this thread is taking a turn for the creepy.
i think that somebody will hit me soon. i felt very sleepy when i got home after a dinner with my friend paola (who doesn't have a penis - see the caption thread for details), therefore i sent a message to someone whom i'm not
theoretically talking to (the theory fails every 48 hours, more or less) saying that some comfort wouldn't go amiss in this hour of tiredness. i got an extensive comfort phone call, but it was interrupted by someone else calling him. the someone else was impromptu labeled
the ususal annoyance (by him, not me, and that's just because he thinks i believe his stories about who's calling him. which i don't, because the truth is obvious). i think that one of these days the usual annoyance is going to hit me, and i'll have a hard time explaining to her that it's wrong to hit women.
edit: hilj, your comment about technology cracked me up (for the non-italians, "avanzato" means both advanced and leftover).

congratulations on your test.