NFL 2017

I'm really more interested in if Smith is playing. Might pick the Cowboys if he does

Titans were really disappointing last night. Thought they were a better team. Mariota is way over hyped and their D isn't much better than last year.

Oh and a obligatory fuck Mcadoo
I'm really more interested in if Smith is playing. Might pick the Cowboys if he does

Far as I know Smith and Lee aren't playing. Bell is getting the start at Left Tackle and Durant is getting the start at MLB. Hope Jaylon stays off the field, dude is a massive liability against the run and pass right now. Seems to be more mental than physical.
Things went the way I hoped this morning. Eagles have a chance to separate from the pack a bit tonight. I’m impressed by the Vikings, but it’s hard to be intimidated by a team led by Case Keenum. It’s hard to envision them winning muliple playoff games with him.

As for Reid, we all know what he is. Raiders actually might be able to catch the Chiefs, as hard as that is to believe with the way they started the season.
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Yeah Keenum looks good, but I think he’s at his ceiling right now. I’m not afraid of him taking over a playoff game against a legit defense or doing something special to make the difference in a close game. And yeah, wtf were his parents thinking when they named him Case?

Also, how did the Racists blow that lead!? So much for breathing room...
Yeah Keenum looks good, but I think he’s at his ceiling right now. I’m not afraid of him taking over a playoff game against a legit defense or doing something special to make the difference in a close game. And yeah, wtf were his parents thinking when they named him Case?

Also, how did the Racists blow that lead!? So much for breathing room...

He might be at his ceiling, but the Rams aren't a terrible defense. Also, Keenum is a pretty backupy surname. Like Fitzgerald.

Redskins are pretty beat up iirc, and Kirk Cousins is the NFCs Andy Dalton.
Great to see the illusion of Prescott being a franchise quarterback being discredited. Take away Smith and Elliot and he can't put up points and now becomes a turnover machine. From an Eagles perspective, the game was impressive in the sense that despite the offense being anaemic for most of the first half, they were able to basically put the game away within 20 minutes of the first half. A team is really gonna need to bring their A game to beat the Eagles.
I had to go to bed before the game started but not surprised at the result. Looks like Dak started pressing with the season on the line unlike last week. I think it's funny you start bashing his franchise status though on one game; you weren't doing so last year when Wentz was chucking INTs with Lane down and no running game.

Dallas' lack of depth has been exposed with no Smith and Lee. Zeke wouldn't have made a difference. The Dallas D is literally 2 TDs worse per game without one guy on the field, and the offense is 2-3 TDs worse without one guy on the field. That's a failing of the front office and coaching.
I had to go to bed before the game started but not surprised at the result. Looks like Dak started pressing with the season on the line unlike last week. I think it's funny you start bashing his franchise status though on one game; you weren't doing so last year when Wentz was chucking INTs with Lane down and no running game.

1. Two games, not one. He didn’t do shit versus the Falcons either. He’ll get a third chance to proove he’s not a glorified game manager on Thursday.

2. Rookie year is different from sophomore year. Obviously the standard should be higher this year.

3. Even at their worse (the Seahawks, Packers, Bengals trilogy), the Eagles offense never looked as anemic as the Cowboys has in the last two games. 16 points in two weeks (including one field goal off a three-and-out set up by a kickoff return). Eagles offense was never THAT dead.

4. Good quaterbacks can be successful in the right situation. Great quaterbacks find ways to make plays when things aren’t going well around them. Dak hasn’t done anything to lift his team when they’ve faced adversity. That doesn’t imply he’s bad, but it does imply he’s not elite.

Dallas' lack of depth has been exposed with no Smith and Lee. Zeke wouldn't have made a difference. The Dallas D is literally 2 TDs worse per game without one guy on the field, and the offense is 2-3 TDs worse without one guy on the field. That's a failing of the front office and coaching.

There I agree with you. How on earth does a team build themselves around a player as injury prone as Lee? That’s terrible GM work. Or, is it that they’re strong at drafting in the early rounds, but poor in the mid-late rounds? Haven’t examined it closely enough, but it seems like they usually hit in the early rounds, but don’t build up a bullpen of competent backups, though I could be off there.
1. Two games, not one. He didn’t do shit versus the Falcons either. He’ll get a third chance to proove he’s not a glorified game manager on Thursday.

2. Rookie year is different from sophomore year. Obviously the standard should be higher this year.

3. Even at their worse (the Seahawks, Packers, Bengals trilogy), the Eagles offense never looked as anemic as the Cowboys has in the last two games. 16 points in two weeks (including one field goal off a three-and-out set up by a kickoff return). Eagles offense was never THAT dead.

4. Good quaterbacks can be successful in the right situation. Great quaterbacks find ways to make plays when things aren’t going well around them. Dak hasn’t done anything to lift his team when they’ve faced adversity. That doesn’t imply he’s bad, but it does imply he’s not elite.

Dak has responded well to adversity in various game, but you have to be upright to do so. It's not like the Eagles stood pat on the offense and Wentz improved in a vacuum. May as well keep calling him a game manager. For example, he had under a 60% completion rating and barely over 150 yards against a bad secondary. His receivers just weren't alligator arming passes and letting them bounce off their chest for INTs.

