NFL 2017

When I think of elusive, I think Romo or Wilson, and Wentz doesn't display that talent. He is however, uncannily athletic for a 6'5" white dude, and pulls out of arm tackles via size like Cam Newton. However, unlike Newton, Wentz doesn't generally airmail his passes.

Wentz is elusive. Not Wilson elusive, but few are. Also, his race has nothing to do with any of this. Wilson's most common comp, after all, is Fran Tarkenton.

Edit: Speaking of Newton, based on what I'm seeing this year I am concerned that Dak won't progress past a rich man's Cam Newton. He's got more between the ears, but isn't as big, and his footwork is sloppier than last year. Not sure how much of that is getting antsy from poor pass protection this year, and how much is going to get fixed with time. Not concerned about being an RG3 because his build is totally different. Interestingly, he threw far better after his hand was mashed against the Redskins than before. Wondering if he has been too confident/dependent in his athleticism, and the mild injury made him revert to more solid basics. You can win with a Newton or a Newton+, but requires a solid defense and running game.

I've been thinking of him as a poor man's Donavan McNabb. Similar build and comparable athleticism. McNabb struggled with mechanics as well, especially footwork.
Wentz is elusive. Not Wilson elusive, but few are. Also, his race has nothing to do with any of this. Wilson's most common comp, after all, is Fran Tarkenton.

Well there is Wilson and Romo elusive, and there is Peyton elusive. Those are different qualities but both valuable. Tarkenton's era is so far removed it's not worth the comparison due to the difference in athleticism of the competition.

I've been thinking of him as a poor man's Donavan McNabb. Similar build and comparable athleticism. McNabb struggled with mechanics as well, especially footwork.

McNabb/Moon was the immediate comparison for him coming out of college to some degree. I wouldn't say he's a poor man's version though. If he's McNabb but with the leadership/character qualities Dak displays I'll take that all day long. McNabb literally puked under pressure.
Well there is Wilson and Romo elusive, and there is Peyton elusive. Those are different qualities but both valuable. Tarkenton's era is so far removed it's not worth the comparison due to the difference in athleticism of the competition.

McNabb/Moon was the immediate comparison for him coming out of college to some degree. I wouldn't say he's a poor man's version though. If he's McNabb but with the leadership/character qualities Dak displays I'll take that all day long. McNabb literally puked under pressure.

Let's hold off on calling Prescott a better leader than McNabb. While he may turn out to be, he certainly hasn't led his team through the sort of adversity that McNabb did. McNabb was not a great leader, but he also wasn't some hack. He came through clutch in many tough spots: throwing 4 TDs on a broken ankle, 4th and 26, going 6-2 after getting benched, almost winning 3 straight road playoff games in 2008, etc.

I will say that Prescott was impressive in leading the Cowboys back in the divisional round last year and deserves credit for that. However, at the moment he hasn't handled adversity very well. I'm interested to see how he finishes out the season.
Let's hold off on calling Prescott a better leader than McNabb. While he may turn out to be, he certainly hasn't led his team through the sort of adversity that McNabb did. McNabb was not a great leader, but he also wasn't some hack. He came through clutch in many tough spots: throwing 4 TDs on a broken ankle, 4th and 26, going 6-2 after getting benched, almost winning 3 straight road playoff games in 2008, etc.

I will say that Prescott was impressive in leading the Cowboys back in the divisional round last year and deserves credit for that. However, at the moment he hasn't handled adversity very well. I'm interested to see how he finishes out the season.

I don't know what you mean by not handling adversity well. McNabb was psyched out to the point of somatic affect as a 6 year pro on a talented team based purely on the situation. I haven't seen that from Dak. Dak has issues in two areas: footwork and climbing the pocket. Dallas' Oline has been average at best this season in pass pro, and abysmal with Tyron out, which neatly coincided with his worse games. Romo was a 3+ year starter in 2009, and couldn't do shit in a similar situation in a playoff game against the Vikings where the Oline melted.

He responded well to tough starts/games last year against Minn and Balt and Green Bay, even if the Green Bay game wasn't a win. He responded to a poor start against the Skins, after having his hand injured, with tight throws and solid decisions.
Totally non analysis post: Cowboys and Giants are both doing interesting jersey stuff for their game: Dallas is doing a navy/white scheme and the Giants are wearing throwback "Giants" helmets, which I certainly prefer. Gonna be cool to see.
I don't know what you mean by not handling adversity well. McNabb was psyched out to the point of somatic affect as a 6 year pro on a talented team based purely on the situation. I haven't seen that from Dak. Dak has issues in two areas: footwork and climbing the pocket. Dallas' Oline has been average at best this season in pass pro, and abysmal with Tyron out, which neatly coincided with his worse games. Romo was a 3+ year starter in 2009, and couldn't do shit in a similar situation in a playoff game against the Vikings where the Oline melted.

He responded well to tough starts/games last year against Minn and Balt and Green Bay, even if the Green Bay game wasn't a win. He responded to a poor start against the Skins, after having his hand injured, with tight throws and solid decisions.

