hyena said:
nf: quite cool actually. i've managed to clean everything that had to be cleaned, now my flat looks reasonable, it's not even two am
Ah good, I say we all meet in hyena's place
hyena said:
tomorrow i'm having a non-horrible day at work (or at least it shouldn't happen), i'm listening to a nice record, and i almost feel loved, eventhough i really know it's just some kind of evil joke being played on me by the cosmos.
Nah, the cosmos is too busy and cold-hearted for humor. Also, playing a joke on you would actually violate the second law of thermodynamics, which as we all know is the last thing the cosmos would do

Hiljainen said:
tired, and i was planning to take a look at my high school chemistry book, since the other day i had some trouble adding stuff
So wouldn't you need a grade-school arithmetic book instead?
Rusty said:
NF: Dizzy, nauseated, and so tired despite having slept more today than the previous 3 days this week put together.
I've been there.. though in my case, after missing normal sleep for a couple of days, one session of sleeping an excess number of hours gets me feeling great again.
TheFourthHorseman said:
A minor annoyance is that I keep biting my lower lip, unintentionally..
..how the hell do you manage
that, dude?
TheFourthHorseman said:
Well ..shit!
Arch said:
Stressed out. Big test coming up in 12 hours and I'm not prepared. Ugggh. Wish me luck.
So you have 12 hours.
get prepared, or at least try your best to.
Oh wait, you posted that about 12 hours ago..
In fact, you must be taking that exam as I type this.
Good luck, man.
Child of Time said:
I'm going home-home this weekend. I won't have to cook or make the dishes for two days, what a relief.
Hey! Don't be lazy now.
Help your poor mother out ..show her how much of an independent and able young man you've become, and how much character you've built through your 'hard times' of washing dishes and cooking
idari said:
NF: Good, because i managed to cheer Ville up when he was all sad
Good for you and Ville

..is he another one of your cats?
Caelestia said:
There you go, that's the way to feel, Li.
Ethereal Sage said:
NF: Tired and sore and wondering how my sleep pattern has been affected by the eents of the last 3 days.
I hope not too much. Are eents the Australian equivalent of gnomes?
Siren said:
my friends and i did use that phrase all the time irl a couple of years back, it gave us some great laughs back then.
Ha! you Greek dorks
Siren said:
NF: i forgot to mention i'm starting hospital tomorrow and swedish next week.
Congratulations, I hope you enjoy the experience
Dark_Jester said:
Lycka till med att lära dig svenska!
Det är mycket svårt...
ja, ja, Grattis svenska lektion att henne och många älg!
Dark_Jester said:
You are the weakest link. GOODBYE!
Ha! You British, Swede-wannabe, dork.
NF: like I should go to bed..
Everyone in this place is getting sick..
Actually, I was told that they said in the news something about this being one of the worst epidemics of flu that have been around for a long time..
..and my body stands defiant still :Smokedev: