Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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NF: Arthritic? The top joint in my right index finger is swelling a little and it's becoming painful to touch and to flex. A few weeks ago there was similar pain in the left shoulder, elbow, and wrist - mostly in the elbow. Crrrap. This could be the onset of arthritis. Haven't seen the doc about it because I thought the elbow shit would go away. Well, it did but not completely. There is still some slight pain on a full extend and flex. The whole arm just isn't as strong as it used to be and now the index finger is giving me grief. There have been no injuries or anything like that but I continue to put myself in situations where the chances of that happening increase. :err: Broken bones or other injuries are never a good thing, for anyone, but at this stage of the game something like that could be really nasty. Food for thought I suppose.

Moral of the story: Don't forget to enjoy every minute of your youthful years, they slip away fast.
wildfyr said:
Don't forget to enjoy every minute of your youthful years, they slip away fast.

and then you become a pope against god's will, and - in retrospect - a supporter of a totalitarian regime that was popular when you were five, and kids who see you on tv start crying and tell their parents how ugly you are and what an evil person you must therefore be.
Schwedentod said:
What's going on in this forum TFH posted is a little off the way I think, but Ratzinger?!?
I'm not sure if I understand what you're saying there. Both of my comments were posted for pure comedic value anyhow, I'm not going to start arguing over the Pope twice a month.
rahvin said:
and then you become a pope against god's will, and - in retrospect - a supporter of a totalitarian regime that was popular when you were five, and kids who see you on tv start crying and tell their parents how ugly you are and what an evil person you must therefore be.

um. say what? :hypno:
rahvin said:
sorry, that wasn't about you, of course. ;) you're not likely to become a pope anytime soon. which sucks, as they certainly get some pretty cool treatment for their arthritis.

Ohhh. Ok. Now I think I understand. *writes the nearsighted, arthritic(?) woman*

If there is a next time you wish to grace me with a response, shall I assume it's another stylish non sequitur?
fireangel said:
Also please consider that what might be logic within the roman catholic doctrine is not a law for anyone standing outside of it. So you are right from your belief (or if its not your personal belief, it´s correct from the roman catholic point of view in general) but that doesn´t hinder me to doubt the overall concept and say that God could express his will of who would become the next pope also by other means than this election concept.

sorry, but this is still ignorant in terms of understanding what "logic" means. something is logical if it works according to the rules of a certain system. logic has nothing to do with whether that system is worth shit.

in the set of rules called "catholic doctrine", the procedure used to elect the pope is logical. to my knowledge, none of the ministers in the conclave "stands outside" of that system.

@wildfyr: again, i apologize profusely for hijacking your post. i should have known better than to make a joke involving you. needless to say, you don't have to worry about further responses.
rahvin said:
@wildfyr: again, i apologize profusely for hijacking your post. i should have known better than to make a joke involving you. needless to say, you don't have to worry about further responses.

No need to apologize. Just trying to understand the intent of your reply.

How about a little pope humor?

hihi :)

Im feeling good today, didnt have to go to class.. meow. I'll go buy some stuff now and have a delicious espresso when I come back. yumyum! :)

I missed the Anathema gig last sunday :( The plan was to stay at a friend's place but he had already invited people over so we had no place to stay for the night. The last train back leaves around 23:20 so that was not an option really. :cry:
NF: :OMG: I just got my tattoo. Everyone's told me that it doesn't hurt, so i wasn't scared at all. She started and asked if it hurt, and i said "no, it just tickles, feels funny". Then she moved on, and i was like "OH MY GOD WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING TO ME :waah:" Jesus christ it hurt. Or i thought it did.. Until she'd gone through all the lines 3 times and still continued. I sat there, 4 hours, hurting more than i've ever hurt in my entire life. During the last hour and a half i felt so sick that we had to have some breaks so i could breathe. (I felt sick and dizzy because it hurt so much that i was holding my breath the whole time, and seeing the cream+blood mess didn't help)
I never would've imagined that it could hurt that much. Then again, no wonder that it hurts when someone's sticking a needle in you for 4 hours :ill:
uuh where did u get it? it depends on the place too... I got mine on the back and at some places it did hurt very much and at some others not at all... I just felt dizzy at the beginning cause my body would let some antihurting hormones out (now tell me how u call that I forgot the name haha) and had to stop for 10 minutes but then it was fine, I felt so high after and I really want that feeling again ;) what did u get btw?
DragonLady1 said:
uuh where did u get it? it depends on the place too... I got mine on the back and at some places it did hurt very much and at some others not at all... I just felt dizzy at the beginning cause my body would let some antihurting hormones out (now tell me how u call that I forgot the name haha) and had to stop for 10 minutes but then it was fine, I felt so high after and I really want that feeling again ;) what did u get btw?
On my lower back/hip.. not in the middle like most people do, it's on the side. And it's quite big, so that means more pain too.
I wish i'd felt high after it, i just felt weird.
It's got the first letter of my first and my last name + my horoscope in it. It's a dragon with some tribal stuff. The dragon is shaped like the letter S, which is from my first name.
Well, congrats idari.. I think you chose the worst part of your body. I heard that lower back hurts pretty much, same as belly or neck. I did mine on my calf and it didn't hurt at all, it was a nice feeling. And I'd describe it as the one who tattooed you did - like someone's tickling you, or like small waves of electricity running through that part of my body... nice feeling all in all :)
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