Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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Just saw dragonforce play again and they were fucking superb!!! \m/ \m/ \m/

such an awesome attitude toward their fans, and also an energy and speed that is unmatched. you cant comprehend unless you're there, and then a couple of days later you dont know if your memories on the events you witnessed are correct. the three guitarists in a triangle playing the neck of each others guiatrs while strumming chords on the other other guiatists tool. bloody difficult to comprehend the tricks they pull off on stage.
NF: shitty. I chipped a tooth with a hammer. No, I wasn't hammering my mouth. I was pulling a nail from a board, and the nail snapped, causing my hand to snap back quicker than I had expected. This feels so weird, cause it's such a small chip, but its on my top front-right tooth.

@kov: i did the same a couple of years ago with a pen. i was biting it into oblivion due to exam stress and at some point a smallish part of my top front-right tooth gave way. it's invisible tho.

nf: extremely depressed.
oh, i have a chipped tooth too, a small bit of the front-right one, let's create a club o_O

NF: really alone. and i keep falling asleep for like 10 minutes without even realizing that i'm falling asleep, one second i'm reading and then i wake up.
I chipped one of my teeth in my younger days when I didn't get out of the way of a swing :(

NF: That I wish I didn't open that second bottle of wine last night, as my stomach has been keeping me from feeling ok. Also, there's a bastard of a tickle in the back of my throat that I can't seem to shake. Apart from that, a good night last night and day today was had, just relaxing in good company.
Child: You know the moon landings were faked right? :D

Oh, and space ships around Area-51 aren't UFO's, they're the military testing secret new aircraft for the purpose of invading....


Dark_Jester said:
Child: You know the moon landings were faked right? :D

Oh, and space ships around Area-51 aren't UFO's, they're the military testing secret new aircraft for the purpose of invading....



I did also read about a few tabloid papers' sagas about people being kidnapped by aliens and such and The Sun had made up a story were two Swedish girls had been kidnapped. The "journalist" had tried to made up names for them that would sound Swedish. The girls' names were "Ula Gulstead" and "Gretchen Ullman". (*rotfl*). Both girls were students at "University of Sweden" (*lolomgrotflmao*) Sweden is sure a small country, but we do have at least a few universities.
Child of Time said:

I did also read about a few tabloid papers' sagas about people being kidnapped by aliens and such and The Sun had made up a story were two Swedish girls had been kidnapped. The "journalist" had tried to made up names for them that would sound Swedish. The girls' names were "Ula Gulstead" and "Gretchen Ullman". (*rotfl*). Both girls were students at "University of Sweden" (*lolomgrotflmao*) Sweden is sure a small country, but we do have at least a few universities.

:lol: Awww, that's classic. I love it when people decide to use Swedish people in something fictional (even if they're trying to pass it off as fact) and just get it so completely wrong... god, it's not that difficult to research if you want to appear believable ;)
But I suppose they didn't :D
Haha, that sounds so unreal. Are the tabloids in the UK really that bad? Ours (which I hate with a somewhat burning passion) seem tame in comparison already.
ha, ha, i live in a tabloid-less country.

i'm wondering what possessed me to listen to old stuff all night long. now i'm doomed to see therapy?'s stories through the bitter end, and it's not like i need a reminder of some things.
idari said:
The mental image of you shooting yourself with a shitgun isn't too pleasant :ill:
Yeah, but it brings a whole new meaning to the term 'shit-fa-brains' if you were to try and commit suicide now, wouldn't it? :lol:
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