Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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@wildfyr: don't worry, i'm 27 this week and i've been diagnosed with the same bu as you. there's really no thing as "youthful years", and as rahvin wisely stated we can't even become pope :p
I got two tattoos on both me shoulders (its not so original, I know, but you gotta start somewhere :) ) and it was ok. After it got swollen I didnt feel a thing, just pressure. But I plan to get more, so Im thinking of the next place. I will probably go with Tina and have it done on my calf, but Im also thinking about my arm (all of it, phew!) or just forearm, from wrist to elbow.
Cool! What do you have on your shoulders, Marduk?

I know that I'll do both of my arms..well, one will be a half-sleeve and I will tattoo something I've been wanting for a long time on my other arm. And probably my other calf sometime in the future :D
nf: utter, total shit. my father's health has taken the umpteenth turn for the worse, with consequences that are honestly better left alone.

Where's the switch I could just turn off and on, this ain't what I chose to be
So please God, give me the strength to have what it takes to carry on
rahvin said:
and human politics cannot be an expression of god's will because...?

they can. But with the sentence I wrote before the single one you quoted, I tried to explain that it doesn´t seem only like a revelation to each voter. If you count in all the previous years for the final decision making, what I do, then wouldn´t that be enough time for God to bring everyone in line if it´s a pure expression of his/her/its will? So that they voted uniquely for the same person in the first round?
That´s why I mean the political reasons are rather human.
If you see it that way that everything a human does, is God´s will, then people are rather marionettes, besides couple of people have another belief. Of course if God´s almighty, he would influence also those not believing in him/her..etc, but it doesn´t really seem like that.
Well, welcome to and endless arguing circle...

Idari: the people who said it doesn´t hurt, they probably lied ;)
But now you´re luckily past this nice initiation ritual. Just wait, in a short while you´ll want another one :grin:
hyena said:
nf: utter, total shit. my father's health has taken the umpteenth turn for the worse, with consequences that are honestly better left alone.

Where's the switch I could just turn off and on, this ain't what I chose to be
So please God, give me the strength to have what it takes to carry on

Oh, sorry to hear Hyena... *hugs*
Hope that everything will be okay..
fireangel said:
they can. But with the sentence I wrote before the single one you quoted, I tried to explain that it doesn´t seem only like a revelation to each voter. If you count in all the previous years for the final decision making, what I do, then wouldn´t that be enough time for God to bring everyone in line if it´s a pure expression of his/her/its will? So that they voted uniquely for the same person in the first round?
Mysterious ways. Maybe God is drunk 24/7.
fireangel said:
wouldn´t that be enough time for God to bring everyone in line if it´s a pure expression of his/her/its will? So that they voted uniquely for the same person in the first round?

and how do you know that god's will is for everyone to vote for the same person in the first round?

If you see it that way that everything a human does, is God´s will, then people are rather marionettes, besides couple of people have another belief. Of course if God´s almighty, he would influence also those not believing in him/her..etc, but it doesn´t really seem like that.

you should read about the relationship between free will and predetermination in catholicism. not because it would convince you of anything, but so that at least you have a general idea about the subject you're commenting on. instead of just ranting about something, mixing in every preconceived ideas we might have, it's maybe better to look a few facts up first.

@hyena: just read about your dad, i'll send you an email as soon as i can.

as a side note for the benefit of the "now feeling" people, i now feel as if i had just been in a car crash. in fact, i have just been in one, and hurt my neck. for some reason, possibly involving the fact that my car spun around a few times without hitting anything (other vehicles did the actual crashing), my precious means of travelling short distances is intact.
TheNewBuild said:
Well, congrats idari.. I think you chose the worst part of your body. I heard that lower back hurts pretty much, same as belly or neck. I did mine on my calf and it didn't hurt at all, it was a nice feeling. And I'd describe it as the one who tattooed you did - like someone's tickling you, or like small waves of electricity running through that part of my body... nice feeling all in all :)
Most people say the most painful place to get tattoo is inner arm.
But what do I know, I don't have any tattoos.

Hello everyone :wave:
fireangel said:
Idari: the people who said it doesn´t hurt, they probably lied ;)
But now you´re luckily past this nice initiation ritual. Just wait, in a short while you´ll want another one :grin:
I already do want another one :D It's worth the pain i guess. (i can't believe i just said that :s)

@ TNB: Yeah lower back is one of the most painful places. Especially the sides. It didin't hurt nearly as much in the middle of the back as it did on the hips.

If i post pics of my tattoo, everyone else has to post pics of theirs too :p
It probably depends on a person if the tattooing hurts or not. My ex b/f got a tattoo around his arm i.e. inner arm too and it was said to be very painful but instead he smiled through the whole tattooing session and said it didn't hurt a bit.