There I agree with you. How on earth does a team build themselves around a player as injury prone as Lee? That’s terrible GM work. Or, is it that they’re strong at drafting in the early rounds, but poor in the mid-late rounds? Haven’t examined it closely enough, but it seems like they usually hit in the early rounds, but don’t build up a bullpen of competent backups, though I could be off there.

Keep using 2nd rounders for bad gambles, having either all good or mostly bad drafts, and mostly the latter. The 2016 draft was good, and the oline draftees. Everything else has been pretty meh.

Dallas has a part time GM, and it has been showing since Jimmy left the building. All that Garrett has provided was a consistent drafting philosophy, which, while better than the aimlessness of the decade plus prior, still has limitations.
Dak has responded well to adversity in various game, but you have to be upright to do so.

Says someone who didn't watch the game. Prescott was given time to be captain check-down in the first half and they kept in extra players for protection. I don't believe he was sacked until the 3rd quarter. Granted, once the Eagles got the double-digit lead, Dak was a marked man, but he didn't do much when he wasn't under pressure anyway.

It's not like the Eagles stood pat on the offense and Wentz improved in a vacuum. May as well keep calling him a game manager. For example, he had under a 60% completion rating and barely over 150 yards against a bad secondary. His receivers just weren't alligator arming passes and letting them bounce off their chest for INTs.

LOL Wentz makes plays that maybe 3-4 other players in the league can make. No one can call him a game manager and be taken seriously. The receivers had multiple drops in the first half, though Wentz was also cold after the first drive. Then in the second half, he led the team on three straight TD drives, and put the game away.
Lol "got cold", now that's a clever excuse. Dallas is fielding a green back 4 and a patchwork LB core and Wentz couldn't manage a buck 75. Dak had nearly as many yards against the Eagles top 5 pass D.

One game doesn't capture either player was my point, but you're acting like Wentz is playing in another stratosphere because of the scoreboard. There are coaches and 23 other starting players that have to do their jobs as well.
Lol "got cold", now that's a clever excuse. Dallas is fielding a green back 4 and a patchwork LB core and Wentz couldn't manage a buck 75. Dak had nearly as many yards against the Eagles top 5 pass D.

Yeah because passing yards are always a sign of the quality of QB play. Again, you didn't watch the game, and consequently, don't have a valid position on analyzing it.

One game doesn't capture either player was my point, but you're acting like Wentz is playing in another stratosphere because of the scoreboard. There are coaches and 23 other starting players that have to do their jobs as well.

It's not based on one game. I've watched 7 Cowboys games this year, plus a ton last year and I've seen every game of Wentz's career.

I don't see anything elite about Prescott. I think he is a solid game manager who is above average out of the pocket. When the run game is going and the box is stacked, he's smart enough to be able to pick defenses apart. That's fine and might even be enough to get the Cowboys a Super Bowl with the right pieces around him. That said, take away a few pieces, and he doesn't appear to have the capacity to lift his team.

Wentz, on the other hand, IS playing on another stratosphere. He makes plays from nothing, is a dual threat, has a great deep ball, and knows how to manage the game pre-snap. Physically, he moves like no 6-5 QB I've ever seen. Does he have flaws? Absolutely. He has improved his mechanics and accuracy, but still has a way to go there. At times he still holds the ball too long. I think the first issue is solvable. The second, I think will be a career issue and is a byproduct of his ability to make something from nothing. Fans will learn to live with it, since it works out more often then it doesn't. That said, all of this is from a player who is 1.5 years removed from playing at North Dakota State. He's an MVP candidate and he hasn't even hit his ceiling yet. That should put dread in the hearts of NFC East fans. (For the record, I feel the same way about Deshaun Watson. The kid is special. Barring (more) injuries, I expect Wentz and Watson will be elite QBs for some time to come).

did you guys enjoy Peterman starting as much as the citizens of Buffalo did? Jesus christ

I'm rooting for McDermott since he's a former Eagles guy, but that was an atrocious decision. In the middle of a playoff race for a team that hasn't made the playoffs in ages? It's the kind of move that can lose a locker.
I'm rooting for McDermott since he's a former Eagles guy, but that was an atrocious decision. In the middle of a playoff race for a team that hasn't made the playoffs in ages? It's the kind of move that can lose a locker.

we're definitely collapsing, the first 7 games were all a sham, but to think he was even close to NFL ready last week is so baffling. Dude still sounds like he wants him to start against the Chiefs this week! unreal
Yeah because passing yards are always a sign of the quality of QB play. Again, you didn't watch the game, and consequently, don't have a valid position on analyzing it.

I could pick just about any stat other than turnovers. A 52% completion percentage against a green secondary in a WCO/college style offense is a sign of poor QB play. Under 7 YPA is poor as well. The running game killed the Cowboys in the second half, not Wentz. He's had 1 game that is "in another stratosphere" this year, and that was against Arizona.

That said, take away a few pieces, and he doesn't appear to have the capacity to lift his team.

Yeah, more things unquantifiable: "lifting his team". Watson and Wentz will probably be good for years to come (although Watson is at risk for being another RG3 with the amount of running he's doing and already blowing out the ACL as well). But again, the Eagles have finally managed to not go into the season with a bunch of JAGs in the receiving corps and combined with their consistantly top D, are winning games. If Agholor and JMatthews were still the top receiving options, and RMatthews/Sproles were the backfield options, I doubt the Eagles would be as explosive on offense.