Miscellaneous movie thread

I'm even less sure about Ryan Phillippe as Two-Face. This overabundance of villains is precisely what killed off the Batman films last time. That and the fact that Joel Schumacher couldn't direct his way out of a wet paper bag :rolleyes:.

I hadn't theard that one actually. You are right about the over use of characters last time, so this does seem risky, but Batman Begins had more than one villain, and it was great, so I am willing to give it a go.

After thinking about it, Ryan Phillippe as Two-Face doesn't seem as bad to me as Heath Ledger as The Joker. Phillippe is a good actor.
Even if The Dark Knight is only half as good as Batman Begins, it'll still kick a fair amount of arse. We'll find out in 2008.

For anyone else without a multizone DVD player :bah:, you'll be pleased to know that the 2 disc director's cut of Sin City will be out in Australia in November. I'm still kicking myself because I missed it at the cinema, so I look forward to buying this version :).

The second disc is more or less the same film (so I've heard), but with all the overlapping stories re-edited into individual sequences of about 40 minutes each. I don't know how well this will work because I'm yet to see any version of the film, but I'm a huge fan of Frank Miller's original comics.

I've hardly seen any films at all in recent times, as I've been working long hours and am often too tired to concentrate on them.

I did watch both Underworld films though. They were ok, but I'm pretty bored of the whole vampire thing.
Blitzkrieg said:
I watched Rivers Edge the other night with Keanu. I'm very surprised I hadn't heard of it before, great 80s movie about a bunch of delinquent metal heads, and lots of old school Slayer in the soundtrack. :rock:
everytime they were in the car it was Show No Mercy Time:rock:
Watched Equilibrium last night, fantastic. Best film of it's kind I have seen since The Matrix. Christian Bale was excellent in it. I really questioned why they picked him as the new Batman (despite him filling the role really well), and this film will show you why. Seemed to be a few plot holes around the main theme, but it was good enough to overlook those and enjoy it for what it was. Good stuff.

Speaking of Batman again, Seeing this photoshop interpretation of Heath Ledger as The Joker has me welcome the idea a little more.

Blitzkrieg said:
I watched Zathura today, it was a pretty cool film for what it was.

Saw it last week. It was ok, but Jumanji it is not.

Spiff said:
I saw The Departed yesterday. Excellent film.

That looks great. Hope to see it this week.
I hadn't heard of Equilibrium before I read about it here. Sounds mighty interesting. I hate The Matrix with a passion, but other films that tread similar ground are often more entertaining (Dark City and eXistenZ to name but two).

Children Of Men doesnae look bad, even though it's based on a book by an author I don't particularly like.