instalment, whenever it comes out...
I guess not then! I thought Kem would have at least...

I saw Night at the Museum last week. It was pretty good...
I saw The Last King of Scotland this afternoon. Great flick. Forest Whitaker, who isn't in the film all that much, is awesome.

Watched Asterix in Britain on DVD last night. Hadn't seen that in aaaages.
Ah that's one I'd definitely like to see. I'm surprised FW isn't in it all that much, as he's a pretty central character. Potential Oscar film?
Friday night after the cricket, Channel Nine ran this thing called Let Me Not about a 16-year old schoolie who moonlights as a stripper who falls in love with a 30-year old architect. It looked like it was made by a high school drama class.
Winnie, Forest Whitaker is pretty much a certainty to win the Best Actor Oscar for it, he's been winning all the awards so far.

Yeah, strange he's not in it all that much, but the film is really about the doctor guy who works for him rather than Amin himself.
I finally saw Children of Men yesterday. It's been and gone in Australia already but I never got around to seeing it back home, so I jumped at the chance to see it at Leicester Square.

Great movie. Excellent movie. One of the best movies I've seen it in years. It comes out on DVD in Australia on Feb 21, I believe. Can't wait.

Anyone else seen it? How awesome did you think it was? Immensely or incredibly?
Hmmm what's that one about? I know the name, and probably know the film.

Did you take out a bank loan to go see a film at Leicester Square? :)

I'd just like to repat Southy's question: any tits? That's the important thing.
Friday night after the cricket, Channel Nine ran this thing called Let Me Not about a 16-year old schoolie who moonlights as a stripper who falls in love with a 30-year old architect. It looked like it was made by a high school drama class.

I watched a few minute of that. Looked like it was made by a high school drama class and written by a primary school finger painting class.

It was just horrible.