most overrated band in the history of forever?

Radiohead. Every song sounds exactly the same, and that's not good when the first one I listen to from their albums is incredibly dull. Rolling Stones like the above poster said are very overrated.
Nirvana, Tool, Nile, Meshuggah, August Burns Red, Jens Lekman

Actually overrated does not mean "stuff I dont like that others like"
I enjoy Meshuggah and Tool. I just think they get appreciation better deserved by
other bands, not stuck in their own gimmick. Nile are also fucking stuck in their own
Them and a load other of those grunge era bands, (Alice In Chains, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden) I used to listen to all that crap, but all I listen to now that's loosely related all that stuff is Dinosaur Jr. and Sonic Youth.

Nirvana is completely overrated. But not any of the others you mentioned, actually Alice in Chains, Pearl Jam and Soundgarden are the only grunge bands I like lol.
Nirvana. they suck and they always did, i don't know why so many ppl like them.

my opinion is that tool are overrated but i don't think they are, if u know what i mean. i don't like them at all, i've tried hard to get into them cos one of my mates loves the shit out of them but i can't stand it. but i think they're a good band, i just don't like it.

kiss suck too.

AC/DC! can't stand them.
Guns N' Roses. No, seriously. Axl Rose is a dick, almost every album is mediocre except for Appetite for Destruction, and Slash is generally overrated because he has a big fuckin' hat. Their main redeeming quality is the St. Louis riot.
metallica... kudai

Man am I tired of every person asking me to play master of puppets when they find out that I play guitar. "Oh. My God. do you like, listen to like, metallica? omg i like so totally love that band." fuck and die k thnx.
Meshuggah on the other hand is fucking incredible, anybody who cant appreciate the mind fucking rythm's/time signatures they come up with has some strange/sad rythm sickness.
ahhahahahah... i think you're right necropeth, it happens the same with me... everytime i play guitar i am always improvising, and when people ask me to play some fucking shit that they like, something "popular", or something they know... i say: fuck off... i'm playing
To you guys slagging 'no talent' bands Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd:

I can't believe you missed slagging the most obvious 'no talent' band.
Of course I am speaking of the BEATLES!


P.S. My suspicion is y'all the same punkasses who give Metallica's Black Album 4 stars on