Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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I as a student know how stressful it can be with moving. Great thing about all this is now it's YOUR house, so once you get it right, it'll be forever ;)
And from our woman perspective, don't you think it's lovely to do all that stuff in interiers?! :) I looove get all the things in their right place, to the smallest detail - "Hm, should I put this picture here above the bed or not... uhm, should this be here or there.. " blah, blah.. I just love it, it's so nice to dwell in a place you know you decorated yourself from scratch.. nice feeling!
Well, if you need help... *money from Shrek mode on* "Pick me! Pick me!" *monkey from Shrek mode off* :D
Oh yes I love interior designing our house. :D All the furniture, wallpapers and paints, lighting, etc. smaller details, you name it! It's just that there is so much to do and time is short. :eek:
Aaaaargh, woman! You're driving me crazy..I want to do all that stuff :D

Uhmm, well.. take it easy ;) I'm sure you'll manage!

Tänään on kaunis päivä :)
I'll be at the DT show tonight as well. Hopefully I'll see you there, MorbidEnemy.

NF: Excited.
@Lolita: Hope everything goes fine with the house! :)

NF: Ok. I took a short trip with my parents today, some of the places i saw brought me memories of the recent past.. The place where we went was beautiful. There were some white and black swans and they were just awesome.. I wish i had a camera with me. On the way back i was very tired and nauseous, but now i'm feeling just fine.
nf: like i'm the only woman in the world who is not that big on interior design. it's not that i hate it - but i find it impossible to pursue while having to work.

moreover, i'm stupid - got a haircut, hence getting exposed to the cold; then went out drinking with mates basically in the street, hence getting exposed to more cold; now i'm sneezing like mad and i probably caught a cold, no wonder. :(
@hyena: Don't worry, i'm not that big on interior design either. Basically, because i tend to be an all-over-the-place kind of person.. It would be a painful procedure for me to decide on my own where every thing has to go, and even then it would get buried under piles of other stuff after a while anyway.
Hope you get well soon.
thanks, me too :) on the design thing, i'm not all-over-the-place... more minimalist. don't want to have stuff around ever. favorite possible room -> white walls, high-tech desk with stereo, computer etc, plus somewhere to sit and a Dalì painting.
Well, i don't want to have things around either, but the bitches accumulate so fast... :rolleyes: I don't like throwing away stuff, so now i barely have any room for them to be put in order. So i just let them be, and one day i'll do a major clean-up..
I'm not drunk but wrecked, just came back from linz (how I hate to take the nighttrains) but it was worth, naglfar were soooo great, my neck still hurts and also really liked amoral, cool band... hm... I just saw a few songs of finntroll (well not that much my cup of tea) and then had already to leave to catch my train...
NF: like the biggest idiot in the world.

A friend just called me asking if I master Java and UML because there's a job vacancy, with earnings almost the double of my mother's but last December I chose to master another language instead of java... :(
hyena said:
i'm not all-over-the-place... more minimalist. don't want to have stuff around ever. favorite possible room -> white walls, high-tech desk with stereo, computer etc, plus somewhere to sit and a Dalì painting.
Hey, that's exactly where my tastes lie on that matter (except maybe for the Dali painting).

Thanatos said:
NF: like the biggest idiot in the world.

A friend just called me asking if I master Java and UML because there's a job vacancy, with earnings almost the double of my mother's but last December I chose to master another language instead of java... :(

I'm sure there are more where that vacancy came from. Look around for more opportunities in a language you do know. Or alternatively, get yourself a nice Java book and learn. Having had experiences with other languages, I'm sure it wouldn't be too bad.
Also, that doesn't make you an idiot; it just makes you one of the many people that got served a cold dish of irony and bad luck by life ..that bitch.

DragonLady: Sounds like a great time. I personally might've enjoyed it even more since Finntroll is an herb in my cup of tea :P
@mags and all the finntroll fans: finntroll are going to play here in a short while, but i've never heard anything by them. i would like to check them out before deciding whether to attend the gig, where should i start?
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