Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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Magsec4 said:
Hey! Don't be lazy now.
Help your poor mother out her how much of an independent and able young man you've become, and how much character you've built through your 'hard times' of washing dishes and cooking

But I gladly do other household chores, like, like...walking the dog or something! :eek:

Magsec4 said:
ja,ja, Grattis svenska lektion att henne och många älg!


...I guess it's a step forward...

EDIT: Damn Dell. :bah: They doesn't respond at all until you threaten to contact the National Board for Consumer Complaints (abbreviated ARN in Sweden). I wrote an e-mail to them two weeks ago, in which I was quite polite, which they only responded with spam advertising. Yesterday afternoon I sent them a reminder, and said that I was tired of waiting and that I will contact ARN if I haven't heard from them within a week. I did also mention this as 'subject'. That made them answer within minutes. :yell:
I have to pack my stuff so I can move to another city on saturday, where I'll begin my studies.
Ive just come back from Helsinki where I had the pretty much best 1,5 weeks of my life, and I come back to this.. gah.
Not only do I miss Gaby, I cant even allow myself to be sad, but have to focus on the pile of stuff that should come with me to the new apartment.
Luckily for you all I wont have internet at my new apartment until the 18th, by then all my desire to write down my sorrow in pathetic little posts will hopefully have passed.. yeah :Smug:
NF: good, all good. one of the kids just gave me a present <3 and another is constantly telling the others to go to hell, cause she wants to be alone with me :/

yesterday was a fun day. i had to clean up some places, but it was fun and easy cause the kids all wanted to help me. after work i went to the center and bough a monkey shirt and some bacardi breezers for tonight's party. then i sat in a park chatting with another au pair for a few hours. it was nice. i'm starting to get to know people here!

today is gonna be easy. i'll just spend a few hours with the kids, no cleaning or vacooming or washing or anything. after work i'm gonna go to the center and maybe buy some more drinks and a new shirt. and then, at night, an american au pair is having a party. should be fun!
hihi thankyou Lasse

also: i have a thing for latin americans. last night there was some indians playing on the street and i got all happy and excited and wanted to have their babies.
MagSec4 said:
Good for you and Ville :) he another one of your cats? :)
Haha, nah he's a friend of mine. I do have human friends too, believe it or not :D :p

@ Ulla: wheee *hugs* I'm really glad that you're doing great over there! :) Timmy was on TV last night :eek:

NF: A bit bored, but tonight will probably be fun :) Waiting for people to come home. I should be non-bored in an hour :p I think i'll just go hang out with Kentsu until then. I love these people because they're so cool and fun and they all like me :')
Northern Viking said:
Luckily for you all I wont have internet at my new apartment until the 18th
thats not lucky for me :yell:

NF: antisocial. poor. overwhelmed by lots of homework/translation/etc that have built up and i should do this weekend, but im not in the mood. i just want to sleep, and eat.
Hah, I'll show you antisocial. Or, more to the point, I won't. :zombie:

NF: "Feverish, devillish and irrelevant", and listening to a lot of My Dying Bride.
Rusty said:
NF: "Feverish, devillish and irrelevant", and listening to a lot of My Dying Bride.

Catchiness X infinity. I get a funny feeling whenever I think of that line. Ah, better listen to some MDB too. Now if I could only remember which song that line is from. :p Probably Under Your Wings And Into Your Arms so I won't listen to that...

NF: Not too good, but I'm listening to MDB.
TheFourthHorseman said:
Catchiness X infinity. I get a funny feeling whenever I think of that line. Ah, better listen to some MDB too. Now if I could only remember which song that line is from. :p Probably Under Your Wings And Into Your Arms so I won't listen to that...

NF: Not too good, but I'm listening to MDB.
Me too. I hadn't listened to that song in a while, but when I typed out "NF: Feverish", that line just popped into my head and I had to finish it off, then spend ages trying to remember which song it was (I thought it was from TDH), and then play the opening riff of the song over and over again since I can't be arsed to learn the rest of it. Oh what fun we can have.

Well you certainly chose the perfect wording to make it seem oh so platonic. :) Also, this "fist time" that you speak of sounds highly kinky.
Child of Time said:
MagSec4 said:
ja,ja, Grattis svenska lektion att henne och många älg!
...I guess it's a step forward..
:D :D
..and if I knew any other Swedish words, I'd have thrown them in there somewhere :p

Northern Viking: Good to hear you had a good time. Good luck with moving and starting your studies.

Naku: Yep, life, gotta keep at it.

NF: Concerned, worried, and thoughtful..
Every time i go to visit my grandfather i'm further shocked and saddened at his decline. It confuses me, how a man who was still fine on the surface a mere two weeks ago or so (walking, talking, joking around as always) can completely change to be almost unrecognisable in such a short time. I'd seen my grandmother follow a similar path over the course of 5 years or so, but to see the same happen so quickly is just scary. Now he's just a tiny unrecognisable shell, struggling to breathe and staring absently at the ceiling.. i guess he's said his last words now, today was the first day that i looked at him lying there at hospital and just couldn't see the man i knew. *sigh*

To go along with this work has been completely shit, under so much pressure for something and when it was finally 'completed' and installed on our client's system it failed at the last step. So thursday and friday i worked late, and with no lunch break or similar to fix the problems (as did other people there). But of course there's still an overload of work that needs to be done. Meh, i need a break.

also, people are selfish

NF: Worn out, depressed, sad..

but there's still music.. ordered 10 CDs from amazon the other day, bought a midi keyboard today. Still making progress on re-recording an album, and writing new material..

and post rock is great, it's just about all i listen to at the moment
Do you mind if I ask what 'post rock' is? I've heard the phrase bandied about often enough of late, but no one seems to be albe to narrow down a definition. Usually they just site a few obscure bands.
NF: A bit weird, he passed away during the night.. meh

Spike said:
Do you mind if I ask what 'post rock' is? I've heard the phrase bandied about often enough of late, but no one seems to be albe to narrow down a definition. Usually they just site a few obscure bands.
I'm still relatively new to the genre myself, but my understanding is... slow developing and progression of ideas, not very riffy (you generally wont find a straight-8 rocking beat in post rock), ambient/atmospheric, usually instrumental or with minimal vocals... hmm. Think Sigur Ros, GY!BE, Magyar Posse, Explosions in the Sky..
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