Again, Dak has never been in a situation similar to what McNabb was in in the Super Bowl, so how can we say he would handle that level of adversity? Playing well in a regular season game (McNabb did that plenty of times) or even a divisional game (McNabb did that numerous times) is no comparison to the pressure of a Super Bowl. I'd love to see how Dink n' Dak perform in a Super Bowl if Garrett forgot Elliot existed and decided to call 55 passing plays.
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That elusiveness is great when paired with smart running. I think that's why Wilson is so much fun to watch, maybe not quite as big/fast as some of the others but the dude keeps his head on and keeps the dumb runs (and throws) to a minimum. Probably a better asset to him that his arm or feet.
Again, Dak has never been in a situation similar to what McNabb was in in the Super Bowl, so how can we say he would handle that level of adversity? Playing well in a regular season game (McNabb did that plenty of times) or even a divisional game (McNabb did that numerous times) is no comparison to the pressure of a Super Bowl. I'd love to see how Dink n' Dak perform in a Super Bowl if Garrett forgot Elliot existed and decided to call 55 passing plays.

Or, you know, if they were down 3 scores against Aaron Rodgers. Offense hasn't really been the issue in Dallas for years (minus the 3 games before the last of course). It's the year in, year out shitty defense.
Really good turn around by the Dallas O in the fourth quarter, and Dak not getting flustered with the drops. The decision to hand the secondary over to the rookies is starting to pay dividends. J Lewis, Awuzie, and Woods are all much better playmakers and tacklers than the previous set. The expectation was that they would start coming on as the season went on, and the offense just had to cover up the warts until then, which didn't happen with Zeke and Tyron gone. One more game without Zeke, just gotta keep Lee healthy, take care of business, and get some help with tiebreakers.
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Damn, what a bitter-sweet game. On one hand, that was the best and most fun game I've ever gone to. Really exciting back and forth affair between two very strong teams. Great crowd energy, about 60-40 Eagles fans.

...and then Wentz goes down, probably for the year. If it's an ACL, we're all but done, at least as far as the Super Bowl goes. I think Foles can be a solid game manager, even against another playoff team, but it's hard to envision us winning it all with Foles. Brutal injury. Hoping it doesn't diminish his overall ability level going forward.
I feel a lot better about going forward with Nick Foles after this game. He can produce in this offense. On the other hand, the defense has me worried. Struggling against the Rams is one thing, but the Giants is another. The tackling was poor today and the secondary looked like what I envisioned before the season.

Looming forward to the rest of the day’s games. Pats Steelers is huge, and I’m interested to see our last two opponents go at it.

Edit: Also, relieved the Panthers beat the Packers today. One player I don’t want to face in the playoffs is Aaron Rodgers.
This dialogue on Index-Cardgate is a riot:

"Steratore reiterated several times that the card was merely a reaffirmation of the first-down call. Below is the back-and-forth with Tafur:

Q: How did it reaffirm?

A: "That was already finished. The ball was touching the pole. I put the card in there and as soon as it touched, it was nothing more than a reaffirmation. The decision was made based on my visual from the top looking down and the ball touching the front of the pole."

Q: So the card was used for what purpose?

A: "It was just for reaffirmation, but the decision was made based on my visual, looking at the ball touching the pole."

Q: It reaffirmed it how?

A: "The decision was made based on my visual look that the ball was touching the pole. The card did nothing more than reaffirm. The judgment was not made by the card itself. It was made by my visual looking at the football as it relates to the line and the pole."

Q: How did it reaffirm your call?

A: "My call was made based on my visual looking at the football and the front of the line and the pole."

Q: Have you used the card before or how did you think of using that?

A: "It's maybe been done at some point in someone's career but I didn't use the card for my decision. I used my visual looking at the ball reaching the pole."
Dude was smirking the whole time too. Just like when Dallas DLmen are getting put in rear naked chokes and no call. Bring back the scrubs, at least they just weren't very good. Refs swinging games just to swing their dicks.
The ref looked like he had no idea what to do in that situation and just pulled out a piece of paper he had on him. As a semi-neutral, it was pretty hilarious to watch.

I think the refs, at this point, if they don't have agendas (either their own or from the league office), have massive egos and relish the determination of outcomes. Dallas' DLine has been getting no benefit of holding calls even on rear naked chokes going back to last year. This year, they are like last or next to last on drawing holding calls, even with Lawrence and Irving being monsters. The conspiracy theorist in me leans towards a front office that wants to stick it to Jerry (especially combined with the Zeke debacle). It's extremely curious that teams from the northeast overwhelmingly benefit from questionable calls, when the league headquarters and the most privileged teams are from the northeast (NE/Phil/Pit/NYG). The only other teams that can compete historically come from a pre-Goodell era (Dal/SF/GB).
God Dallas receiving corps was massively overrated by myself and everyone else. Beasely is decent in the slot but Dez has regressed to worthlessness and the BodyCatcher is the same but worse. People want to blame Dak but no one is getting open and when they have a spot they let it bounce off their hands. Witten needs to retire. Basically the entire receiving corps other the Beasely/Switz needs to be wiped out. So disappointing.
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