New Songs "DISCUSSION ONLY" thread

spigot said:
I don't even get where these tool riffs are...

The riff at 1:08 (with the clean vocals) sounds like The Grudge, or Lateralus The palm muted riff with the percussion, sounds like Tool.

Its about the only song that Ive heard influenced by Tool that doesnt come of sounding bad because of it, SOAD, Disturbed ect ect worship Tool, but fail. Maybe its cuz the influence is not for the whole song, keeping with the stealing lots of old ideas to create something origional and great.
not too impressed, probably dissapointed, i agree with the guy that said it sounds like theyre ripping their own riffs off, some sound like songs on the other albums, anyway, TGC is better in my opinion, but ive listened to it more, anyway im sure my opinion will change when i hear the album.
hahaha it seems i am the only one who isnt THAT impressed by GoP. i indeed need to listen more to get into it.

and about 1:05 clean vocals, they are of course not nu-metal but they arent a "bleak" , "april ethereal" or " master's apprentice" vocals either. in my opinion they kinda lack the "opeth feeling" that i usually get from other clean vocals.

ANYWAYS, i am sure i will like it when I buy the album. same thing happened to me on Deliverance also. it took me a while to get into it.
_Transparent_ said:
not too impressed, probably dissapointed, i agree with the guy that said it sounds like theyre ripping their own riffs off, some sound like songs on the other albums, anyway, TGC is better in my opinion, but ive listened to it more, anyway im sure my opinion will change when i hear the album.

4:54 - Ending riff to Master's Apprentice
Whoever honestly and in full seriousness describes this song as nu-metal has absolutely no idea what the fuck they're talking about. And don't sprout your "this is my opinion" bullshit, you invalidate any sort of opinion by backing it up with pure stupidity.
jeanreno said:
Whoever honestly and in full seriousness describes this song as nu-metal has absolutely no idea what the fuck they're talking about. And don't sprout your "this is my opinion" bullshit, you invalidate any sort of opinion by backing it up with pure stupidity.

Opinions cannot be smart or stupid, they are indifferent. its an opinion for fucks sake. if i said "i think coke tastes like arse", does that make me stupid?

I officially quit this forum :wave:
jeanreno said:
Whoever honestly and in full seriousness describes this song as nu-metal has absolutely no idea what the fuck they're talking about. And don't sprout your "this is my opinion" bullshit, you invalidate any sort of opinion by backing it up with pure stupidity.

-Ea- said:
Opinions cannot be smart or stupid, they are indifferent. its an opinion for fucks sake. if i said "i think coke tastes like arse", does that make me stupid?

I officially quit this forum :wave:

"The earth is made out of poptarts" is also an opinion, but you would be a moron to maintain it.
Swedish eveningpaper journalist has choosen Opeths "Ghost Reveries" as this weeks favourite together with 3 more albums (Arch Enemy and some unknown bands for me).

He says: "Masters of Progressive music" about the album.
Arnold Layne said:
The riff at 1:08 (with the clean vocals) sounds like The Grudge, or Lateralus The palm muted riff with the percussion, sounds like Tool.

hmmmm.... ahhh.... ok, now I get it :Spin:
With the singing and the growling at either ends of that part... it does give off a very un-toolish vibe though.
_Transparent_ said:
not too impressed, probably dissapointed, i agree with the guy that said it sounds like theyre ripping their own riffs off, some sound like songs on the other albums, anyway, TGC is better in my opinion, but ive listened to it more, anyway im sure my opinion will change when i hear the album.

That was my reaction at first listen but now I think its awesome enough.
The cinematic feeling is back at the very beginning of the song and reminds me of MAYH somehow... Then it reminds me of Tool as well... cool vocals (Mikael reinvents himselfs and gives his voice even more variety)... around 2 minutes something, very heavy stuff... sudden break into accoustic part... uhhhmmmm how sweeeeet... This is definitely OPETH at its best... very original stuff... "Darkness by her side..." harmonic stuff after that part... It's again a MAYH feeling -reminds me a bit of Demon of the fall too-, I'm headbanging to it... how cool, looking forward to seeing this live, "To see a beloved son??"... Anybody out there who can get the lyrics for me pleaseeeee? This song is so much better than TGC, and there's n repetition so far (I'm sure there'll be people complaining about this too, saying it's a collection of nonsense, which doesn't fit with anything else -like what happens with Orchid and Morningrise-). Very cool ending.