I reckon that the lower back and hips might be quite painful places. Don't know it personally because I haven't go a tattoo there but I've got lower back and pelvis pain very often so I know how it feels when in pain. :erk:

Anyhow, congrats idari about your tattoo. Pics might be interesting to see.
@Fevermist - Terve ;) YEAH.. I heard that inner arm is also a painful choice. But, we'll see... that won't scare me :D

@Idari - ouch, I bet. Everyone who did it said so.. but hey, the pain is over now.. you just take good care of your little colored pet and it'll be great ;)
Btw, I DID post a picture of my tattoo ;) Soooo... what are you waiting for? :D
Ive probably been ranting on about this several times before, but I'll rant away again anyway.
From this summer on, students will have to pay an extra fee of 500 Euros at german Unis. Some people say like: "That's not much money, most people have a few Euros on their accounts and with a little work you'll scrape the money together, besides, paying money for education might not be the worst way of spending it, so what the Hey!"
There are 2 major flaws in this argumentation:
1. Together with the extra fee, Unis will get major cuts in their budgets, so the student-tax will only fill those holes. So basically, you're not paying the education itself, you fill up the financial holes in the countrie's budget.
2. States like Hamburg already announced that the fee will go up to about 2500 Euros, maybe 3000. Now who can pay so much money?

It makes me even more mad to think that for the politicians, there wont be a problem, they have all the money the need to send their kids to any Uni they want. Classic case of politics by rich people, for rich people.
The saddest part is that our student representatives dont manage to do anything. I just spent 20 minutes listening to some weird girl reading facts from a sheet of paper I already knew, then some other guy tried to pull off a revolutionary speech which was plain horrible. I know that today's youths arent too interested in politics, but there are reasons for their despair.. and there they had their little revolt, people screamed "booh!" and blew their whistles and in the end everyone went home! ARGH!
Through the windows of the main mensa you could see that it was as crowded as ever. Well, talk about lack of interest in politics. Anyway, Im tempted to write them an email and complain about how stupid they are.
Sorry to hear that Taliesin!
Our government threatened with higher costs of dorms and food, but some demonstrations were held and then they retreated. Maybe you should try the same.. get as more students as possible together and try to make a difference... public protests as here or whatever useful method you can maybe come across. I see you're motivated and angry, try to take that as an advantage... try to encourage those ppl who gave speech today, try something! It can only help!

Good luck with that problem and with the rest of your studies!
There were demonstrations and more will take place, but I dont think actions like that will make the ministers change their course.
A friend's prof said like "What's going on here? They're about to take away your entire future and you wont get off your ass? We went to demonstrate for a lot smaller things in the 68 movement!" and it's true, our future is about to be taken away and no one is doing anything about it.
rahvin said:
you should read about the relationship between free will and predetermination in catholicism. not because it would convince you of anything, but so that at least you have a general idea about the subject you're commenting on. instead of just ranting about something, mixing in every preconceived ideas we might have, it's maybe better to look a few facts up first.

To everybody their own view of the world. I possibly can´t study every subject in the world in order to be allowed having an opinion on it.
The advice you give me applies to pretty much everything we discuss here. People who are not studied musicians debate on music. People who haven´t read a ton of psychology-books have an opinion on relationships, non-economists debate on world economy and so on. You surely know more about philosophy and and catholicism than me, but you are not omniscient or almighty on the subject either (and not omniscient in general). And yet you feel free to throw in your point of view.
Hey Taliesin, sorry to hear that! But you know what the problem is, dont you? Schroeder is a left-wing politician who came to power after 16 years of Kohls right-wing government, which kept the budget in balance, cut the taxes and mainly didnt waste money on all the social benefits social democrats are so fond of. So, after those 16 years Germany was pretty well off, so Schroeder thought he could raise those benefits here and there, but he lost control over it and now the budget is fucked up. So what can he do? - he tried cutting on the benefits, but people got used to that and went mad (well, if youd be getting a nice fat unemployment benefit, meaning money for doing nothing from other tax payers, youd be mad too, hehe). So hes raising all these fees and small taxes to get the money back. Its the same here, they want to reform university education, to privatise it, but they dont have a clue how.
Just joining in on this papal frenzy that seems to have swept many a forumer off their feet, making them giddy with excitement and self-righteous fury, and etc. (yeah, I admit, I only read the last two pages and I'm sitting here with my lovely dictionary of English synonyms and antonyms. Onwards!)
Anyway, on to some of my thoughts. Is the election of the pope political? But of course it is! How could it not be? All of the cardinals were certainly equally good candidates for the papacy in terms of faith, purity (ahem) and just brimming with the typical Christian love and goodness. None of them could make a legitimate claim to be much closer to God than any of the others, in any case. So far, so good. Now, the Catholic church is maybe not so much now but it certainly used to be a strong political power and very influential when it came to the way countries were governed. Being the pope is still very much a political and representative duty; what policy is the church going to have regarding this or that and so on? So they just have to decide what their political stance will be this comind decade or two, and elect their pope accordingly. Can politics then not be divine intervention or whatever to call it? I don't profess to know the answer, I'll leave that question to the philosophers.

Oh, and for the record, I wish they would've chosen the guy who speaks eight languages and is a certified pilot. If one had ever been invited to the Vatican, I reckon he would've been such an interesting fellow to swill sacramental wine together with until the wee hours while trading war stories of unbelievably difficult grammar dilemmas.
fireangel said:
To everybody their own view of the world. I possibly can´t study every subject in the world in order to be allowed having an opinion on it.
The advice you give me applies to pretty much everything we discuss here. People who are not studied musicians debate on music. People who haven´t read a ton of psychology-books have an opinion on relationships, non-economists debate on world economy and so on. You surely know more about philosophy and and catholicism than me, but you are not omniscient or almighty on the subject either (and not omniscient in general). And yet you feel free to throw in your point of view.

like i said, you should just look up the basics. there's no need to study a subject that thoroughly. but the basics are necessary to have a conversation. on any topic. sorry.
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