NFL 2017

It's the Osi stat. Put up great numbers against a shit lineman/Oline. The Cards are falling back into obscurity

I like seeing Dak actually taking shots downfield. We know he's acccrate with his dink and dunk, he manages a gm well and he can run but from what I saw last night his deep ball is real and they need to let him do that way more. Love their running gm but let the kid take shots, it'll make them so much more dynamic

Really impressed with him and Mariota (another guy they need to let go down field more)
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Yeah Dak has the arm to throw it deep but his accuracy on those deep throws from the pocket isn't phenomenal. He's more like an early Romo or a Rodgers in terms of being really good when the play breaks down. Linehan needs to get more creative with wr motions and getting Dak moving around. Hoping as the season goes on the oline re-gels and all the new guys in the secondary start finding their feet.
Last week, like most, was a long arduous one.

Working countless hours to provide for the family. Putting up with intolerant coworkers who constantly voice their politics but will slap an EO suit on any who dare look askance. I need to provide for my family so I just concentrate on work and ensuring I comply with the 10,000 federal regulations that dictate my job.

Then over the weekend I worked hard to keep my family happy, made sure all the children were at their activities on time and they were successful... also pushed them to finish their homework, complete their chores, and of course I completed my chores as well. Sat down with the wife, reviewed the week's finances, bills and taxes paid and we had enough left to ensure the kids can continue for one more week their baseball and piano lessons.

Finally... its Sunday night. We were all done, caught up. It was time for us to relax, together, a family. Dinner was finished, dishes put away, leftovers in the fridge ready to be packed as lunch in the morning. Now it was time to walk over to the family room and turn on the TV.

Meh, instead...

We took a knee.
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Cowboys oline is seriously suffering from the loss of Leary. I figured there would be some growing pains with Green/Cooper but it's worse than I expected. Jaylon is a nice story but definitely needs Lee in there directing him, and all the rookies in the secondary have a lot of raw promise but I could italicize raw. Dak and Zeke are coming to ground with the oline trying to regel in real time, and it doesn't help neither the 1 or 2 receivers can generate much space on their own (and #2 TWill is mostly an alligator arm body catcher). With the pressure Dak is putting too much on crossing route passes which results in overthrows/arriving too soon.
he said he thinks its funny to hear women talk about route running. twitter exploded

What does that have to do with letting dudes be dudes though? Is he saying that they are puppeting their dudes or something?

I'm missing the connection apparently. Not enough information.

edit: I'll just Google it nm
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Giants blew it, Eli Manning and Beckham sould retire and then watch the jets play on sunday and eat some papa johns, they suck shit
Man at 0-5 with Beckham out for the year, I really don't see how they win more than 3 gms

Darnold, Rosen, Allen here we come. Maybe this year is a blessing

Just hope to god they get rid of the GM and Head Coach
Trying to figure out how Dallas found a pass rush and completely lost the ability to defend the run (apparently Sean Lee was the whole run D). Can't win games when you give up 30+ points every game.
Their D is a problem but against Rodgers most D's fall flat. They have time to adapt and improve. Really like the kid Lewis

Yeah he is solid. Marinelli knows how to make D-Lines better than shit, ut he doesn't know how to defend against all Ds. He really needs to retire and Dallas needs a better 4-3 DC. I think Dallas will make the wild-card based on offense and slow secondary improvement. Eagles are looking pretty solid, Wentz is legit.

Dallas needs another strong defensive back 7 draft and new DC. Linehan has some questionable situational calls but I always refer back to Parcell's dictum that you should win when you score 21+. Double that for 30+.
Eagles offense looked great today. If Wentz is connecting on the deep ball (which he wasn't doing the first four weeks but did today) this offense will be scary.

As for the Cowboys, they are weird. They seem to dominate for stretches and then find ways to lose. And the Giants... I'm kind of worried. They might lose enough games to get an actually good quarterback in the draft.