NFL 2017

The Giants run defense and defense in general has still been pretty good. But the oline still sucks and Beckham is the only quick threat, and Eli looks even worse than last year.

The Dallas D, much to pundit chagrin, looks way better than prognostications.
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That Romo video is refreshing after listening to Rhonde Barber sound like a kid doing a report on a book he hasn't read for three hours.

Solid debut from the Eagles. Wentz had some amazing moments, especially when the play broke down. His ability to replant on the move is pretty extraordinary. However, he still has some mechanical issues with a number of underthrows/overthrows.

Defensively, the team looked stout, and the d-line was beastly against a strong o-line. If they can maintain that, it can go a long way in compensating for our secondary weaknesses.

As for the R-words, Kurt Coupons was trash. I can't believe how much they're paying him.
I made a point to watch that game since most of the other matchups were trash. I haven't looked for such a stat, but Cousins has to be the top five in the league over the last few years in INTs in the redzone. Eagles front seven still looks great. I thought the game was kind of sloppy (pretty much every team was looking sloppy though tbh), and although improvement was shown over last year, that includes Wentz.

The NFL needs to do something about the offseason training schedule. The current arrangement is producing a noticeably poorer product on the field.
Annnnnnd the Giants ain't shit without Beckham

Beckham can catch a football for 80 yards and Giants can't even make a touchdown anyways, and if Giants get in the red zone get penalties and get sent back to the 10 yard line and you think theyre going to get a touchdown, Eli throws interceptions as soon as they're going to win, I watch the Giants once in awile, but I prefere other football teams, they're not as bad as the jets, atleast the giants sometimes do crazy as shit regardless if they win or lose, it's entertaining because it's a mindfuck
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Giants had the ball 1st and goal once in the game iirc and wound up losing yardage and having to kick a fg. The offensive tackles are putrid.
Speaking of oline related shit: Dallas cannot buy an offensive holding penalty in their favor, even when a guy gets mugged by 2-3 guys, or when playing the worst line in the league, yet the refs will call penalties on Dallas that never get called, on tickytack grounds. Shits been going on for several years now and it's getting really old. The northeast bias by the league is one of the factors slowly killing the league.
LOL you're truly unbelievable

Dallas was going to lose this game without refs because an allpro oline failed to show as well as the back defensive 7, but there have been a variety of no calls and the leverage penalty (combined with shit from last week and last year that are irritating). Are you telling me Erik Flowers never held last week? You're unbelievable. Holding happens every down.

Edit: Also, I am done with Dez. Dude got his money and shit the bed. Has done nothing since 2014. Cut him and put Noah Brown in to send a message. Let Brown hand out INTs for less money.
Yea great, guys hold, sometimes they get called sometimes they don't. Deal with it and adapt, Cowboys didn't today, that's all there is

Your whole "northeast bias" "killing the league" stuff is just hyberbole
One of my favorite teams is whoever is playing the Cowboys. Just happened to be Denver today. Living in Texas and being exposed to Dallas' fanbase on the daily during football season in unnerving. Living in Dallas for a year didn't help.

And if you weren't born, don't live, or have never lived in the city they represent, they aren't your team. (that was to no one in particular)