Miscellaneous movie thread

I watched Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind last night. Good film, if confusing. It was good to see Jim Carrey in a different kind of role.

Watched a film called Secretary last week. That was quite strange.
I am bored, so here is some things I have recently watched:

Date Movie - I thought this might give a few giggles...it failed. Shite.

The Zodiac - Decent telling of the first few of the zodiac killers murders...decent in a midday movie kind of way. Meh.

Mirrormask - This was pretty cool, but could have been a classic. Jim Hensen studios picture and written by Neil Gaiman and Dave McKean, and directed by Dave McKean, so you would expect it to be worthwhile. Had elements of The Neverending Story and The Wizard Of Oz, but that was ok, was still cool.

Palindromes - This was cool. I didn't know what to think for a while, but when I 'got it', I decided it was a well made film with a great original idea. Cool for something different.

Pirates 2 - Dead Mans Chest - This was great. If you liked the first one, you will like this one. Thats all that needs to be said really. My girlfriend seems to think Jack's eyeliner is too perfect for a pirate and it tarnishes the movie, but I told her to shut up. It rocked.

In The Bedroom - OK, I didn't go out of my way to see this...it was yesterdays midday movie and I was bored. Fuck me what a load of crap. I can't believe I bothered. The person who seemed to be the main character died a third of the way into the film, and then it lost all momentum and was just a boring silent mess about dealing with the loss. 5 Academy Award nominations? WTF?! Crap film.
I want to see Mirrormask and Pirates 2. I should get around to it by the time DVDs are obsolete :).

If you liked Gaiman's work on Mirrormask, have a look at his 1996 TV series Neverwhere. It's BBC and very cheaply made, but still pretty damn good. It's also out now in Australia for half the price I paid to import it from the US :bah:.

In the Bedroom is a fantastic movie. I'm still surprised people don't expect Nick Stahl's character to die - sure, it didn't get mentioned in reviews on purpose so as not to give it away, but when the storyline goes something like, "Guy meets older woman with kids who has an abusive husband, then something terrible happens" it doesn't take a rocket scientist to work out what's going to happen.

Great movie. :rock: Also has the greatest slap in the history of cinema.
Blitzkrieg said:
In terms of writing, I think he borrowed a bit from The Neverending Story and The Wizard Of Oz, which surprised me, but the coolness of the film made up for it.

They're two pretty fucking good movies to borrow from. I watched The Neverending Story again a couple of months ago. Great stuff.

I haven't watched a movie for weeks ago, firstly because the World Cup was on, and since then because I've been working till late or out of town all the time.
I didn't know anything about In The Bedroom, so I didn't know something terrible was going to happen. If I had had a rough idea of what the movie was about, I might have guessed it, but I had nothing, just watched for something to do.

Indeed they are two great movies to borrow from, which is why Mirrormask was pretty great. :rock: